What's up Frieda?

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Bloom's Pov
"What is up with you Frieda?"
I inquired.

"What do mean is up with me?" asked Frieda back. "I need to talk to Stella if you don't mind in here if you please."

"Sure I'll get her," I reply quickly. I walked out of Frieda's room. "She's actually acting like she wants to do things, Flora you were right."

"I know when something special," says Flora. "is taking off and now that tree is the best of the trees in the beautiful forest."

"It's lovely Flora Flora."

"Frieda do you always have to be so annoying?" inquires Stella. Eugh my best friend always arguing with people too soon. She does this with everyone in the group new or not.  The rest of the world waa like her oyster.

"Stella please can you give Lillian another chance? She is really trying to help."

"You don't even know who's the so called half daughter of Chimera? I don't do half family."

"Lillian I well she never mentioned wanting to be of the royal family. She only wants to have to her title and her home back the one Cassandra stole." Frieda spoke.

"Really?" asked Stella gasping.

"Why is this impossible for you?" inquired Frieda. "It should be such a simple decision and by the way Lillian told me she's doesn't have a gown for the dance tomorrow."

"Oh," sighs Stella. "Come meet me then tomorrow evening and I'll get you both set up."

"It looks like it's also Lillian's birthday tomorrow."

"Well then I'm off to bake some cupcakes for breakfast," I say.

"Hey Bloom wait up for me," says Tecna. "You said I could help next time right girl?"

"Sure, Flora too I know she's learning to cook for herself," I state.

"Sounds like Aisha's on the phone again."

"Ace you're funny so funny," responds Aisha. "Thanks for the call and how was plantology with Palladium?" She asked.

"I keep hearing her talk more and more about him now. So that's where the elf has been but why would they need to do classes alone?"

"Nobody knows really," says Stella. "You'll meet Ace sometime at the party he's always there every year we've been here so far as well."

"I don't know you're always talking about that boy," states Frieda.

"I'll try to talk to Lillian again what were you doing out there?" asked Stella.

"STELLA!" Musa snaps. "Stop being so nosey you can tell. Remember what you talk about with me and Tecna?"

"Okay fine forget I ever said something about your hanging out." says Stella. Frieda laughs.

"You're funny at times Stella," states Frieda.

"That's our Stella," responds Aisha.

"Are you ready to share what really happened on Andros?" inquires Stella. Aisha froze.

"I'm gonna go to courtyard," says Aisha.

"Aisha are you okay?" inquires Mirta.

"No. Every time here Mirta when I want to forget things somebody in my group keeps asking about Andros I really don't want to talk about it right now especially with school starting for the moment."

"Then why don't you join us and Rain in the ballet room Aisha," invites Alice.

"You really mean it Alice?" asked Aisha.

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