His Father's Always Been Dead!

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Icy's POV
"Lillian stop damaging him won't make him regret anything he did or even make you feel better. I know from experience!"

"Oh yeah right I don't need advice from a witch who waits till last minute to tell her worst enemy she was mistaken about them. No one gave up your family's secrets did they Icy? The fact your mother split from the darkness bothered you so much years later you decided to shun her.
I never met my Mother because of your grandmothers' wars raged upon this very galaxy. It lasted for years that not even you could possibly remember." Lillian shouts. "You I may not be able to harm Icy but I can indeed hurt him because he's not from this dimension and it's time for him to get back exactly where he belongs and stop threatening me! Cloud dragon attack!"

"STORMY!" Icy calls out. "Please answer for the sake of what you want to taunt."

"Slick moves," Stormy states. "But not slick enough Jasper you don't have your Bloom here who's willing to die for you if you're in trouble!"

Lillian gasps. The Pied Piper saw his chance. He didn't befriend the witches at all.

"Shadow rebound!"

Lillian screams the silence was almost unbearable. She found herself in a dark room.  She struggled. She was panicked. Corwin felt the magic the waves settling all of a sudden.

"Who are you?" asked Lillian forcefully.

"Someone who wants to help you young angel I know how it feels to be so imbalanced so emotional no one believes truth when you hear it. You of all fairies have had one of the roughest miserable lives. Yet there was a bonus."

You're not very friendly if changing me up you think we'll succumb!"

"Oh no! You're not the one I want to hurt but you're the bait. The witches fighting off that stupid shadow wizard! Such a naive stranger."

Lillian covered her ears knowing she had ignored the melodies made by the flute.

"You did it? Didn't you?" She yells. "I know you're secret Pied Piper. You're the one who killed Musa's mother!"

"I have sadly done much more damage than that much more damage than your step-mother even Cassandra could do.
Tell me how's my son, Ace the so called Paladdin of Red Fountain Academy to think he make history winding up with you as his girlfriend Lillian.
Your father saved his life but the question will he ever be able to save yours himself at any particular time?"

"How in the world are you Ace's father?" gasped Lillian. "He said his father's dead to him abandoned him as a young boy with his mother."

"Don't mention that fairy!"

"I'm going to say something about because you brought up the stupid conversation about my boyfriend!" Lillian snaps. "Let me be! I'm not gonna tell you anything at all and I don't believe a word of what you said anyways!
You're a liar a criminal and a thief plus murderer!"

The words stung through the very cloak and it hurt Alfred even now to hear the bitter truth from one who would soon be family.

"Then enjoy sitting in the dark without any light young nymph of Solaria. I have studied many a kind of your special powers and you cannot open this cell without my help!"

"Few at least Jasper's gone," says Darcy.

"For now, Stormy certainly scared him off." Icy says. "But he won't stop trying to get the dragonflame even if it's not pure or not anymore."

"I think we have bigger problems." Stormy said.

"We helped you out and this how you treat us you backlash us all over again?" asked Flora. "Just when I thought we would all come to a decent understanding where at least we're on the same page."

"Flora stop!" Chimera says. "They didn't do this! Lillian was fighting Jasper. I can sense dark magic trails. The Pied Piper took her. Darcy can you get us underground?"

"Why are you asking her?" inquires Stormy. "She likes that man so much she's always been ditching us lately?"

"Stormy shush please Darcy knows that darkness better than anyone else in the particular area," states Icy. "One question you may have showed up with Flora and Mirta but I don't know how trust this girl."
She says directly to Diaspro.

"Valtor picked you out of the people to help with his scheme you're always a joke. She's not everything she says she's my dear ladies."

Lillian groans as she struggles against the chains keep her against the walls. The Pied Piper's magic was tough to break through. She had resisted the calls of the flute. Poor Musa! Poor Matlin! She began to cry again there!

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