The Safety Updates

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Bloom's Pov
The ship arrived at Alfea in the afternoon. Lillian ran off to the lake.

"Bloom you're here so how was Halloween party on Earth."

"We had to leave early someone trying to bomb  the castle," said Stella.

"Come on in girls," Griselda said. "The boys should be able to keep you pretty entertained. What's up with Lillian."

"Ms. G I think she needs some alone time." I sighed.

"Oh very well I'm sure she knows that she will be back by sunset." Griselda said. "There's food in the hall."

"What is the issue with Red Fountain?" I asked quickly.

"The Pied Piper he's in magic he's a musician of tricks." Sky replies. "Being unmagical we cannot rescue the others or unfreeze time."

"Unfreeze time, we should finish my sister Windy she would be a great help."

"Yes, indeed. Windy would be a great help. I will ask students to keep an eye out for her, Alice."

Stella backs up nervously. She knew that name and she was surprised to hear Alice was her sister.

Lillian's Pov
I rubbed my shoulders. It was chilly tonight I mean this morning. I arrived at Lake Roccaluce.

"I know I already spent too much thinking about what everybody is saying about me. But they don't know it's only words and words can not say everything there is to know and to show. Words yes they're powerful why else would they be part of Magical spells but I believe what makes a hero comes from patient mind and resilient heart. Sorry I just can't risk you guys getting hurt for my best friend's sake. I got to do this on my own. I have to do this on my own. I still feel the mark and the sting when she treated me like a pet. She's not gonna stop till I stand eye to eye with her firm and strong nothing's stopping me from being me not her not no one not even some stupid rules. I'm gonna go on in, and I'll dare to risk it all. Yes, I know I can find the way to be brave enough,  brave enough to risk it all.

I can risk it all if I believe in who I am if I have trust and confidence in myself." I sang allowed. I narrowed my eyes. The bushes rustled behind me.

"Sorry, Griselda, sorry Faragonda, so sorry Winx and Mystics this is my one on one fight."

I walked through the woods towards Magix city. Across from the pizza place there it was the cafe in Magix city Sky took Bloom too.

"Mirta, you said you saw singing by the lake and she came here and went in there by herself."

"Yes, Flora, you need to go after her," Mirta said. "I already have an idea of what you girls are up to I used to be a witch remember nothing hides from me girls."

"Table 26, there we go there it is."

"Lillian you're not going under that camera," Tecna said grabbing me by the wrist.

"Let go, Tecna." I stammered.

"You were supposed to wait for us," replies Tecna. "Flora get the phone."
Flora nods. She walked over and crawled under the table and picked it up.

"Tecna I just didn't want to, look out" I pulled her behind the counter.

"Flora of Lynphea of the Winx what are you doing here?"

"Flickering lights," I mumbled.

"Hang on a second you're Lillian's friend aren't you little Nature girl."

"Run for it, Flora go," Tecna shouts, "Ultra shocker."

"Well well, guess what the cat dragged the most useless fairy in the entire Winx club, aren't you Tecna why are you even on this stupid team, Zara."

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