The Fight In The Gorge

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Bloom led the Winx to the gorge. She landed on the ground. She felt weird.

"Nobody's here." Bloom says.

"Let me try," said Tecna. "It's another dimension of sorts. But it doesn't feel like a clean trick. I'm going with you Aisha you too. The rest of you wait for Flora and Lillian just in case this is a trick of his."

"That's why you're the brains of the Winx Tecna," Bloom says. She entered the seemingly fine other world with Aisha and Tecna.

"Bloom look out!" Aisha says. "It's just an illusion. Morphix shield."

"Let's get outta of here," Tecna says.

"Looking for me Winx I thought it would drive you mad attacking your precious little school like that." Valtor laughs.

"You're a beast!" Bloom shouts. "We knocked you off your feet once we'll gladly do again and this time no mercy absolutely no mercy."

"Bloom is right it's time to take you down once and for all." Frieda spoke.

"Oh really I bet you didn't see this coming then cousin. But you're young friend sensed because of her connections to sense the winds of surprise and change, Frieda! Earth swallow Bloom!"

"Bloom!" Frieda calls out loud. "We have to save her she's always looking out for me."

"Now it's just me and you Bloom." She gasped she saw the Agdore box. She had a plan in motion. She sent it to Musa through her mind connection. Musa understood the vibrations.

"Don't even think about it mud monkey!" Bloom shouts blasting the muddy creature with a fireball.

"Excellent shot Bloom," 

She glares at him.

"How are you still here? We beat you in Cloudtower Castle?"

"Technically only you Bloom have the answer to even downgrading me once Princess Bloom because we're the same linked through the same powers Bloom."

Bloom got hit by the Dragonflame the darkness of it. Ironically it was not cold it was very hot and it bothered her big time.

"Leave her alone Valtor!" Frieda spoke. "Rainbow blaze!"

"Frieda the box," Musa made sure she heard it. "We're going to distract him for you summon your fairy dust."

"Stella are you sure you and Aisha and Tecna can handle him on your own."

"There's no other choice," Musa says. "They're the strongest fairies right here and Bloom's shield is very weak at the moment right now." Flora and Lillian found the hole and flew in. Valtor was surprised to see the young fairy in in a beautiful dress covered with the colors of the overcast sky and remorseful oceans flying hovering in front of him. He was madder than ever as Lillian gave him both the courage and anger to ignore whatever the rest of the Winx were doing Stella was the fastest to reach Lillian in time keeping up with her dodging skillfully now.

"You did learn alot Stella." Lillian says.

"All thanks to you, my dear Countess," replies Stella. Lillian blushes and for the first time she realized why Stella was stronger than the others. She saw a spark of fire from the dragonflame.

"Is that from the sword ring of Solaria?" I asked. "You have a small minuscule piece of the dragonflame?"

"Yes, that was the thing the Trix first found to be the most powerful in the magical world." Stella responds. "It started the whole Winx Club adventure."

"Hey, Valtor look down Frieda's fairy dust may not have changed you but it did open your entire box of spells." Bloom states.

"Wow! All the spells are returning home like a lost little puppy," says Musa. "Here Frieda toss it to me I'm open!"

"Me next," said Tecna. "Stella catch!"

"Got it!" Stella shouts.

"Stella over here!" Lillian shouts. She noticed her princess in trouble. Stella tosses the box to Lillian. Lillian tosses the box to Flora and Flora gives it to Aisha.

"Oops all empty."

"No! Spell of the elements come back to me. Wind, water earth, fire I command you come back to me."

Stella felt a strange but familiar light. She saw the Trix shaking their heads.

"Seriously he is quite the beast. Playing monkey in the middle and Valtor's the monkey."

"Trix stop those three!"

"Listen here grouchy old man we don't wanna drown and we're officially breaking up with you. Tutoo to you." Darcy shouts.

"You're not going anywhere."

"Actually she's they're all, Valtor." A unclear voice rang through the air. It became cold everything filled with pink light.

"Mirror shards!" A cold voice conjures. "Don't lay your hands on my three friends Master Valtor! I have hated you and your tricks since you came back here! Earth crumble!"

That's exactly what her mirror spell did.

"Hello Frieda, I hope we see each other again soon cousin."

"Who are you?" asked Frieda gasps.

"You're going to find out soon enough, tell Bloom she must exstinguish Valtor's dragonflame."

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