Excited Little Sister

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The girls who went Cloudtower had all earnt their Enchantix powers including Frieda all except Lillian. The others had found Tecna if front of the oak tree protecting Faragonda a doorway opened up in the sky Mirta dropped out and from the other direction came Musa and Frieda in civilian forms.

"Where's Lillian and Bloom?" asked Flora.

"Right here I asked the door to stop midway point for the two of us to take sometime to talk alone." Bloom says.

"Flora says we're going to Lynphea do you think it's a good idea to bring Lillian with us?" asked Tecna. "She's so unstable right now."

"Tecna she is coming with us. She needs us to show her how she can move on and besides she might help us alot. We're all friends of Faragonda she got us all here." Bloom states. "She's the reason the pixies found the clearing although I'm going to have a rough talk to Ms. Griffin myself I swear there was a moodswing spell on that mirror. It usually happens to those who stand the stronger in Cloudtower. Remember Aisha's condition in Cloudtower last year."

"You're right Bloom I was so exhausted the whole time," says Aisha. "It's too risky to send Lillian back like this I doubt even Ms. Griselda would even know what to do with her."

"Bloom what are you not telling the other girls?" asked Flora. "The portal is open."

"Faragonda made me promise not to share this and I won't break an oath Flora. I'm sorry I wish I could tell you but I'm not allowed too Flora."

"Lillian come with me and Frieda." Flora says. "I cannot wait to show you my world. Pixies stay here."

"Why?" asked Tecna. "They have been very helpful."

"They can help us watch and monitor the situation around the tree."

"Amore you're in charge here." Stella spoke.

"Got it, Good luck Winx." Amore sends them off. Flora Frieda, Lillian, Bloom, Stella,  Musa, Aisha and Tecna went through the portal. Mirta had told the girls she would make her way back to Alfea Academy to report and relay everything to Ms. Griselda of the Winx's mission.

The bright lush greenery of Lynphea greeted the girls they had to blink several times before their eyes were able to look at the green glow of the grass and trees in the realm.

A young girl amber colored hair came running out of the house to Flora.

"Mielle you got my call Winx this is my little sister Mielle."

"Flora I missed you but OFG was right your adventure at Alfea was beyond amazing you've made some very incredible memories with friends who loyal to you. You're somebody now Flora to so many. You're two Bloom I know your story. You are going to find your parents I know it and I believe it with all my heart. Stella you won back your kingdom from Valtor and Cassandra that's showing people hope when you thought there was absolutely no light to seek.
Tecna you came to Alfea Academy to show Zenith fairies and witches they weren't just made for technology nor were forgotten by the outside magical world.
Musa helped show Music cannot push evil back but it brings everyone together in a way no one person can especially when they have experienced so many loss in the first place. Lillian you will find your father. I feel it in here. Aisha you've been able to show your kingdom they shouldn't fear you or the way you rule because you have grown to become a better princess than your father was a King you will make a delightful Queen one day and you deserve a loving gentleman at your side."

"Mielle did you do what I asked you to?" inquired Flora softly.

"Yes, Flora the elders set up a meeting for you in City of Trees," Mielle says. "With the very sage of Lynphea. I'm gonna escort you al there myself. So hop on one of the ladybugs and we can start our journey."

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