Summerland Forest

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A squirrel brought over my brown slippers. I slipped them on. I pick up the broom and sweep the dust away into the dust pan. I was lost in a haze.

🎵"Skies are cloudless and clear! The sun will a golden delight extends its rays!
The palace does glitter and shimmer in the midst of its light.
How I wish I could say Goodbye to this dreadful home!
But yet I know take a step at the wrong time and everything you may hope for can come crashing down!
The wind the fall breeze echoes in my ears.
There are those who are less lucky than I I know
I have a roof over my head, a food and comfortable bed. And nice things to wear.
There are those who cannot even make out the words on pages of a story book.
My parents from this world gone
Now it's up to me to renew their legagcy!
They don't know
They don't realize
The power I posess that comes from the loving of parents tried and true.
My mother's voice though I never but once did touch her hands. They day she held me and the next she was gone like that!

The only thing that bothers me is the dust I must sweep away.
Always sneezing
How I wish
How I wish
How I wish
How I wish

Yes how I wish. That I could just keep on dreaming
Let the workd fade away
Never hear the bark or shrieking of brittle half family.
Last year I did try include my step-sister in activities
But face it
Sometimes light and dark just weren't meant to even get along!
That past month I had myself a man. A boy who said he loved tried and true
For who I was underneath the skin.
Strolling through my forest under a Willow tree.

He took my sister's waist in his hands pulled her closer and kissed. Just like he did to me. This isn't the story you thought it would be.

That Prince Charming tale is closed. This is a full blank page. Yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Let the pages fly! Let the pages fly!
Let the pages fly! Let the pages fly!
As the scrolls rain down like a storm.
A dream is my other reality where all that is is no longer real at all.
And the happiness is my parents' hugging me once again.
And the only sounds echoing through the village is the sound of laughter and joy!
To dream forever
To be asleep would indeed be a blessing so true
Not having to twirl with a broom and pan on creaky floors.
But when I lay my head to rest
When I prepare myself for rest
Close my eyes
The darkness the grief
It falls away and rainbows light my day ahead.
But if I left this very day would I ever get the chance to reclaim all that was stolen me because they can take all I ever had but they'll never burn out the light deep inside my heart.
Sometimes the choices in life already are laid out right before your eyes.
The best you can do is follow the path the woods reveal
Because in the woods all pieces of the ground blend together like its interlocking branches.
Here I am in my Dreamland in the Summerland forest.
The animals talk to me.
The Earth I know as if she were a real friend.
The brooks babble gently onward.
The wind whispers
I hear it
A gentle tender voice calls to me.

They can do what they like!
They can boss me all they want around
But they'll never know
My heart is snug as a bug in a rug
As long as I have my Summerland Forest below.
The call is immense.
There is no reason for restraint!
They're corrupt.
They don't see the magic in this place as I do.
The trees invite me in.
My little piece of the Summerland Forest.
Here all my dreams take flight.
The Rainbow smiles on me
One day maybe!"

She was standing in the woods beyond the garden now by the brook. "My piece of the forest.
This is my piece of the forest. I won't let them see they do get to me. No. My piece of the forest. I'm safe as long as it remains. Yeah, my piece of the forest. This is an obstacle I have to face. Do I leave or do I stay? Do I forever hide myself from being who am truly suppose to be in this woodland shelter? I could run away and hide but no one knows I'm even here except you creatures of the castle.
I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder when will my piece of the forest take me down a different path.

But I guess patience is a virtue anyway
It might just be true duty means doing what your heart may just regret.
I could take off and fly myself a thousand miles away.
But I question would it be right?
I could escape. I could be freerer than before!
But somehow my conscience begs me stay. However in my dreams, I'll forever be free of their wicked schemes.
Will they learn? That's far more to life than gowns, jewels, crowns and titles?
In my dreams, I'll forever be free sliding down branches, chasing the sunrise and sunset enjoying their smirks of grief as they are blind to the truth that lays before them cause when you steal what doesn't belong to you at first it's bound to bite back!🎶

I look up the skies are filled with doves above my little piece of forest. Across the brook and stream I see a herd of Goldenlock deer grazing not too far. I bent down. Quiet as a mouse pick up a few sungrasses. The spotted young fawn makes his way. He sniffs. He eats and nuzzles me in my forest.

Fairy of SolariaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora