The Temple of Heroes

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Lillian's POV
"I'm gonna go with you guys to the temple I want to see it for myself." I stated.

"I would like to have Lillian and Ace come along we hardly get time together."

"No, I'm fine I think I'm better off helping guard the ship," Ace responds for he hated Eraklyon's ways and didn't not wish to step foot in it ever again. There were so many problems with this planet.

"I'll go," said Flora.

"Frieda would you like to join us?"

"I think you three can this mission on your own." Frieda replies. "I don't really care for the Eraklyon Kingdom as much as I thought I did."

Ace smiles at the Rainbow Princess. This would be fun getting to know her without the others around here.

"So the other boys tell me it's impossible for you Ace to get jealous."

"Frieda I'm never ever thinking of jealousy. I might be concerned every once in awhile about the relationship statuses my friends make because I want them to end well and when they don't happen that way I'm the girl's shoulder to cry on till they feel better secure and more comfortable." Ace says. "There's nothing they have they don't have to be jealous off. In my book jealous is a serious distraction involving a serious reward by tempting you to do wrong to your friends Princess."

"Oh please stop with the princess thing that's only half of who I'm."

"Another quote by yet another Princess Princess Kiara Lion King II Simba's pride." Ace informs.

"You've been courting Lillian and movies are one of the date things you do only a man who's serious about this stuff makes time for it."

They were in the back of the ship talking to each other.

"I need your help Frieda I think it's getting closer to the time I should get engaged to her." Ace whispered. "But I cannot find a proper ring to match her own charming personality. You're her best friend you know what she would like the best."

Frieda covered her mouth. She was shocked to be involved in this kind of approach. Ace was serious about this. But she could see Ace was a valiant noble good hearted gentleman.

"Of course I can help you find your engagement ring, Ace." Frieda responds. "You need a lady's opinion when it comes to these kinds of things."

Ace hugs her so suddenly for a moment Frieda lost her breath and became speechless.

"Thank you you've no idea how much this means to me Rainbow Princess."

"Just call me Frieda please," Frieda insists. "Can't you hug a little loser? Please, I won't tell anyone else what we're up to together. This has to be a surprise to all."

They entered back into the main room of the owl.

Stella stood there and she knew something was up by the way Frieda's and Ace's face were glowing.

Sky and Bloom played leap frog across the lily pads.

"Boy, am I glad I'm not cramped up in that ship," I stated.

"Me too," said Flora. "Sky do you absolutely know where the temple is?"

"Halfway through the dark woods be careful it's the same Yoshinoya still lives halfway on the other side of the temple. Techno ninjas could be following us and they're dangerous."

"Ouch!" Bloom calls. "Sky help, please!"

"Snake vines I didn't know they came from here." Flora said. "They're native here but invasive everywhere else my friends."

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