Chapter Twenty: I'm Still Into You

Start from the beginning

We fall down

Sink or swim


The remedy for who we are and what lies beneath


"HOW ARE YOU DOING, LONDON?" Chris screamed. The crowd yelled in response. I laughed, but then my eyes met up with Ryan's.

"Kate." He mouthed. I nodded my head, and he smirked, walking over to Ricky and whispering in his ears. Ricky's eyes went wide, and eyes searched the crowd, until they landed on mine. I smiled and waved, in which he returned. The girls around me went nuts. The guys started to play another song, and I sang along to them.


I am an enemy of everything

My life is not for sale

My heart is in this fight forever

What can you take from me?

When there's not a single fucking day

I haven't fought to stay alive?

We're finding hope in the hopeless

I am still their voice that gets stuck in your head

I am me

And I have come to fucking scare you to death

Because that's what you deserve you disgusting piece of shit

I know the only words that you have for me

Are give up and get out

You'd like to think that we've been beaten

But we're here to stay

Forever and always

Every single day

Not giving up, living up all my dreams

So go ahead and look like I'm inferior

Condescension, Suffering, Callousness and Loathing

Are the badges I have earned for my cause

And I am finding hope within hatred

A reason to persist, to push past everything

We are here

And we have come to scare you to death

Because that's what you deserve

You fucking fake ass hypocrites

I know the only words that you have for me

Are give up and get out

You'd like to think that we've been beaten

But we're here to stay

Forever and always

So loud

We are the ones that you pushed away

For drowning your voice out

You'd like to think

We've been defeated, but we're here to stay

Forever and always

We've been through everything

And we all have our scars

We may be broken but you



Think before you fucking speak

I am no villain, think before you fucking speak

People fear what they don't understand

And so now beauty has become the fucking beast

(Maybe you didn't hear me?)


I know the only words that you have for me

Are give up and get out

You'd like to think

That we've been beaten but we're here to stay

Forever and always

So Loud

We are the ones that you pushed away

For drowning your voice out

You'd like to think

We've been defeated, but we're here to stay

Forever and always

Everyone started to bang their heads, and sing along, I did the same. Suddenly after couple songs later, Ricky grabbed the mic.

"There's a girl in the crowd. She knows who she is. I loved her since the day we met, but we had so many problems block us out. I let her slip out my fingers. Katelynn, please come up on stage." Ricky said. Two guards came up to me and took me to the front, where Chris and Ryan picked me up, and Ricky came up to me and set his guitar on the floor, in which Ghost picked up and held on to. "I haven't done this is a long time." He grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine. I kissed him back, and the crowd went nuts. "Will you please be mine again?" Silence, and then I nodded which made everyone go nuts. Everything was back to normal. I had my Ricky back.

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|Thanks to alainabug20, for the idea.|

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