Loves, Labors, Loss

Start from the beginning

"I love you, Comrade," I dared to speak the forbidden and risky words in a whisper in his ear. Saying them made me feel so much better, like a weight had been lifted off my chest with the bold admission. I knew how dangerous it was for anyone to overhear any and every part of this discussion, especially the part that happened next...

"I love you, Roza, with all my heart I love you," responded Dimitri in my ear. Immediately tugging lovingly on its lobe with his teeth. He was testing and teasing me.
"Don't start," I warned lustfully. "You're torturing me enough already," I moaned when he kissed down my neck, starting behind that ear.
His hands were being as possessive of my body as mine were of his. This was so wrong, but so right, oh so right. He eventually moved us to the bed, both still completely clothed yet wishing for the complete opposite. He hovered over me, looking at me with so much love and adoration I thought I'd explode... or melt. I could feel how desperate we both were to finish what the charm had started... "Dimitri," I half moaned and half pleaded.
"No, Rose," he softly said against my lips. "Not now. I'm not taking your innocence when you're still suffering a hangover from whatever it was Ivashkov exposed you to last night. I love you. I want to make your first time special and memorable, and definitely not rushed. Roza, love, I beg you to understand that I want to make love to you, not simply have sex with you... the latter degrades and disrespects you far too much." Aww. He was a romantic, and I was more than okay with that. I knew how high his standards and morals were, combine that with how much he clearly loves and respects me and that response was what I expected him to say. That's not to say I missed the hidden, "we don't have the time or privacy to do so now." I most certainly heard the "we can't get caught," undertone.
"I understand, Dimitri," I murmured seriously. Then asked in curiosity, "How do you know I'm still innocent?"
"Because I know you and I saw how nervous you were even under the charm's influence." The way those brown eyes looked at me with that studious and appreciative look made me shiver and flush. "That is one thing I know you won't rush into, my love. I won't push you into what you aren't ready for." That just made more of me turn red.
"You're clueless," I said, my mind still rather foggy as my body still had control of it.
"And you still have so much to learn."
"And you're going to be the one to teach me, aren't you?"
"You're so much more innocent than anyone knows," he chuckled and pulled me on top of him, straddling him, with his arms around my waist holding me in place. Not that you're gonna hear me complain.
"I am not," I defended myself, I knew when things were dirty and had a double meaning.
"You so are, Roza. You have no clue how often I hear things come out of your mouth that you don't even realise have a second meaning." His hand started tracing and learning my curves. "Then when you try to give your male classmates sick fantasies, you're an absolute master at putting images of you in their heads."
"And you? I don't give you sick fantasies?" I feigned my innocence and hurt.
"Oh, I'm the one lucky enough to have you let me live most of those sick fantasies, to truly want me, to be with me that way."
"You know..." this was embarrassing. "That accent of yours is my downfall."

I looked at him with eyes full of love, and saw all that returned and then some. We both knew he had to leave, but neither of us wanted to split. We both knew he'd already been here for far too long. And had anyone overheard any of our discussion or make out we were in deep shit. Still, but the effort to even move from the bed was hard enough, we found.

And something neither of us managed before there was a knock on the door. Shit!
"Bathroom. Now," I hissed frantically into my mentor turned love interest's ear. I raked a hand through my hair and straightened my clothes while rushing towards the door. Dimitri beelined for the bathroom and, once inside, I unlocked and opened the door.

To find Alberta. Oh shit! Holy crap! I slammed my mask into place before I greeted her.
Something close to amusement flashed in her eyes. "Rose," she nodded.
"What do you want Alberta?" I asked innocently.
She didn't seem to buy it. She knew me too well. I swear. "I was wondering if you've seen Guardian Belikov." Something in her eyes and tiny smile told me she knew he was here. Uh... I would normally be able to outright lie flawlessly and without hesitation, so what the hell was stopping me now? "I know he intended to come by here, Rose." That did it.
"I'm assuming that also means you want to come in to have a talk to me?"
"Yeah, I do," her words came out in the almost mothering tone she used to use on me when I was little.
"Come in," I sighed and let her step through. I immediately shut the door and leaned against the back of it, my arms folded in front of my chest.
"Rose," she chuckled, letting that minut smile turn into a full fledged grin after surveying the room and me.
"What?" I asked defensively.
"I would believe your disheveled state—and the state of the bed— was nap induced..." she seriously looked as though she wanted to laugh, and that was really rather unnerving, "if it weren't for your swollen lips and the forming hickey."
"The what?!" I screeched in a whisper. I hadn't realised we had been that intense, that heated. I would have thought Dimitri would have more control than to leave a hickey where it could be seen.
"I can't believe the day has come where you're more worried about a hickey than a Strigoi attack," Alberta somehow managed to be somber while shaking her head in amusement and disbelief.
"Yeah, well, Dimitri has me rethinking my reputation," I admitted. I knew Dimitri could hear it, and just how genuine it was.
"Speaking of Dimitri," uh oh, "has he come around yet? He said he wanted to inform you himself of whether or not he returns to the Academy and continues as your mentor."
"Yes, he's been," I warily responded, "he told me he was staying on as my mentor because he trusts nearly no one else to be able to manage me." Not exactly true... at all.
"I know he cares about and for you, Rose. I can see it in his eyes every time your name is mentioned. I can tell you he's very defensive and protective of you. He very possibly doesn't realise it, but his whole demeanour changes the second you're mentioned or when he's within ten miles of you. I've seen the way you look at him, Rose. I've seen he has similar effects on you. I hear the same fondness and worship whenever one of you says the other's name." We. Are. So. Busted.
"Alberta," I gave a frustrated sigh.
"I'm assuming he's in here hiding in a similarly disheveled state. I'm not reporting, but please just try to at least wait until your birthday before ripping each other's clothes off. I can see this isn't one of your normal stunts; I can see and almost feel the power pulling you together. I can tell this isn't about the physical, well," she rethought my current state, "it's not primarily the physical. And do try to find a way out of both being Lissa's guardians, because I know there is one—but I'm leaving it up to you two to figure that out," she wore a knowing and mischievous look under her guardian mask. She sighed. "I need him back in the makeshift meeting room, Rose."
"I'll see what I can do," I said evasively. "If anything."
"Rose," she chuckled, "you could get him to do anything and everything; you'll be able to get him to return to that meeting," she said as she headed for the door and I let her out.

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