Chapter 68 // The Divine Pairing Prophecy

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His name escaped from her lips very lovingly. Her perfect plump mouth quivered on his agitated and outrage impression. The air went cold and dark, because of his presence that makes it suffocating.

There is no mistaking it. It's him. Right there in front of her.

How the gods did he get in here?

He's panting heavily with his Sharingan, intensely glowing, activated and katana seethed — ready to attack. Aya jogs to his tall form, cupping his face, which he allows. She looks straight in the eye at him with worry. His free hand slithers around to her rosy cheek.

"It is you...Ayana." Three tomoe dojustu bounce around her face.
"Of course it's me!" She smiles while nuzzling against his palm. "Are you okay? Oh!" Indra hugs her and buries face against her shoulder. The brunette mortal embraces him tightly.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." She whispers through his ear, "I'm okay."

His nostrils flare for inhaling her scent at the crook of her delicate neck. His crimson powerful irises gleams toward the two people, who are watching them, which made him raise his posture.
"Indra?" Her fragile hands go on his chest, and glimpses over at the gods he is glaring at. "Hey, it's fine! They're fine. They are the ones who helped me."

"If they are the ones who helped you, then why did I find you in such a terrible state?" Indra hisses with wrath, "You were dying! I heard you broke the sphere and took all its energy, so why didn't they aid you?"

"I know I know. I'll explain everything" She gently cups his cheeks again, "Just please listen to me."

"She had to be tested, Ōtsutsuki." Zeus strides elegantly his way over. "The power she absorbed has a mind of its own. I'm sure the princess did it to save all humanity. She was battling physically and mentally. That's why you found her the way she was. It took a heavy toll on her real body."

"How do you know me?" Indra narrows his eyes in such malice.

"From your grandmother." The god of skies spoke stoically "That's why. I met her."

Aya turns around when hearing this. "You have?"

"When the god tree has grown to its final form and war rose, the best I could do is create a barrier. I sent nymphs and satyrs to investigate the god tree, which they ended up being perished." Zeus explains, "Even humans. That heinous plant had stolen away all life force. "

"Then why didn't you do anything?" Indra spat, "you're a god, aren't you?"

"Indra..." his woman squeezes his hand, "please."

Styx chuckles, "You got quite an eye, Ōtsutsuki Indra. Or should I say, pair of eyes." The beautiful woman stood by her friend's side. "You wouldn't understand even if you could."

"Why wouldn't I? Because none of this is making sense." He uses his katana to gesture their conversation. Aya tugs on his arm for him to relax.

"Why does Aya have to do with all this? She has nothing to -"

"She has to do with everything, Indra" Zeus said his first name, interrupting him. "As much you want to protect her from harm, you are part of this fate with her. You can't stop what Aya seeks: the truth and you know it."

𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 | Ōtsutsuki IndraWhere stories live. Discover now