Chapter 15 // Fallen

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As Aya fell fast asleep, Indra read the books she had brought for him. He could never get a good night's sleep without reading a book. Although, he does suffer a bit from insomnia for all the dedication he has for training in order to become the successor of Ninshu. But a promise must be kept.

It was past midnight, the 17-year-old sleeps until a chilly wind, unlike before, entered through her window making her stir with nightmares.

The tragedy of her mother came up in flames and then witnessing losing her father die right in front of her very eyes. All those dark voices from hell kept echoing telling her it is her fault.

Aya began to sweat and breathe unevenly. The sheets of her bed made her entire body heat up like she was in an oven.
She tried to find an exit to get some air but it like there was no escape. In hell, demons began to tower over her figure, telling her she is never good enough, she is never strong enough, that she always had to be saved for the sake of others. Aya gasped as they showed Indra dying in front of her, for protecting her.

Her hazel irises snap open from her dream but...

She couldn't speak.

She couldn't move.

There was another hallucination that showed someone pinning her down, making her have an anxiety attack and making her worry that she lose everyone she loves.

It has lasted for a few minutes until she was able to have control of her body again; making Aya get up and properly breathe.
She is drained in sweat. The only cause of this was the genjutsu trap she fell during the beach.

The brunette gets up to fetch a cup of water. Once she had a drink, Aya had completely forgotten Indra is still in her house, so she went to check upon him.

And there he was, deeply and soundly asleep peacefully.
His lips were slightly parted, releasing oxygen out through his mouth. The book in his hand-laid, split on the stopped page, on his chest. His long hair was no longer tied but loose, making him look extremely hotter. The fire was put out, only showing dim light in the living room due to the moon's radiance.

Aya bent down to check his temperature. She placed the back of her hand on his cheek where his head turns to the opposite direction. It appeared the tea has worked on him. She moved her hand to his forehead causing to move his bangs out of the way.

all good...

Indra stirred making Aya remove her hand instantly because she believed he is the type that doesn't like to be disturbed when he is asleep. As for her, she can't fall asleep at the moment, not after the sleep paralysis she had.

The brunette gets out to get fresh air, sitting down the wooden box outside of her house.

She gazes up at the stars and the view shown in front of her, thinking she is a nuisance. The demons in her dream still haunting her. Tears swell up in her eyes and wipe them away before going back in yet carefully opens the door to not wake anyone up.

"Why are you up at this time?"

Her body jolts hearing Indra speak. He is sitting up looking at her suspiciously. Aya shakes her head, "Its nothing.." she mumbled, beginning to walk away.

"Nightmare?" he said, making Aya stop her tracks. She nibbles her lower lip.

"I can tell you later...I just want to sleep.."


She sighs, not wanting to cry. Indra gets up and walks in front of her. Her head hung low, hiding her face; he tilts her chin up.

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