Chapter 67 // Lament

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"What has been going on downstairs?"

Reo paces around room at the small room and raking his hands through his hair, "Yokoshiki already has suspicions and they haven't returned."

"As long as we remain calm and collective, we should be fine." Tatsuo grits his teeth, "I'm going to be quite frank, but I'm concerned more about..."

"the girl, Aya?..." The other male finishes it. "If the lord were to find out about her existence..."

"Doesn't he already know?" The dragon yakuza interrupts and states matter of factly, "He already has a infatuation with her, and not the good kind. On the contrary, if he were find out to she has Mitzou blood?..."
"she would be danger."
"Don't you think she already is?"

They both made eye contact with anguished manner.
Tatsuo sat on the sofa, drinking his entire glass of wine, then suspires. His comrade sat on the arm, facing his back at his leader, and tapping his foot.

"Poor woman..." the yakuza lowers his gaze, "that pained look in her eyes when she begged her lover to let her stay. I-I can't shake it off my mind; she had a desperate for answers to ease her doubts and concerns."

"A girl who hardly knows about her heritage...and the doom of knowing. She is endangering herself." Reo exclaims softly in a whisper, "Her bloodline is notoriously powerful, and being the last's just..."

"A tribulation." Tatsuo describes it, "I shouldn't be the one to care, but...."
"She reminded me a lot of my wife. I couldn't just let despicable men do what they will with her..."

"So because of her, you discontinued your long term mission."

His subordinate stood silent, who holds a glum emotion. "What about your significant other you told me about?"

"She is-"

The sound of a knuckle hitting wood interrupted him.

"Excuse me, sir. We have a warrant to enter to your quarters."

Both men scramble up to put their balaclava over their heads.
"What is it about?" The yakuza veers a glance at his partner.

"Lord Yokoshiki is here; he wishes to speak with you."

They exchange same glances - mild surprise.

"For what?"

"Just open the door, black marketer."

That is him.

Reo mouths to Tatsuo: what do we do? His sapphire blue eyes widen, telling him to relax, and gestures to steadily open the door; he had a katana strapped behind him for defense. His body leaned against the furniture, facing the shōji with arms crossed in front of his chest.

The door slowly opened and Kai soldiers marched in both sides of the door frame, letting the distinguished male to step in.

Emerald clash with dark blue.

"Greetings." he bows elegantly, "One of you must be the ambassador of the black markets"

"I'm here in front of you." Tatsuo answers sharply, "May I ask why were you so urgent to see me?"

"Hmph," he smirks, "I'm sure you're very well aware what's happening on this castle. I'm also sure you know very well a hitman lurking around here."

"I suppose to believe the traitor is up in the balcony rooms?"
"You are quick to catch on." Lord Yokoshiki points his finger, and strolls to the bar to pour himself a glass of plum wine. "I want to know if you know anything, and who it is?" He glances over his shoulder, warily.

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