Chapter 41 // Sole Survivor

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Gin's aiding Aya while they passed through the field of wheat; only certain areas. They somehow managed to grow, possibly because of the rain which passed recently. They're getting far away from the barn as possible and out of sight, heading towards the wagon that's parked near a ruin.

"What happened here?" Aya checking her surroundings.

"The apocalyptic event that happened years ago. No one touches this land, only the Kai government has the completely access to this area."

So trespassing isn't allowed. Indra and her crossed over a border; more like teleported to get where they are. Aya didn't even ask why he and they got in; it's obvious  they're working for them.

"It appears you are not from here." Gin interrupted her thoughts getting her attention.


"You aren't a Kai citizen, am I right?" He glanced at her and checked over to see if they're being observed or followed. It was too early to trust Gin where she's actually from. This man maybe helping her but she doesn't want to take no risks. Besides, she had to protect her identity.

"That's up to you to decide." Aya replied coolly.

Gin chuckles, "I do agree with Niko though. You're feisty."

Aya eyed him suspiciously as he walked in front of her. "I really do hope that you are actually helping me to get out of here." The double agent halts, facing Aya to meet those kaleidoscope orbs he found captivating.

"I told you, didn't I? You can count on my word."

"How should I know?" Aya narrowed them, "This has already happened to me before which are too many to count."

"Really?" Gin raised his brows and she nods, lowly whispers. "I just got lucky I made it out there alive." She snuggled with Indra's black haori and crossing her arms over her chest, peering down of infertile soil she's stepping.

There was silence among the two.



Aya and Gin snap where it was coming from.

"Could be..." she said breathlessly.

"They've returned. That was fast" The double agent coherently stated.

"What are am I g-"

Gin pulled her by the arm. Her breath hitches when he's close and whispers to her ear, "You hide in there." He moves aside pointing at the ruin for her to see. "Until it is clear, you go to those woods."

Aya followed where his finger pointed next. "You'll find patches of grass on trees' bark indicating north which will head you back to the city." He ushered her again to get going. The beautiful dauntless warrior looks over her shoulder and softly smiles, "Thank you, Gin."

"It's Reo." He smirks but it faded, motioning his head for her to hide; hence, she does in the shadows - very cleverly and taking a peak to watch. Reo splashes a bit of water to face, takes out his weapon, slicing up the wheat frantically to pretend he was looking for her.

"Gin! What happened?! How come-?!" Niko approaches him in fury.

"I apologize, Niko." Reo sounded as he was out breathe and sweating. "The woman has slipped under me and pushed me down to escape and I ran after her. She can be anywhere hiding through the fields " He lied, exaggeratedly moving his hand to gesture the wide space area.
"Have you checked in that ruin?" Niko was about to go over there but was stopped by his subordinate, placing his hand on his chest.

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