Chapter 42 // Paradox

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The next following chapters are gonna be complete different than the manga/anime (there will still be correlation); I already had this planned out way before and I already been working on this chapter yet it's still unedited. All I got to say is ...
Brace. Yourselves.
Happy Reading!

The ominous bod had seen the way Aya punched Niko. It'll have to admit that it was quite impressive.

Now, the little black creature - hiding itself from the shadows watches how everything becomes a fold. It had said so many derogatory yet vulgar comments about her with utter disdain. In its mind, she was just an average woman for Indra to fuck with to appease him and isn't deemed worth enough. Its perspective has completely changed on what's transpiring tonight from the way her eyes sparkled dangerously with courage and fearless .

Is this thing having  doubts?

Maybe? Maybe not?

Its allusive and obscured mind began ask the same questions over and over: Is there something it hasn't been looking for? Is he looking for correct places or the correct time it should be in to grab intel for himself?

What is that it isn't seeing?

'Mother..what am I going to do..'

It only has one checkmark off the list - it had accomplished Indra to have an ideology differ from his father's: be obsessed with power which will maintain order and peace in the world.
Not love.

Love is only temporary because it will only gives you false hopes and expectations for the future. Indra still holds on to his beliefs but that is until Aya appeared.

His world has completely changed the moment he saw her push his little brother out of the way, a person whom she didn't know then. Indra wasn't able to understand what made him want to rescue her; she could've died that day.

It is painful to admit but Ayana is truly a mesmerizing individual. Her beauty could possibly rival the Rabbit Goddess but it's completely - completely - different atmosphere they possesses. Aya is deemed to respected for her pure hearted humanity and gentle nature; however, she is valiant.
The black figure had completely underestimated her entirely and her potential. What exactly are the Mitzouans, it thought, because it only knew so little about their downfall and not for what they are know for besides their reputation and pride. There is no single human being on this planet that exceeds than wielding chakra.

Just what are they?

"Kick my ass, you say..." Niko cocks his brow up then laughs nervously to hid and avoid her frightening scowl. It tremendously failed but Aya just lets him laugh in front of her as if he was mad man. She looks over the person behind her and he chokes when her irises met his. He straighten up his arrow up, ready to shoot and tingling sensation overwhelmed her body again of danger, her eyes broaden.

Aya immediately gets out of the way, stepping back to side, when Niko shoots a dart from a pipe and it hit his comrade on the neck. The bowman takes off to look at it and she watched his eyes cross over before rolling to back of the head, dropping his weapon and collapsing.

Niko dumbfounded of what he had just done. Aya breathes out for not getting punctured with that again.

"You fucking woman.."

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