Chapter 9

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     Around midnight was when Silvia and Draco decided to turn in for the night, knowing Christmas activities would be going on in their common rooms early the next morning.
     Silvia wasn't the first to be back in her dorm but shockingly, she was last. Molly, Susan, and Hannah had all decided to come back early.  Once Silvia had changed into her red and green Christmas sweater pajamas she fell asleep on her bed before her head reached her pillow.
    " Silvia! Finally! I'm so sorry how I reacted earlier this year. I should be the supportive sister, not the opinionated one," Olivia's voice came from the dark dungeon she was kept in.
   " Its alright Liv, I'm just glad you both are still doing okay, I got scared when you didn't start contacting me but it's fine now," Silvia told her voice.
    " Can you come rescue us sooner? Fin is starting to faint constantly and his temper tantrums- along with nightmares are starting to accumulate... It's Christmas Silvia, please?" Her sister begged. Silvia looked towards the direction of her voice in sadness.
    " I can't, Draco and I have a set plan to come in June... Just a few more months okay? You'll be here at Hogwarts before you know it!" Silvia tried to be encouraging but it pained her to know that it will feel like an eternity to them.
    " Fine, good luck and get good grades for the rest of the year... I won't be contacting you unless it's an emergency... S*** someone woke up. Got to go,"  with that Olivia's voice cut off and Silvia woke up, beating with sweat, just as the sun was peaking over the horizon.
    She sighed and quietly got changed into comfier clothes in the bathroom.
    " Molly!" Silvia ran to the sink and held her best friends hair back as she threw up.
    " I think someone put something in the punch last night and now I'm sick with a stomach flu," Molly groaned when she finished.
    " Hey it's okay, let me change quickly and then we can get you to Madam Pomfrey," Silvia ran into a stall and changed into grey leggings and a Hufflepuff sweatshirt as fast as she could.
     " Are you good to walk? The hospital wing is a distance from here," Silvia picked up a trash can and Molly took it from her.
    " Yeah, let's go... Why are you up so early? I didn't wake you did I?" Molly asked in a whisper.
    " No, Liv contacted me and one of her guards woke up so I was forced to wake up," Silvia then explained the details of their talk and of course Molly asked a bunch of questions about it as they walked to the hospital wing.
   " Madam Pomfrey!" Silvia lightly yelled. Thankfully she heard the girls and ran out of her office to see what was going on.
    " Oh another one with the puking problem, Silvia your tone of voice made me thought something seriously wrong was going on," Madam Pomfrey adjusted a bed and Silvia helped Molly in it.
    " Sorry Madam Pomfrey," Silvia whispered back, watching as she summoned a PepperUp potion to her hands and fed it to Molly.
    " It's alright my dear, I was just getting up anyway. Your the tenth person to be sick Miss Paterson," Pomfrey informed the girls, just as another few kids came in with the same problem.
    For a few hours Silvia stayed with Molly until they were both free to go.
    " There you two are! We were worried something happened to you," Cedric walked over to them as they walked into the common room.
     " Molly was puking because someone put something in the punch last night, but thanks to Pomfrey she's fine now," Silvia explained as they sat by their untouched presents. Cedric nodded with a few other students in the room.
     Silvia started opening her gifts after that. She got mostly books and new supplies from all the professors, the Weasley parents sent her a new sweater, this time being purple and a yellow 'S' and a homemade caldron cake- her favorite dessert. Draco sent her a long love poem and his most recent quidditch jersey even if there wasn't any quidditch this year because of the tournament.
    " Oh my Merlin he's hilarious!" Molly laughed as she grabbed ahold of Silvia's poem.
    " Hey stop! He's just trying to be nice!" Silvia took the note back and folded it into her pocket defensively. 
    " The most beautiful stone in the clear river, a diamond to a set of eyes-"
    " Oh shut up about it!" Silvia raised her voice, unable to hold back her blushing any longer as she playfully glared at her House mates.
    " He's funny, what'd you want me to say?" Molly asked as she finished her laughing attack.
    " Just to stop making fun of his writing and poetry," Silvia collected her things and walked up to their dorm room.
      She frustratingly sorted all her gifts and placed them where she liked before she clutched Draco's jersey and fell onto her bed crying.
     " Silvy, I'm sorry..." Molly's voice calmly said in her ear, a half hour later.
    " It's fine, just leave me alone now please," Silvia answered in a mumbled voice.
   " Alright but Draco's in the common room wanting to speak to you," Molly was grinning as Silvia bolted straight out of her bed, throwing her sweatshirt off and throwing his jersey on. Silvia ran down the dorm stairs nearly tripping on the last step.
    " Hi... Why are they with you?" Silvia asked abruptly stopping feet from Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise.
    " Alright all of you owe me three galleons," Draco smiled at her as his friends groaned but did as he said.
    " You were betting if I was going to wear this?" Silvia guessed, glaring at them and crossing her arms.
    " It was Parkinson's idea, sorry Silvia," Draco told her.
    " What?! Was not! You just wanted to make an excuse to get in here to see your precious Silvia," Pansy sneered back.
     " Enough. I didn't care who's idea it was to come visit me but Molly said you wanted to talk to me?" Silvia ignored Pansy and continued to only talk to Draco.
    " Right. They all wanted to say sorry about being so against us for the past month, Astoria is still mad about it though," Draco told her.
    " Pfft as if they would suddenly be so nice about it. I've had a terrible morning already so I'm just going to say apology not accepted and I'm going to grab an early lunch!" Silvia walked around the group of Slytherin and ran out of her common room being chased by them.
     " Stone, Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe, and Malfoy... What should I suppose your doing?" Snape asked as he caught them on the stairs. The entire group stopped.
    " They're chasing me Professor, they want me to accept they're apology but I don't want to so I'm running away from them!" Silvia continued to run as the Slytherins only stood there with their Head of House. Only then did Draco decide to chase after her, thankfully the others gave up.
    Silvia ran into the mostly empty great hall and sat at the far end of her House table.
" Silvia!... I'm sorry... again," Draco ran up to her, all out of breath.
" It's fine now but if you make one more silly mistake with those... Those who you call friends of yours, were done," Silvia grabbed a ham sandwich off the plater and took a bite of it.
" Did you get my note as well? I've been worried that it could be intercepted," Draco sat down next to her and took a sandwich for himself.
" Oh yeah and guess who yanked it out of my hands laughing herself into hysteria reading it out loud for all to hear?" Silvia asked as Molly walked in with more of her House and grinned at the two of them.
" Out of all your friends, definitely Paterson," Draco stood up as Silvia nodded and left for his table.
     " You two are always so dramatic and romantic," Molly cooed at Silvia.
   " Please stop, he doesn't like it either," Silvia didn't look up from her, now salad filled plate and took a bite of it.
   " Stone I have your potions essay graded. It took me awhile to doc points off for Mr Malfoy's handwriting," Snape slammed the stapled essay on the table. On the front page there was a giant red ' C-' on it.
   " What! How?! You can't just give me a failed grade because Draco helped me with it!" Silvia protested, standing up and glaring at him, causing some other staff and students to start staring at them.
    " If Mr Malfoy wrote on your paper it doesn't count. No retakes," he strutted away before Silvia could argue with him.
    " It's only one silly grade Silvy, it's not going to make or break your average- Hogwarts! It was extra credit work! Don't worry about it," Molly stared at her best friend who had just sat back down with a defeated look spread across her face. Silvia couldn't help but laugh, sometimes Molly was very enthusiastic if Silvia was down like this.
    " I know but I haven't gotten a C since the year before I started classes when Dumbledore gave me a first year final exam to do because I was bored," now it was Molly the one who was laughing.
    " Wow, just wow Silvia," Molly stood Silvia up since they were both done eating and walked back to the common room.
Hi again! Sorry about the shortness of this chapter it was just a filler and I didn't know what else to write. In the next chapter I'll cut to the second task and write about that. Follow, vote, and comment!

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