NEWT's & a Nightmare that Changed Everything

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Within the next months everyone had found out about the Malfoy-Stone twins since Silvia couldn't hide her bump any longer. Olivia and George had both sent her and Draco long letters of their apologies and were now excited like everyone else was about the twins. Ginny and Astoria had changed their common rooms so they could be with their loved ones ( Astoria and Theodore Nott... idk why not? And Ginny and Harry obviously) and Silvia couldn't be happier with all the advice Ginny had gotten from her mother about having twins and such.

" I feel like I shouldn't sit this test..." Silvia groaned as her and Draco were about to leave for their potions NEWT. She traced her hands over her large bump and Draco placed his hand on hers and his other on her lower back.

" Professor Slughorn said you have to at least attempt it, you've studied too hard not to..." He felt either his son or daughter kick and smiled. They had found out Silvia was having a girl and a boy and they were over the moon to get lucky with one of each.

" But if I get one Hick we're leaving and coming back here," Silvia smiled up at him and he leaned down slightly to kiss her.

" Deal," he picked up their quills from the desk and helped her down to the common room where Ginny and Harry were waiting.

" There you four are. Are you ready?" Ginny asked giving the couple a kind smile.

" Ready as I'll ever be I suppose, thankfully this is our last test. I started getting Braxton Hicks last night so we couldn't sleep," Silvia explained. Ginny opened her mouth a gap in shock.

" It's still a bit early for you to be getting Hicks, aren't you only six and a half months give or take a few days?" She asked next in concern.

" Yeah... I'll be fine, your mum told me they could start earlier with twins," her voice broke on the last word as she got a hard kick to the lungs.

" Sil...?" Draco turned and immediately took her hand and placed his hand on her stomach.

" I'm fine, just a kick to the lungs Malfoy," she reassured him as she let a wave of hormones pass. He nodded and they kept walking slowly yet surely to Slughorn's classroom.

" Ah how nice of you to join us, we we're almost about to start," Slughorn greeted the four of them. Silvia smiled weakly to her other seventh years and took a seat at an open desk in the back of the class. Today was their written portion of their potions NEWT, the final NEWT to be exact. Slughorn went on to explain the rules of the test and soon he had passed it out. The only sound in the room was the scribble of quills on parchment.

During the first two hours of the exam Silvia had fought through many kicks but as she approached the end of her test book she had started to go into a spree of Hicks. She placed her quill down in it's bottle of ink and closed her test booklet quickly, moving her hands to her bump and her mouth to prevent her from screaming. She felt tears form in her eyes as she struggled to breath, while wiping her tears she couldn't help gasping for her next breath as she entered another Hick.

Draco merely happened to glance over but once he saw Silvia he shot from his chair and ran to her side, causing all of the students in the room to stare at him.

" Sil.. Sil.. Breath, it's okay..." Draco whisper soothed her as he let her squeeze his hand and he slowly helped her up. He made eye contact with Slughorn, who nodded to dismiss them. Silvia clutched her stomach and outburst in pain as soon as they got far enough from the room.

" H-h-help-" she mustered between breaths.

" There only Hicks right?" Draco whispered in her ear as he caught her as she doubled over into his arms. She nodded vigorously as she continued to cry. " We have to get you to the common room. Now," he looked cluelessly around the dark dungeon, trying to sound like he had a plan to get her up the stairs, but he didn't.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant