Destined & Chosen & Back Again

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I know Harry isn't called the  "Chosen One" until year six but this is the best title I could come up with but enjoy the chapter! -Author


Dec. 1995


Silvia ran to escape Draco. He'd just cornered her, asking about what she's been doing. So it was true she had to skip some of their dates but for more important matters: Dumbledore's Army.

" Sorry I'm late," she hurried into the Room of Requirement as everyone stared in her direction. " Malfoy cornered me and I created another lie to cover us," Silvia explained, placing her books by the doorway and joined her friends. She had been on last name terms with Draco ever since October when he had first asked her why she skipped a date.

" It's alright Silvia, we were just getting started," Harry smiled politely at her and turned his attention back to the entire group. " Since you have all come along amazingly well with a few months today we are going to practicing the Patronus charm today. Everyone find a space around the room and remember, focus on the happiest memory you've ever had," he quickly demonstrated and let his students get to work.

Silvia hurried off to the corner of the room, where she was alone enough to focus. She raised her wand and closed her eyes, trying to think of her best memory.

Christmas at the Weasleys... Christmas in general... Finding Liv and Fin... Seeing Hogwarts for the first time... Dumbledore's actions toward me... The Order, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius...

" Harry?" She asked, coming out of her thoughts as she realized he was adjusting her stance.

" Sorry, you weren't looking very relaxed. To successfully cast the charm a person should be relaxed," he apologized, his neck turning pink. Silvia bit her lip and looked down to the floor.

" I don't have good enough memories. Harry how in the world do you even cast that?" She motioned towards Hermione, who had summoned an otter swimming in the air around her.

" I... I think of my parents, Sirius, and Lupin and Hogwarts... Does thinking of your siblings work?" He asked, fixing his round glasses when a gust of wind from Neville knocked them sideways. " I want you to try," he stepped away from her when she didn't reply. She smiled and raised her wand.

" Expecto Patronum," she said just above a whisper. Shooting from her wand was a blast of blue magic and a doe, trotting above and around her. She laughed in delight but soon realized the room had gone dead silent. " Is everything alright?" Silvia asked, loosing enough focus the doe went away.

Everyone was staring at her, Ginny and Cho had fainted and Harry looked at her in awe.

" Do you know anything about paired Patronus's Silvia?" Luna asked, speaking up first. Then it hit Silvia, of course she knew about soul mates, but she always had thought they were fake.

" Y-yes, very much Luna..." She answered, looking at Harry in absolute shock, a smile formed on his face.

" Harry, let's continue the lesson shall we?" Hermione asked from her kneeling position next to Cho and Ginny.

" Yeah mate, it may not even be true... I mean sure your parents are the exception but still," Ron spoke up as he gave him and Silvia a strange look.

" Alright fine, but we only have a few minutes left," he seemed to come out of his thoughts and the Army continued practicing any spell, curse, or charm they had learned so far.

When time ran out Ginny and Cho had both awaken from their faints and were escorted out of the room by Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and the twins. Silvia however, stayed behind, staring into a large floor mirror that was set in the middle of the room. On the mirror there was a picture of Cedric and the original Order from the first wizarding war. The Order had included her parents, Harry's parents, Neville's parents, and of course all their friends- or so they thought. Peter Pettigrew was the Potter's traitor, who turned them into Voldemort.

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