Date Night Turned Dark

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The next ten days go by painfully for Silvia as she had to come up with more lies to get out of classes, not to go to the hospital wing, and why she hadn't completely parts of her homework assignments because of her 'sickness'. Rumors had spread about her within many gossip groups and even Finley was on edge to sign to her, not knowing what was true or not. Draco tried his best to support her, he knew for sure now she was keeping secrets from her and he could tell some of his old Housemates could too.
" Hey Sil," he walked into the dorm after class on their last day before break and saw her asleep on her side. " How're you feeling?" Draco set his things down and sat by her side in a chair he had moved next to her side of the bed. She had taken a sick day, officially done with all the drama that was occurring and because she couldn't keep anything down for longer than two hours.
    " A little better... I'm sorry this is how you have to see me before break," she sat up on her elbows and took his hands.
   " Well if you feel like it I've gotten permission from your sister and Mcgonagall to take you out of the castle for the evening," he let go over her hands for a second and pulled out two notes. Silvia laughed and shook her head. 
   " And where would we go? It's almost below freezing in all of Great Britain," she asked motioning to the blizzard outside.
   " Can't it be a surprise? Come on, put on something nice and grab your travel cloak and meet me in the common room in a half hour," Draco helped her stand and pulled out her suitcase from under the bed before grinning and leaving her to change.
   " Oh Malfoy... What am I going to do with you?" She whispered to herself as she dug through the case to find a dress. Finally she decided on a simple full length white dress with long sleeves and her dark green cloak, waving her wand to her messy hair and braiding it into a bun. She walked into the bathroom and put on a light layer of makeup before descending down to the common room.
Draco had changed into a black suit and a dark green tie with his hair slicked back out of his face.
" You look stunning..." He pulled her close and kissed her.
" So do you Malfoy," she laughed as he gave her a look. " So can we go now?" Silvia asked a begging look in her eyes.
" Yes," he took a handful of floo powder in his hands and threw it into the open mantle. " Godric's Hallow, St Jeromes Church!" He shouted. Silvia barely had time to think as she took his hand and jumped in with him.
When her senses came back to her they were standing inside the most beautiful church Silvia's ever seen, but then realized what town she was in.
" What are we doing here?" She asked a little harshly since this was the same town her parents and Harry's parents were murdered. She had found that out from her sister a few years back.
" Relax Sil... Were here to visit your parents after we get a bite to eat at the cafe," he took her hand and led her out of the church and out into the mostly quiet street. There were a few couples and families walking about but many house lights were on, revealing holiday parties happening through the windows.
" I haven't been here in years, even if I don't even remember being here in my entire life... This is a pretty town," she commented as they came up to the main square. " Oh you've got to be kidding me! He gets a statue and I only get the appreciation for living?" Silvia exclaimed as she stared at the marble statue of baby Harry in his parents arms. Draco let out a laugh.
" Oh Silvia, don't worry. Wait til you see what they named the restaurant... But first if you wanted to see your house and Potters it's on the way," he brought her around the flower and memorialized statue and keep walking down the street.
" Merlins beard..." Silvia walked ahead when she saw the two broken down houses across the road from each other, both of the front gates were covered with all sorts of flowers and notes. Draco ran to her and wrapped his arms around her as she started crying. " It's so sad..." She said under her breath.
" Yet so perfect and beautiful. Don't you think?" Draco finished for her. She nodded, wiping her tears away and bending down to read some of the notes.
What you did we'll never forget, thank you.

Thank you Emma and Charles for teaching us the sacrifice of family.

Your children and the rest of the world will never forget you, we won't ever let that happen.- Hogwarts staff.
" These are so great..." She went to pick up another note but stopped, glancing down the street to see a couple staring at them. " We're being watched," she quickly stood up and Draco stepped defensively in front of her.
" What're you doing by their final resting place?" The man and women walked toward them. " Don't you know it's rude to look at letters that aren't yours?" The man asked.
" I believe you are misunderstood, I'm their daughter," Silvia took off the hood that was hiding her face and the two gasped.
" Miss Stone, were so sorry... Thank you for saving us all," the woman apologized, ignoring Draco to the greatest extent.
" Your welcome. We must be on our way, come on Draco," she stepped out in front of him and held out her hand. He nodded and took her hand, speed walking past the couple before slowing down once they were a distance away.
" People should know how to respect you better than that," he wrapped his arm around her back as they kept walking.
" Well I haven't been out in public much so it's acceptable for them to be shocked at the moment," Silvia shrugged but then stopped in her tracks as they approached the cafe.
It was a light yellow restaurant with large long windows and an eighties style sign that said Stone's Stews and Delights in bright red lights.
" Surprise!" Draco exclaimed and Silvia laughed.
" This is better than a statue," she spoke as she continued to laugh as Draco got the door for her.
" Hello and welcome to-" the front desk waitress stopped mid sentence and stared at Silvia. She couldn't be much older than her, she looked as if she were in her early twenties. A tear suddenly formed in her eye. " Miss Stone... I-I it's an honor to see you here. Please, right this way," she hurriedly collected two menus and sets of silverware, leading them around to the seating area.
   Several heads turned and the cafe went so quiet they could hear a pin drop, only the songs that played from the enchanted radio making the only sound.
  " Will this table do Miss Stone?" She asked as she brought them to a booth with a window viewing down the road they just walked.
    " This is perfect, thank you," Silvia smiled at her as  she took her seat across from Draco. She handed them their menus and walked away, a smile on her face. " You know, you always continue to shock me," she stated as she skimmed the non alcoholic drinks.
    " Me? Surprise you? When?" He asked rhetorically, placing his hand over his heart. Silvia laughed, ignoring the fact that everyone was listening to them. She shook her head as she choose not to answer.
   " Hello welcome to Stone's Stews and Delights. My name is Carter Vancouver and I will be your waiter this evening, have you decided on your drinks?" A middle aged man with dirty blonde hair asked calmly as he came to their table.
   " Hi yes I'll just have a cup of your hot chocolate please," Silvia answered first. He smiled and nodded as his quill wrote on the notepad behind him.
   " And for you sir?" Carter asked a slight sound of agitation in his voice as he turned to Draco.
   " A glass of your finest Oat Mattered Meade," Draco said without even looking at the man. Silvia glared at him for a moment before mouthing ' sorry' to their waiter and he nodded and walked off a moment later.
    " Are you alright? We can leave if you want... Honestly I don't have much of an appetite since I couldn't keep lunch down," she whispered to him in a concerned voice.
   " No, Sil I'm fine..." He let his voice trail off, he never did that.
  " What's wrong?" Silvia took his hand and tilted her head to meet his eyes.
  " I'm just nervous about something," he told her. " Don't worry," he squeezed her hand and smiled, their waiter coming back right in that moment. Draco became his distant self again and mostly ignored the older wizard.
   After Carter gave them their drinks and took their orders Draco came back to earth again.
   " Your being rude to the people of my hometown," Silvia spoke sadly, stirring her hot cocoa and letting the rich scent enter her lungs.
   " I'm sorry Sil. I just... I feel bad, I know your really enjoying being back here but this is where my aunt completed one of her worst jobs ever and so did Voldemort... And the fact that no one wants me here just makes me feel like I'm sixteen again..." He explained, half lying to her.
   " I want you here. I never would've been able to stare at my house for as long as I did if it weren't for you! Heck I wouldn't even think of coming here in my right mind!" Silvia exclaimed in a whisper, taking a sip of the warm liquid in front of her. " Is your liquor good?" She asked, changing the topic slightly.
   " Oh yes it's fine," he smiled at her and drank a bit of it to plead her. " Do you want some? I thought you were getting a drink but when you didn't I was a bit shocked," Draco pushed the glass toward her and she shook her head.
   " I shouldn't be drinking, I want to be sober when we visit my parents graves," she lied. He nodded understandably and took another sip.
   They waited a few more minutes for their food and then ate in silence. Before they knew it they had finished, paid with a plentiful tip, and walked back out into the cold and dark.
   They walked back down the long winding street and finally got back to the graveyard by St Jeromes Church.
   " Let's find them, shall we?" Draco opened the black metal gate nervously for his girlfriend, who smiled and nodded in reply.
   After a while of looking it turned out that her parents grave was right next to the Potters. Draco took a folded piece of paper and placed it down next to the headstone.
   " W-what's that?" Silvia asked, trembling as she tied to force back tears.
  " A promise that I'll take good care of their youngest daughter," he removed his other hand from his pocket and got down on his knee. He opened the small red box and revealed a diamond and emerald ring. Silvia covered her mouth and let her tears start to fall. " Silvia Emma Stone, the first days after I  met you I couldn't believe I had gotten so lucky to befriend you. As our bond tightened and had several ups and downs I started to realize we wanted the same things in life. Silvia Stone I love you to the end of the world and back, will you marry me and make my Christmas wish come true?" He asked. Silvia uncovered her mouth and smiled, nodding her head rapidly. He stood up, placed the beautiful family heirloom on her ring finger and kissed her passionately and powerfully.
   " Yes of course, I love you too," Silvia broke for a mere second before going back, her hands moving up his cheek bones and into his no longer prefect hair.
" How Dare You!" A raspy yell came from behind them. Lucius Malfoy was walking toward them, his wand aimed directly at their chests. Silvia cowered behind Draco as he pushed her behind him, his hand wrapped around her waist while his other pointed his wand at his father.
" You don't have a say in what I do anymore Father. That was clear long ago," Draco sneered as he approached the two teenagers.
" I most certainly have a say Draco!" He exclaimed. " Your the only blood and bones I have left, surely I have to make sure your making the best decisions for yourself," Lucius taunted, his black walking stick stiff by his side.
" What'd you mean? ' Only blood and bone left'?" Silvia asked, bracing herself for the torcher curse to hit her. But it never came, instead she heard his evil laughter.
" Where's Mother?!" Draco shouted to him, pointing his wand up to his throat as he continued to laugh.
" She was suffering Draco, oh how unfortunate it is that you couldn't see her or try to save her-"
" She's dead?!" Draco's voice broke as he spoke. Silvia put her hand on his shoulder and took out her wand with the other. Lucius's lip curled and glared at them.
" Murdered, more or less."
Draco put a quick protective charm around Silvia before starting a duel with his father.
" Draco! Draco! Stop!" Silvia screamed over the sound of the dueling, freezing tears falling down her red cheeks as she was forced to stand several yards away. There was no one on the street now, not even a single person there to call the Ministry for them.
Silvia watched the love of her life duel with the man who keeps ruining their happiness in horror. If Draco were to get fatally hurt she couldn't disapperate and apperate (can't remember how to spell it) to safety, meaning she would have to get him back to the floo network in the church, which in that time he could die.
Minutes passed as the men showed no sign of stopping, Silvia getting more worried by the second as Lucius started getting the upper hand. But within a moment a team of Aurors showed up, disarmed Lucius and lifted him into the air so he couldn't control himself.
" Put me down! I have my rights! You won't ever get away with this!" Lucius growled, trying to kick his way back to the ground.
" Your rights are slim Malfoy, your free time is over," Silvia recognized the deep calm voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt as she was crying hard in Draco's arms. " Miss Stone, Mr Malfoy, are you alright?" He asked, walking over to them and let his Aurors leave with Lucius.

   " She'll be fine, thanks for stopping him," Draco replied and made sure Silvia's left hand was still clutched to his suit and out of the minister's view.

  " That's my job... You know, after the war and after all Silvia's told the Order about you, I wouldn't mind having you become an Auror. You'd fit perfectly in the department as you are already a stunning dueler," Kingsley placed a hand on each of their shoulders, making Silvia smile weakly as she looked up to him. Draco stared at him in utter shock, not expecting this to be his answer.

  " Only if you lift the Law you've placed upon Hogwarts," Draco turned and held out his hand for a deal. Kingsley's face contorted.

  " What 'Law' Mr Malfoy? I haven't addressed Hogwarts in any of my speeches or articles since my memorial speech in September!" He exclaimed in a confused tone. Silvia and Draco's eyes widened, Draco nodded ever so slightly to say that he was telling the truth.

" We have to figure out who created that law. Now!" Silvia outraged as she got another wave of hormones. The men nodded and the three flooed back to Hogwarts.


So I got the app on my computer so that's why the format changed a bit lol. Who do you think created the law? What do you think everyone's reaction to the engagement and Malfoy heir will be? Let me know your guesses in the comments! Oh and this chapter is almost 3000 words so I better get plenty of votes for my efforts lol, and of course followers to know when I'll update again!

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now