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Not before long, Silvia and Draco had come up with a daily routine for them and their twins. Draco had been offered the Auror job he'd been wanting for ages now and because of his training, Silvia and Willow were left to take care of Ivy and Apollo. The twins were now five and a half months old and Christmas was right around the corner. Silvia and Draco had gone all out with decorations and the twins loved staring at the sparkling lights and the new piece's set around the house each day.

" Sil I'm home," Draco whispered coming into the kitchen to see both his kids set in their highchair crying as Silvia and Willow prepared two different parts of their supper. He planted a kiss on each of the twins cheeks and patting their heads lightly before walking to Silvia's side.

" Hey," she turned and kissed him lightly. " How was training? Does Hermione have her posters or whatever she needed up yet?" She asked, turning back to the oven and putting gloves on.

" Training was fine and yeah she finished writing her first speech for this weekend's rally... Did I miss anything?" He asked next, helping Willow with the mashed potatoes on the stove.

" Nothing special," Silvia laughed as she set the smoking ham on the counter. " I think I burnt it," she sighed waving her wand to turn off the oven. " I had to sing for thirty minutes because someone wouldn't go down for their nap," she gave a quick look to Apollo and Draco laughed.

" I'll be on night duty tonight so you can rest your voice," he kissed her temple and she nodded, thanking him. She set the ham on a plate.

" Willow since your done with the mash can you cut the ham while I heat up the twins formulas?"

" Of course Mistress Silvia," the small house elf answered as she fixed her Christmas colored cloth that she was dressed in. Silvia smiled as she made her way to the fridge and microwave, taking out the two bottles she had premade the night before. The twins had just started teething but until they grew in, they had to stick to super soft foods and milk.

Once Silvia and Draco were sitting beside their twins, eating and chatting about their days happily Silvia felt a grudge she had been holding back come to her mind again. Earlier that day, and days previously she noticed that Apollo had started making more progress than Ivy had. He could roll over almost support himself to crawl while Ivy could barely flip herself over by herself. She knew it could be normal but this had been going on for almost two weeks and she couldn't bring herself to tell Draco about it.

" Silvia, Sil is something wrong?" Draco placed his hand on her shoulder and guided her from her thoughts.

" Hm? Oh nothing... I'll tell you later," she dropped her voice to a whisper so only he could hear, picking her fork back up and taking another bite of ham to avoid further questions. Draco gave her a look and she stood up. " Willow can you finish feeding the twins? We just need to go have a private chat," Silvia took Draco's hand and led him out of the room when she nodded.

" Are you pregnant?"

" What! No," Silvia laughed and shook her head several times. " It's umm about the twins, well Ivy actually..." She glanced back toward the kitchen.

" What's wrong with Ivy?" Draco took her arms and stared at her worriedly.

" She's... She's starting to develop slower than Apollo..." She went on and explained her observations.

" It could be normal... I'll see for myself when we're playing tonight," he kissed her on the forehead and hugged her. " No matter what she's going to be fine," he whispered before letting her go. They walked back into the kitchen and dismissed Willow to her quarters when they saw the two empty bottles thrown on the table. They cleaned the room with a wave of their wands and took the twins into the living room where toys and stuffed animals sat carelessly. They laid them down on their large playmat on their backs.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now