A Chirstmas Wish

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The next month drags by slowly as Silvia continues to focus on her class work as the freezing month of December was starting to bring Christmas cheer to the castle. Hagrid had already placed the usual twelve enchanted trees in the great hall and the rest of the staff helped decorate the corridors and classrooms. Olivia had gotten back to her on her job interview from St Mungos, and of course she was accepted.
    " Hey Molly, can I talk to you for a second?" Silvia pulled her best friend away from a small crowd of people during their break after lunch.
   " Oh sure Silvia, everything alright?" She asked in her concerned voice, lowering it down to a whisper.
  " I'm late," Silvia whispered, not being able to hide her grin. Molly's eyes widened.
   " What! Wait your...? I mean your glowing but..." Molly stepped back and shrugged, smiling at the thought of her best friend becoming a mother.
   " Can you get me one of those tests you've told me about?" Silvia begged. Molly laughed.
  " Of course, I'll owl my parents to send one for you... It's Draco's right?" Molly bit her lip and laughed again when Silvia nodded.
   " Thanks Molly. Don't tell anyone else beside your parents," Silvia raised her voice back to normal and walked off to her common room, smiling.
   " There you are love," Draco walked to her and kissed her as she entered the common room. " I need to talk to you," he took her hand and led her to their room.
  " I wanted to talk to you too," she sat down on the couch and casually placed her arms around her abdomen. He sat next to her and summoned a letter to his hand and handed it to Silvia. For some reason she could tell he was nervous and maybe even sad as she glanced at him over the side of the parchment.
I'm not well, I think my age is finally taking its toll. I want you to come home for the holidays to spend it with me while you still can... Invite Silvia if you'd like, although I'd doubt she'd want to come back here after all that's happened to her. Please Draco, I need you.
" You should go, I don't see a reason not to go Draco," Silvia commented when she finished reading, handing the letter back to him.
   " But what about you? I know you never want to go back to my Manor," he asked setting the letter aside and taking her hands.
  " I'll be fine here on my own. If I feel up to it I might come, I just don't know yet," she replied honestly. Draco wrapped his arm around her and Silvia leaned into his chest.
" Okay then, what'd you have to tell me?" Draco asked next as he stroked her lower back. Silvia smiled and sat up, making eye contact with him. She opened her mouth to speak but suddenly closed it, stood up and ran to the bathroom. " Sil!" He ran after her, kneeling down and holding her hair back as she threw up in the porcelain toilet.
" Thanks," Silvia leaned back into his chest and wrapped her arms around her summer saluting stomach as he gently massaged her back.
" Anything love... Are you alright? I didn't make you sick did I?" Draco asked concerned as he stood up and helped her stand and walk to the bed. Silvia laughed.
" No of course you didn't, I'm just stressed with all the work I have and maybe ate too big of a lunch," she lied as Draco helped her into the soft silky sheets.
" Well it's almost time for class, I'll let everyone know your taking a half day," he kissed her sweetly, ignoring the taste and smell of her breath. Silvia nodded and watched him walk out the door with his needed books and wand. Right when the door shut behind him she shot out of the bed and took several deep breaths, spinning in excitement.
I'm going to be a mother!... We broke the Law!... Shoot, Draco's leaving for the holiday... Wait til Mcgonagall finds out... These thoughts circulated through Silvia's head as she smiled to herself as she stared down at her stomach.
An owl from Molly arrived later that night after classes, waking Silvia from her peaceful slumber in Draco's arms.
Sorry it's late but my parents just sent me the test. We can use it after classes tomorrow. See you in the morning! - Molly
  " Sil?! Everything alright?" Draco asked alarmed that she had left the bed. Silvia turned to his shadowy figure rising from the bed and hid the note behind a coffee table.
   " I'm fine... I just couldn't sleep very well... I had another night scare," she lied, turning to the window and stared out into the darkness. She felt Draco's arms snake around her and his warm lips kiss her neck as he moved her hair out of the way.
   " It's okay... I'm right here..." He soothed her between kisses. Silvia turned to kiss him back but before she could she felt faint and dizzy.
  " Draco... Bathroom..." Silvia covered her mouth when she finished talking and her other landed on her stomach. Draco's eyes widened, he didn't have time to get her there so he summoned their trash can  in front of her, trying to hold it and her hair back at the same time as she puked.
   " I'm taking you to the hospital wing," he stated when she finished.
" No, Draco really I'm fine... I just need rest," she watched him clean the bucket with a wave of his wand and place it down on the ground.
" I don't care, Sil I'm taking you to the hospital wing because I'm worried about you. The night scares, the puking..." he wrapped his arms around her ready to start walking.
" Dra I'm fine, I promise I don't need to go..." Silvia used his private nickname and let a tear fall from her eyes due to hormones. Draco sighed and hugged her tightly.
" Fine but if you get out of bed one more time to puke I'm using the floo and getting Madame Pomfrey here," he whispered slowly walking her back to the bed and helping her lay down. " Comfy love?" Draco asked as he joined her. Silvia smiled and nodded, snuggling up in his embrace and falling back asleep in minutes.
The following day's classes drawled on to what felt like Silvia's longest day ever. While receiving a plentiful amount of homework, her mind kept wandering to the test and it's result for later that day. But finally the final bell rang.
" Silvia I was thinking we could do it in the first floor lavatory, no one goes in there anymore," Molly said as they walked out of their Life Class after they bid the men farewell.
" Great idea... But honestly I know I am. I puked twice yesterday and I can tell my hormones are kicking in already," she commented back in a whisper as they headed down the stairs and down the corridor. Molly only smiled and opened the bathroom door for her. When they walked into the echoing, empty, bathroom Molly took the stick test out from her pocket.
Before Silvia could enter a stall they heard giggling and squealing of a ghost. Moaning Myrtle shot up from her toilet stall, splashing water around the floor.
" Oh it's girls today... Oh how I wish the handsome ones would return to my special place..." Myrtle monologued, staring down at the seventh years.
" Myrtle both men your talking about are taken and the third is dead, you don't have a chance," Silvia placed her hands on her hips in a defensive way. She had spoken with the ghoul a bit in her sixth year and utterly surprised to hear both Draco and Harry's names come up in the same conversation.
" Oh I see you've taken a new attitude Destined One, I suppose I'll leave..." She happened to glance down at the girls hands and gasped.
" You are not to tell anyone if I am or not," Silvia walked into the stall without another word as she heard Moaning Myrtle plunge back into her toilet. She did the test and handed it to Molly while she washed her hands.
" It takes about five min-" Molly stopped mid sentence as the test showed its results already. Silvia turned and looked at the plastic stick, her eyes brimmed with tears of joy when her eyes met Molly's.
" I knew it... Wait till I tell Draco, he'll be so happy..." Silvia took the test in her hands and Molly forced back a laugh.
" Do you want to wrap it up and then give it to him on Christmas?" She asked, taking out her wand.
" Draco's going to his mother for the holidays, yes I suppose we could wrap it and send it to his manor," Silvia answered. Molly waved her wand and within a few seconds the test was put in a white rectangle box and wrapped in shiny green paper with mistletoe on it. " Perfect, thank you Molly," she commented, placing the box in her robe pocket.
The girls took their own ways back to the common room when they parted minutes later. Silvia didn't know how she was going to keep Draco convinced that she was fine for an entire ten days until he leaves without spilling the surprise. But for now she was just going to go with the flow and let this little Christmas wish take its path.
" Potter your team only plays for you because your famous! They don't care about the bloody game because their all your weak friends!"
Silvia walked in on Harry and Draco arguing about quidditch... Again.
" Draco that's enough. Just let Harry get to practice," she stepped between the two before they could raise their wands. Draco glared passed Silvia but finally let it drop.
" Fine," he lightly sneered, walking away and up to their dorm moments later.
" Sorry I couldn't be back sooner. Molly's just kept going on and on abou-"
" Silvia it's okay. I really have to get going though," Harry cut her off and picked up his perfectly kept broom that was leaning against the chair. Silvia smiled kindly and nodded as he left in a hurry.
" So what did you and Miss Paterson talk about? Your back sooner than I would've thought," Draco asked as she joined him in their dorm.
" Molly invited me to her place for the holidays but I declined because of my nightmares and whatever is making me throw up," she lied sitting on the couch and watching the snow fall heavily outside. Silvia was shocked Harry would even run a practice today, no one else had planned anything until January.
" Mm, Silvia I owled my mother back and told her about your symptoms and she really wants me to get you to St Mungo's. She wants to make sure you aren't getting PTSD or something like that," Draco took her hands and sat beside her.
" Draco Lucius Malfoy I promise I'm completely fine. I'm just in mourning still since it's the first holiday without half the people I love... Finley even told me during lunch that he's going to see Liv and the rest of the Weasleys over break so I'll be alone in the castle... Again..." Silvia half lied this time. Draco wrapped his arms tightly around her as she cried softly in the crook of his neck.
" You won't ever be alone Silvia. Never ever again," he whispered, collecting her body and moving it on his lap. " I love you too bloody much to leave you alone and scared whenever I let you out of my sight," Draco added, kissing her temple several times making her laugh.
" I love you so much and I can't wait till the day you open your present from me," she picked her head up and smiled.
" Ooh what did you get me?" He asked like a little kid, a spark of excitement in his eyes.
" I can't tell you! It'd spoil the surprise. I'm planning on sending it to your manor on Christmas morning," she laughed as he pouted in her response.
" Well I was planning on giving your gift next Friday night but maybe I'll just hold off on my little wish now," Draco grinned. Silvia slapped him across the chest playfully and now he was laughing. " I'm kidding, I sort of need you there for it," he commented. Silvia's eyes rose in amusement. " Not what your thinking, although we could do that too."
Now they were both laughing in hysteria.
" I can't wait to exchange our little wishes then," Silvia said as they calmed down.
" I can't wait either," Draco inched his head closer to hers to try to kiss her but she pulled away and jumped to her feet last second. " Oh come on Sil!" He exclaimed, rushing after her to the bathroom.
" Sorry," she said quickly before bending her head over and puking again in the toilet. Draco only sighed, rubbing her back and held her brown locks back away from her face.
" I'll start a bath for you if you want so you can relax," Draco stood up and turned on the warm bath water.
" Thanks love," she stood with his help and he undressed her, taking his time to let the huge bath fill.
" Anything for you Sil," he kissed her forehead and helped her into the tub. He lit the light green mint scented candles that were enchanted to relax the people closest to it around the tub. " Do you want anything else? A drink or something?"
" I'm good for now, just come back in to tell me when dinner is," she closed her eyes and rested her head against the porcelain before she could see the slight gleam of disappointment in Draco's eyes. But he obeyed her orders and left her in the steamy room to relax for a few hours while he worked on his growing stack of assignments.
Soo what do you think Draco's Christmas wish/ present to Silvia is? We found out what Silvia's is obviously but I can't wait to share Draco's with you! If you have any guesses please drop a comment, follow me to know when I update, and vote on this chapter because it's over 2400 words!

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