Lucius's Help

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The twins waited for someone to arrive but within the hour their father had been kidnapped the floo went off again.

" Ivy! Apollo!" Hermione kneeled down to the two red and tear stained kids. " Shh it's going to be okay, Aunt Hermione's here," she soothed them as they told her and Ron about Draco being taken.

" We should call-" Ron started but moments later his sister and Harry came from the floo.

" So what's the reason the wards went off?" Harry asked his two best friends and the twins.

" Draco got taken, we're in charge of the case and the twins now," Hermione answered simply. Ginny covered her mouth as her and Harry took their seats on the couch, Apollo and Ivy stayed where they were.

" Are you both alright? Did the bad man try to hurt you?" Ginny asked when she found her voice. They nodded to the first question.

" There was two bad man's," Ivy spoke up, getting shocked looks from her family she continued. " He had dirty robes on and messy white hair..." She added, trembling as she remember the man.

" He looked like Daddy!" Apollo wailed right before he and his sister burst into tears again.

" What?" Harry asked, taking his eyes off the twins and to the other adults.

' Lucius?' Hermione mouthed. ' We were told by them he died'. She added, standing up and placed her hand on her chin, thinking.

" He can't be back... It's impossible he escaped from right under your noses..." Ginny took her husbands hand and he squeezed it as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

" I-I don't know Gin. I mean at the time of his death was also the same time Greyback was sentenced as well, he could've pulled something off if he tried hard enough," Harry answered. This only made Ginny sigh and shake her head.

" I thought we started having kids because we knew it was safe to," she stated.

" We-we did. Lucius could be countries away, we're safe, and more importantly your safe," he rubbed her back and gave her a look.

" Who Lucius?" Apollo asked as he stopped crying to listen to his aunts and uncles. The adults shared a look before Ron cleared his throat.

" He's-" he didn't get much further as the wards went off again, making the twins scream. Harry, Ron, and Hermione took out their wands and quickly moved the twins next to Ginny so they could protect them.

" Please I come here in peace," Lucius walked into the room from the front door, blocking all the curses sent at him. " I've just come from my son and Stone, they're perfectly fine," he said calmly, looking around at the familiar faces.

" Why're you here? Not trying to kidnap anyone else are you?" Ron asked as their spells stopped. Lucius shook his head.

" Veer's doesn't know I'm here and I don't have much time before I need to be back. I just need you to listen to me, there's been a mistake," he told them.

" Well of course there is, you're supposed to be dead!" Ron exclaimed angrily.

" Listen to me," he commanded but still in a calm voice. Hermione lowered her wand, Harry copied, and finally Ron did as well. " I was never taken to Azkaban, it was Dolohov. I was in hiding at the time and wouldn't dare attack my own son and Stone because of the outcomes of the war. When I found out he killed my wife I was outraged and started seeking revenge, Veer's offered me a job but when I realized it was this... I've come to help you undercover, if you'll allow me," Lucius explained, not expecting to get all of it out without interruption, but also not going into too much detail. 

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