A Conversation

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Hi so I just wanted to say that the conversation Silvia and Narcissa had after the war ended is actually a head cannon of mine so I wanted to write it, the next chapter will continue on with the main storyline! - Author.
Silvia sat surrounded by her friends, family, professors, and fellow hero's in the great hall, mere minutes after her and Harry defeated Voldemort. To be honest with herself Silvia couldn't place an emotion with how she felt, sure Bellatrix and Voldemort were gone but so were some of her friends and Order members.

" Silvia dear?" Mrs Weasley asked her, her face red and glossed with tears.

" Yes?" She replied in a sorrow tone but giving her a kind smile.

" You were very- very brave, I couldn't imagine how your parents would feel in these moments," her voice broke as she hugged her tightly, letting out more tears.

" They're proud of me, just like how everyone else is here, shh Molly don't cry... He wouldn't want us to mourn over him," Silvia tried to help her by rubbing her back but she kept weeping.

" Mum come on, the Destined One doesn't look like she wants to er mourn right now," Ginny pried her mother off of Silvia and passed her a sad look. Silvia nodded and looked around the crowded room. Her eyes landed on her platinum blonde boyfriend sitting with his parents in the corner of the room.

Is it safe to come over to you? She signed when their eyes met. He muttered something to his parents, his father glared but his mother smiled kindly and nodded.

Yes came his reply so Silvia made her way over to them, getting stopped several times by students or professors.

" Hi," she said weakly as she got to the three Malfoy's, sitting across from them on the floor.

" It's an honor to see you looking well Destined One, what you did earlier stunned us all," Mrs Malfoy answered her.

" Oh thanks... But please call me Silvia. You have no idea how many times your son called me that in our first year," she lightly chuckled as Draco gave her a look and she stopped.

" It's alright dear, Silvia if I could have a word with you?" Narcissa asked as Silvia helped her stand.

" Mother I-"

" It's nothing bad Draco, just an apology," she replied.

" Oh Mrs Malfoy you don't owe me an apology, I understand what your husband and sister did to me and my family and I will put those events in my past. Honestly don't," she added quickly as the slender woman opened her mouth to speak.

" But may I still have a quick word with you? The apology was merely something I wanted to bring up," Narcissa led her out of the hall and into the destroyed main corridor before Silvia could say anything. " Miss Stone I was blessed to keep your and Draco's secrets for as long as I could. You truly are everything he's said about you and the best thing that has ever entered his life," she informed her.

" Oh I-I ah thank you Mrs Malfoy," she stuttered feeling her neck brighten as she tried to cover it with her white collar. Mrs Malfoy chuckled, her laugh was light and almost like a song and so Silvia smiled.

" Please Silvia, call me Narcissa and your welcome. I believe my son could be dead if it weren't for you," she laid her hand on her shoulder gently but Silvia winced. " Oh dearest, here let me-"

" I'm okay Narcissa, it's just a cut," she glanced at her half bloodied shoulder and shrugged, knowing her sister could heal it for her later. Narcissa smiled again and sighed.

" You really are like your mother. Yes I knew her as well, we may have been five years apart in school but she always seemed to talk to me when I needed someone the most. We'd chat after classes about life and drama, funny enough she kept bringing up your father often in our talks and was able to teach me sign once he'd trust Emma enough to teach her," she paused to laugh and Silvia smiled and forced back tears. " But Merlin, I miss them and I'm sorry about everything that's happened in the past."

Silvia nodded but finally broke, hugging the older women tightly and sobbing into her chest. Narcissa was at first alarmed and tried to push her away but within seconds she changed her mind and soothed the girl, rubbing her back and telling her it was alright- something she'd caught Draco doing to Silvia while she was kidnapped in their manor.

" Narcissa?" Lucius's voice called, making the girls turn. Lucius was standing just outside the great hall with Draco just behind him. When he saw Silvia he ran to her and collected her in his arms, picking her up bridal style and carrying her away from his parents, who's voice's were starting to rise as they talked.

" Sil shh love its over, look at me," Draco set her on a bench in the messy courtyard and kneeled down beside her. He waited until she did. " We won, we're alive and together. Who cares what my parents are doing, all I care about is you," he said, taking both her hands in his and not breaking eye contact. She smiled sadly and traced her hand from his forehead to the back of his ear.

I love you, nothings going to change that. She signed, to emotional to speak.

" I love you too, forever, no matter what, always," while whispering this Draco moved himself up so their lips were millimeters apart. Silvia wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed, slowly, longing each other's company. Draco picked her up as they kissed, setting her on her feet and deepening their kiss.

Silvia had half the buttons undone on Draco's shirt before she realized they were being watched, by more than just two eyes. She gasped and stepped away from him, Draco looked around and quickly realized what had happened.

" Oh don't worry about us, it's not like we exist," her sister spoke up as Silvia shielded Draco so he could fix his shirt, several students laughed.

" I could obliviate all of you right now. Why the h- do I need to be followed every second? The war is over everyone, go celebrate or mourn with your families in your own ways," Silvia told the large group.

" We were wondering where you snuck off to, obviously to get away from us," Olivia crossed her arms and raised one of her eyebrows.

" Did not."

" Did too."

" Nope."

" Yes."

" Liv shut up, Draco and I aren't even going to see each other for the next two months," Silvia took a step back as her sister advanced on them.

" Stop this behavior right now or else you won't be coming back next semester," Olivia put her hands on her hips but Silvia glanced down to see her kick herself, something she only did if she was mad at herself.

" Stones stop, Sil's right. She always is," Draco cut in between the two sisters and wrapped his arm around Silvia's back. Olivia glared at him before walking back into the slowly dismissing audience. Silvia took a deep breath and sighed.

" I'm glad it's only going to be two months, being with her, Fin, and the Weasleys is going to suck," they turned but only to see the two elder Malfoys blocking the path back into the castle.

" Draco we're leaving," his mother said, acting as though she was disappointed but winking secretly at Silvia, who grinned for a second before looking foolish.

" You are never to do that again the PDA rules here really do need updating," Lucius glared directly at his son, who nodded stiffly. Draco and the Malfoys walked into the castle and out the open door, apparating minutes later to their manor.

Silvia walked back into the great hall, wondering what was to come next as she took a seat by Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry.


Ok so I realized that I originally had sort of like a movie ending when the Malfoys leave mid battle so this chapter was more of a 'what if' type of thing. In the next chapter it'll go back to the main plot and continue with that storyline.

Oh also I've been thinking about writing a new book, slightly different from this one but still a Draco Malfoy love story. Drop a comment if you want to hear a sneak peak of it in possibly a future chapter, vote on this chapter if you liked it, and follow to know the minute I update!

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