It Gets Worse

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Draco sat in the living room, his boss, in-laws, and Silvia's closest friends all around him. He had just finished telling them everything that happened and they all seemed devastated.

" We'll close the Ministry, show whoever took Silvia and the kids what happens if they mess with us," Ginny spoke up after awhile of brainstorming.

" It's not that easy to just close the freaking Ministry itself. The wizarding world will go nuts," Draco answered her, placing his hand on the bridge of his nose and rubbing it. He missed Silvia and his twins, within the hour they've been gone he knew something bad had happened to his wife, he could just feel it.

" Then what do we do? We can't just send search parties to random places... What did you and Silvia do to figure out me and Fin's location?" Olivia asked.

" You sent her letters and those visions because you knew her location. She merely guessed based on your hints," he answered again, not bothering to meet any of their eyes. There was silence for a few seconds before Olivia gasped.

" What if you tried Legimency on her, I've seen you do it before at the hospital. What makes her not being here any different?" She explained her idea.

" I... I haven't tried that in years, and besides I doubt I could focus long enough to get a decent amount of information out of her, who knows if she can even handle a metal link after all these years..." Draco let his voice trail off as he stood from his chair, kicking it in frustration and walking to the window which viewed their front yard.

" It's worth a shot Draco, please try for us," Olivia walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" Fine, this weekend I'll attempt to contact her. We have to get to work," he summoned his briefcase and Hermione stood up shaking her head.

" There's no way a hung over, angry, Draco Malfoy would be good at the Ministry today, we will tell everyone you left for your honeymoon and a few Aurors of the matter to help us start searching," she informed him, waving her wand at his briefcase making it go back to it's original location.

" You expect me to sit around like a lost cause all day because my family is missing?" He asked, his voice raising with every word. 

" No. You are to start thinking about who the cloaked figure could be and where it took them. There's your homework," she jumped into the floo not a moment later, followed by everyone who worked at the Ministry leaving Olivia, Finley, and Ginny. Draco glared at the mantle and shook his head.

" Don't you three have places to be?" Draco asked, annoyed.

" I.. I'm taking a leave from quidditch for awhile and I bet Olivia and Finley here will call in sick to their jobs?" Ginny asked back. Both of the Stones nodded and Olivia took out her cell phone to call St Mungos and the CDI service Finley works for. ( A CDI is a certified deaf interpreter, they use acting/ classifiers to help young or old deaf people communicate with the hearing. Look up more on the internet if you have any questions, or ask me!)

" Alright then..." Draco left them for his office, needing to be alone.

Hours turned to days, days turned into weeks as Draco practiced Legimency on the family members who stayed with him for most of his day. He wasn't taking care of himself like he used to, he stopped eating almost immediately, stopped sleeping in his bedroom came after, followed by not shaving and showering.

Silvia on the other hand, wasn't doing much better.

" Are you alright Mummy?" Apollo ran to the corner Silvia had crawled to as she threw up what little of the breakfast she was given.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now