Happily Ever After

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Hey everyone so this will be the final chapter before I write the epilogue- and yes, I know the title of this chapter is cringe worthy but I wanted to name it this lol. I'm starting to plan yet another book- but this one won't be about Silvia and the wizarding world... Not to give away too many spoilers but it'll be a realistic fictional book about my life! Lots of love!- Author.

Draco was let out of St Mungo's a few days later once Olivia deemed him completely cured, except from his large scar etched across his chest that would stay for life.

Astoria and Xander came by every day and they sometimes stayed the night since they were on their own now. Silvia and Draco knew they'd be fine sooner or later but for now they granted the two hospitality.

Time moved on however, and soon it was the morning of Olivia and her fiancé's wedding.

" Come on Apollo, we're almost running late," Silvia called up to his and Ivy's room.

" One second!" He called back. Silvia sighed and shook her head. To fit the wedding theme she was wearing a delicate light blue dress and part of her hair was in two braids, connecting into one in the center as it rested on top of her forcefully straight hair. Last second, Draco wove in gold strands into the braids.

" He's very timely," Draco commented, wrapping his arms around his wife. He was wearing a dark blue button up and a formal black vest over top, almost matching his only son.

" No, he's a perfectionist like the both of us," she corrected. They didn't have to wait much longer as Apollo Orion came down the stairs in a light green button up and a formal black vest. Silvia covered her mouth to hide her immature squealing laughter.

" Willow isn't nice today..." He said, messing with his curly brown hair.

" Oh hush now, you look perfect lovey! Now come on, Aunt Olivia wanted us there on time," Silvia took his hand that was in his hair and led him and Draco into the decorated and festive living room where Ivy and Astoria were waiting. Astoria had Hera on her lap.

Ivy had on an elegant dark blue dress, her hair pulled back into a French braid.

" We shouldn't be back too late," Draco picked Hera off of Astoria and she squealed in her little lilac dress. He picked up the diaper bag and swung it around his other shoulder before joining his wife next to the mantle.

" I figured. Have a good time and send Olivia my love," Astoria said, coughing immediately afterwards. She had gotten a bad cold and didn't want to go anywhere to risk the spread.

" We will," Silvia told her before taking a handful of floo powder in her hands. " St Jeromes Church, Godric's Hallow," she said clearly, letting the twins go first before her.

When her senses came back Silvia was standing at the front of the semi familiar church. It had been almost seven to eight years since she last was in it but it's beautiful stained glass and architecture was still standing.

" Hello there Malfoy's, thank you for being on time," the priest gave them a friendly smile as they moved around to the front rows of benches marked ' Reserved for brides family'.

Silvia smiled. " Your welcome," she told him. " I'm going to go back with Liv and the others," kissing Draco's cheek and Hera's forehead, she waved at her soon to be brother in law before walking down the isle.

" Miss Stone," An female voice called to her. Glancing around she spotted Mcgonagall in a row near her.

" How many times do I have to remind you that it's Malfoy, Headmistress? And aren't you supposed to be at the castle...?" Silvia asked curiously.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now