Chapter eleven

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Today's the day... The thought kept repeating in Silvia's head as she forced herself to eat on the day of the third task, the day she'd hopefully get her siblings back.
Her thoughts were broken by loud cheering at the far end of her table. Cedric had strolled in with his seventh year buds and they raised him up on their shoulders. Silvia couldn't help but laugh and join in on the cheering.
" I'm gonna win for all of you dressed in yellow!" Cedric shouted, pumping his fist in the air in excitement.
" He's getting a hang of being popular," Molly joked as Cedric was put down and began hugging and fist bumping his fellow House mates.
" Yeah... I think I'm going to find Draco to help me prepare for our own challenge," Silvia gave her a reassuring smile as she ducked under all the excitement and ran to the corridor.
She ended up taking a stroll outside by the black lake when she hadn't found who she was looking for. But as she walked down to the grassy shoreline Silvia spotted her blonde Slytherin.
" Morning," she commented as she wrapped her arms around to his front, hugging him from the back. He turned and smiled at her.
" Morning love, are you ready for today?" Draco asked as he moved so she was standing beside him, wrapping his own arm around her back and let the other hold her hands that rested on his side.
" I'm ready as I'll ever be but I'm scared out of my mind..." Silvia leaned into his chest and let him stroke her hair and back.
" It's okay to be scared Silvia, whatever happens today I'll be right there with you. If something goes out of plan it'll never be your fault for being brave and courageous, and of course trying your darn hardest," Draco soothed her. Silvia laughed at his pep talk.
" Thank you love, I needed that," she looked up and smiled. He planted a kiss on her forehead and tightened their embrace.
" What time is the task? Did Dumbledore ever tell you a time to get to his office?" Draco asked, his blue gray eyes staring into her wondrous brown ones.
" He said the task isn't until after lunch and to met us ten minutes prior... We should get to class, have you even eaten yet?" Silvia backed away and took his hand, leading them slowly back up to the castle.
" Yes... I'll see you later then," he replied, squeezing her hand before letting it go and walking down the corridor to their right. Silvia stood there smiling for a second before turning left and rushing down to the dungeons for potions.
After her morning classes had ended Silvia ate what she could for lunch and walked with Draco to their headmasters office. They kept to a light conversation as they walked, Draco could tell his girlfriend was just as nervous as she was that morning and didn't want to over stress her.
" Good early afternoon my dears," Dumbledore greeted them as they walked into the ever so cluttered and circular office.
" Morning Headmaster," Silvia replied while Draco merely nodded.
" Are you ready for your mission to begin?" The old bearded man asked as he smiled at his two students.
" Ready as we'll ever be I suppose," Silvia returned the smile but shrugged.
" Your nervous my dear, don't be. Once I have sent you away you have a one hour window in which Hogwarts will be completely empty. That should be plenty of time to distract the men at Drumstrang and retrieve your siblings safely," Dumbledore stood from his chair and took out his wand.
" I know... Have you decided who we're turning into?" Silvia asked, feeling Draco slowly unlace his fingers from hers.
" Yes. Mr Malfoy will be disguised as a Drumstrang student and you my dear will appear to look like a relative of the Malfoy family," he explained. Silvia and Draco nodded, they didn't have much of a choice to disagree at this point.
" And will the love spell work?" Draco asked.
" Only to the true men of Drumstrang once she gets there," he nodded.
" We're ready then, transform me," Silvia smiled confidently now and placed her hands on her hips. Dumbledore chuckled and swiftly waved his wand.
Silvia felt herself grow a few inches taller, her body change, and her eyes had started to hurt.
" Woah..." Silvia and Draco commented as Silvia stared at herself in a mirror Dumbledore had summoned.
Silvia now had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and paler skin. She was dressed in a short emerald colored dress that cut a little deep into her chest but she knew she'd be convincing.
" This is... Quite amazing..." She turned back to the guys and smiled.
" You look okay I suppose. I like your normal self better," Draco stared at her. He knew she looked exactly like his mother, except younger and not so torn between families. Silvia laughed at Draco's comment as Dumbledore handed her a matching cloak.
" You have a two minute head start Miss Stone, I wish you the best of luck," Dumbledore waved his wand one more time and Silvia vanished on the spot.
When her senses returned she was standing outside a dark, creepy looking forest, the skies overhead were dark gray. She looked around and saw a stone path straight ahead so she started walking in its direction.
After awhile she came across the gated off castle. It was maybe double the size of Hogwarts and it's walls were deep black, torches hung and set here and there for visibility.
" V'hy ello there beauty," a muscular man wearing long brown robes stood at the entrance of the tall black gate.
" Hello fair gentleman, I was wondering if I could have permission to enter?" Silvia sweet talked, trying to convincingly flirt with the guy.
" Ooh what's your name my v'ondrous angel and where have you sent v'rom?" The man grinned and touched the side of her face.
" My name is Angelica Black, long lost relative of the Malfoy's," Silvia lied on the spot, getting the name from what the man called her. " I've come looking far and wide for this castle to learn of its history of dungeons and torcher methods," she explained as darkly as she could.
The man laughed evilly and nodded, opening the gate for them and walking with her to the castle. He started explaining all about the dungeons and torchering methods and Silvia nodded every now and then, taking in the castles darkness and it's love of Dark Magic.
Once they approached the dungeon stairs two guards grinned and opened the door, following Silvia and the other student down. Four more guards were spread out along the long dim hallway Silvia knew so well now from her dreams.
" Who the h- is she?" She heard her sister ask from her cell, her voice tight and hoarse.
" I am these men's dreams come true," Silvia answered, winking quickly before walking on. She took in a sharp breath as she cornered herself against the wall.
" Angel!" The men bent down beside her as she fell to the mossy dirty ground, pretending to feel faint.
" Ohh my poor feet, I must say I'm parched, would you mind-" Silvia didn't have to finish as the men all gave her a strange look, a look she'd hoped she wouldn't get from someone in years.
She had started to loose track of what was going on. Her dress was pulled up and almost completely off her, the men were kissing and tugging on parts of her body, and she had no idea what was going on with Draco and her siblings. Silvia pretended to giggle and moan, trying to act like she was enjoying this, but she truly hated it and almost knew she'd have nightmares because of this... Experience.
" Alright my handsome loves, thank you, I feel much better now," Silvia struggled to stand up as she fixed her dress and let the men realize she was standing. " I must be off, thank you for your time," Silvia noticed her siblings cage was empty and ran.
The men were left in a daze, Dumbledore had said it would last until the morning so Silvia ran out of the dungeon and to the nearest fireplace.
Once she found one with floo powder on the mantle she poured some in her hand.
" Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hospital wing!" She said quickly, hearing a mass of footsteps approaching the room. Silvia barely waited a moment as the flames turned bright green and she jumped in them, getting away at the nick of time.
" Silvia!" Draco ran to his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her as she turned back to her normal self, crying in hysteria. " Shh it's okay... We did it..." He started calming her.
" I-I never w-want to-to do that again!" She cried into his chest and shoulder.
" I know... It's over, your safe, your siblings are safe," Draco stroked her hair and back, glancing back to his girlfriends siblings, who gave him a sad look.
" They are?" She asked in a disbelieved tone, peeking her head over his shoulder and smiling at them, giving them a wave.
" Your one stellar actress Silvia," Olivia said after she had drank the potion Madame Pomfrey gave her.
" Mr Malfoy please assist Miss Stone to the bed," Madame Pomfrey pointed to the bed between her siblings. He nodded and slowly helped Silvia's aching body to the bed, laying her down carefully but she still winced.
" Sorry love," he apologized, moving out of the way so Madame Pomfrey could start to heal the red marks and bruises around her body.
" It's fine..." Silvia answered weakly.
" I might finally approve of your relationship after this... Draco isn't too bad after all Silvia," Olivia told them while signing it to their younger brother.
" Really?!" Silvia asked when Madame Pomfrey finished with her.
" Really. As long as he treats you right I think Mum and Dad would be proud of you for being you," she answered her younger sister with a soft smile, stroking her clothed and healing charm covered stomach.
The four of them talked and signed for fifteen minutes, just getting to know each other and having Silvia explain what the Triwizard tournament was to Finley so he could understand the tasks and everything.
" My look who we have here," Dumbledore walked in, cutting off the conversation the teens and Finley were having.
" Headmaster!" Olivia's eyes sparked with admiration.
" Hello Olivia and it's nice to meet you Finley," he greeted them while signing. " Silvia dearest I would like to inform you of something... Alone if possible," Dumbledores eyes turned somber.
" Oh umm sure Headmaster... Everything go alright with the task?" Silvia asked, slowly getting up from the bed with Draco's help.
" Not quite," he walked over to her and helped her the rest of the way out of the wing. He led her to a nearby bench and told her to sit. " During the final minutes of the task Cedric Diggory was murdered by Voldemort, he has returned and I believe you were told that... I'm so very sorry about your loss," Dumbledore bent down beside her as she covered her mouth to hold back a scream.
   She felt hot angry tears form in her eyes as she remembered the bright green light flash through her childhood home, not wanting to hear that happen to anyone again. Silvia finally nodded and stood up, walking back down the corridor to the hospital wing, leaving a sympathetic Dumbledore behind.
   " Sil...?" Draco asked as she ran in and sat down next to him, burying her head back in his neck and crying. 
This was the only place she felt safe, the only true place she felt protected at all times.
  " Ced was mur-murdered... By Voldemort...." She cried, unable to stop shaking even if Draco's arms were tightly wrapped around her as they rubbed her back.
    " What!" Olivia and Draco exclaimed, both shocked. With Finley's confused look Olivia signed what had happened and he paled at the sign for Voldemort.
Longest chapter yet! I hope you all enjoyed the big rescue and my slight cliff hanger at the end. Next chapter will be more of a filler and time skips I think so bare with me on that. Like, comment, vote, and follow! ♥️ Author!

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora