Silvia Stone: The Marriage Law

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I know the marriage law stuff is written a lot but I have a really good idea so I hope it's slightly different than all the others! Ps I think I might try writing in first person and not third, just to change it up for a chapter or two idk yet lol. - Author
Silvia's Pov:
   Fin, Olivia, and I were walking on platform nine and three quarters trying to avoid the crowds. Ever since the war had ended with Harry and I defeating the Dark Lord, the Daily Prophet can't seem to get enough of our families- hence why we aren't walking with each other.
   When the war had finished, Headmistress Mcgonagall let me and my siblings go and live with the Weasleys at the Burrow, who were all mourning but happy that we could come for the summer. The Battle of Hogwarts had taken a huge toll on our extended family since most of the Order, except Kingsley, were all murdered and Fred's innocent life was taken as well. For awhile aunt Molly, we call her that now after she told me and my siblings we could, wouldn't stop crying and George was shut up in him and Fred's room while the rest of us sat quiet in the living room watching Teddy Lupin gurgle and play with us and his toys.
    But eventually me, Fin, Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione all got our Hogwarts letters which stated that we must return no matter the circumstances. Olivia however, didn't get a letter and instead a list of jobs Mcgonagall thought would fit her.
   " Silvia, come on your going to miss the train!" Olivia called from ahead of me where she and Fin were, pulling me out of my thoughts.
   " Sorry, I was looking for-"
" Me?" My platinum blonde haired boyfriend kissed me passionately as he let me into his safe open arms. I couldn't help but laugh as I took a step back and nodded, looking up into Draco's blue grey eyes which were looking far happier than they have in a long time.
   " Yes you silly," I replied, picking up my bag and joining it with Fin's which he had already put in the large pile by the train.
Can we go now lovers? He signed playfully, taking my hand off of Draco's neck and in his hand. I rolled my eyes at my fifteen year old brother.
   " Why not. Olivia I guess we'll see you at Christmas!" I cheered lightly and quickly hugged her.
   " Silvia I think you should stay this year, Headmaster has sent me an owl explaining what's going to be changing and you might not want to leave," she told me. I gave her a look. " Nothing too bad Silvia, I promise nothing can be worse than what's already happened," Olivia added, glancing down at my chest where she knew all my torchering scars were.
   I sighed but nodded in agreement, saying my final goodbyes and walking with Draco until we found an empty compartment after we had found Finley and his other Gryffindor friends in another. Fin had been sorted into Gryffindor like our father and he's been proving up to the brave name ever since, getting to know Harry and Ron almost better than me, for a matter of fact.
   " I can't believe we're both bloody alive right now," Draco put enchantments over the doors so no one could see or hear us.
   " I find it hard to believe too, after all the torchering at your Manor and then the darn war itself..." I felt a burning hot tear slide down my face, remembering everything I'd lost and gone through . Draco sat down next to me and put me on his lap.
  " It's okay Sil... It's over... We're alive together and free," he soothed me and I smiled weakly, tracing my hand along his left wrist.
   " Does it still hurt anymore now that he's gone?" I asked referring to his Dark Mark.
  " No, not really...Only when I get occasional nightmares every now and then."
  We heard the train blow its horns and felt the soft and familiar rumble of movement start.
  " Oh... That's good at least. How's your mother doing with the death of her sister and your father on the run?" I questioned him, forcing back a smile knowing he was slightly upset about it.
   " She's alright I suppose, she wished you'd come with us to Bella's funeral in August but I knew it would be weird for you to show up at your own parents murderers funeral," he stated, smiling when I couldn't help but chuckle.
   " It definitely would've been strange to tell you that much," I laughed.
  " So... How was your summer?" Draco kissed my forehead, only to guess what I would say.
   " Very unWeasley like. The Burrow was quiet and no one was brave enough to talk unless it was to Teddy or something long and important. George is still locked in his room with Angelina visiting every other day. Aunt Molly cried so much we had to take down all the pictures in the house and put them in the attic... It sucked to be frank with you," I finished, not sure on what else to say.
  " I'm sorry to hear that but mine wasn't any better either. I was lonely and half the time I thought you were in danger or dead, the only thing that seemed to ease my mind was the articles about you in the Prophet, reminding me that you are the hero of the Wizarding World and an inspiration to all," he kissed me when he finished and I kissed him back, a smile forming on both of our faces.
    The remainder of the long ride we talked about what Mcgonagall's planning for us and kissed until we had to change into our robes, which were completely new since mine were torn from the war.
    After we got to the castle ( which had been fixed from all the damage it had taken) and entered the great hall, which we were greeted with a round of applause, the sorting began. It was a shock to see how many eleven year old children were lined up after all that had happened but eventually Mcgonagall finished and started her speech.
   " Welcome back everyone and hello to new faces and welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now this year there will be some new changes for our returning NEWT students but everything else has simply stayed the same. You will get your timetables tomorrow morning at breakfast and if you'd like to tryout for your House quidditch team please let your Head of House know as soon as possible. This year we are welcoming our new staff member Professor Harper who will be covering Defense Against the Dark Arts and I expect all of you to be very welcoming to him..."
  My eyes dart back to the staff table to a young man with dark red hair and brown eyes wearing light grey robes, he looked nice and friendly- a great thing based off how many people we've had to have us teach DADA.
   " Do you recon he'll stay for long?" Justin Finch Fletchy asked from across the table.
  " He looks like the man for the job," Molly answered, whispering from beside me as Mcgonagall continued.
   When she finished with " all seventh years have to stay here after the feast," and a wave of her wand, the classic beginning of term feast was served. At that point though I couldn't focus, why the heck does she want our year to stay? The question circling around in my head until I heard a faint call of my name.
   " Silvia... Earth to Silvia, are you with me?" Molly asked as she waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked and laughed, nodding and apologizing before dishing out and eating. Molly, Justin, and I kept to a light and cheery conversation as we ate, ignoring the younger students whisper and looking at me with shocked faces, which turned into smiling whenever I waved to them.
   " Excuse me Miss Stone," I turn to see a young girl with blonde bangs parted between her eyes holding a copy of the Daily Prophet.
   " Yes?" I ask kindly to the girl.
" Can you sign this form me?" Her face turned reddish in embarrassment and held out the parchment. I laughed and nodded taking the Prophet and summoning a quill to my hands and signing my name in the margin at the bottom of the paper.
   " Thank you our Destined One!" She cheered over the noise of the chatter of the hall, making several heads turn toward us.
  " Your welcome and enjoy the rest of your night," I responded, passing a look to Draco, who was covering his mouth from laughing and trying not to choke on his steak.
Stop it, I'm famous now and I have admirers. I signed through the tall arrays of platers and lightly glared at him. He smiled once he had swallowed hard and rolled his eyes.
You've always been famous and you've always had a fan club. He signed back, only making me shake my head, smiling, and finishing my plate of salad.
    For what felt like thirty more minutes I sat there anxiously awaiting for the feast to be over, and finally it did. Mcgonagall beckoned us forward with a wave of her hand as the remainder of the staff left. I walked to Draco and let him wrap his firm arms around my front as I rested my head back at the base of his neck.
" As you all know the Wizarding World's population has plummeted because of Voldemort and his followers so the Ministry of Magic has created a new law for all of you... What I'm about to say, I had not a choice to disagree..." She looked at all of us with sorrow eyes, but I can see regret boiling under her skin. " You all have been assigned partners who all in this room, to marry and have a child with within the next two years."
I felt myself go faint, paling by the second. Draco wrapped his arms tighter around me to support me and I looked up at him, scared and bewildered.
" We get to choose our own partner, right Headmistress?" I asked when no one said anything.
" The Ministry has chosen for you," Mcgonagall answered us making the tension in the air rise.
" That's ruddy unfair! They can't just expect us to replace the population now! Why can't we pick?!" Draco outraged along with several others while I stayed quiet, shaking my head in disbelief against his chest, feeling like I could cry any moment.
" Enough!" Mcgonagall boomed over the angry teens. " It is a law and I can't change any of it... Now I will begin to read the list of partners and we will talk about common room assignments after that," she shuffled the papers in hands and took a long breath before starting to read out couples.
Hermione and Ron were placed together, both looking rather thankfully and whispering to each other already. Blaise Zambini and Pansy Parkinson had been put together and I felt Draco breath a breath of relief and I chuckled silently and smiled. Molly was put with Justin and I had to cover my mouth from laughing when Molly squealed and Justin blushed.
But when Ginny was paired with Cormac McLaggen and not Harry, Silvia could tell something was going wrong with this.
" No," Ginny stated confidently as she stayed by Harry's side as he glared at Mcgonagall and wrapped his arms around her waist. I passed the two a concerned look and Ginny looked back with an equal look.
" Miss Weasley I'm truly sorry but I had no choice. Mr Potter... Please let go of her," there was obvious regret full in her voice now as she passed me and Draco a look, telling us that our names were soon, and hopefully paired together.
No they weren't. When Draco was paired with Astoria Greengrass I turned and cried on his shoulder hard.
" Never will I ever do that with merely a friend of mine Minerva, try again," Draco spoke above my crying in a serious voice while rubbing my back.
" Drop the tone Mr Malfoy, as you now know Silvia and Harry are the only two names left and again I have no choice but to do this to you."
I let out a scream when I realized she was right, gasping Draco tighter as I shook uncontrollably in his arms.
So first chapter of the second part of my book completed! I hoped you enjoyed the switch from 3rd to 1st person and a slight cliff hanger at the end! Also I'm thinking about naming chapters now, I've done it in my other books so maybe I will on here too. Like, comment, vote, and follow!
Ps this was the longest chapter yet!

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