Hallows Eve

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The first weeks of classes pushed on and the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts were commencing. Draco had allowed Silvia to come watch from his view down on the ground, somewhere she hasn't stepped foot on in years.
    " Group up in the position you'd like to tryout for!" Draco ordered, his green Quidditch robes blowing in the breeze. Silvia smiled when they did without hesitation.
   " Why the h- is a Hufflepuff here? Isn't she supposed to be with Potter?" A tall sixth year boy with black hair and broad shoulders asked as he stood in front of the rest of the Beaters.
   " That's none of your business, you all won't mention anything about Silvia again unless you wish to leave," Draco scolded back defensively, taking Silvia's hand. The large group either rolled their eyes, glared, or chuckled.
    " Three laps around the permitter. Go," Draco ordered next. The group jumped on their brooms and shot in the air... Well the experienced ones did, the second years faltered a bit but then gained their height.
    " I think I'm almost at fourteen days," Silvia spoke up once everyone was busy warming up.
    " Brilliant, just tell me when," he grinned and pecked her lip. Silvia moaned, wanting more. They hadn't had too much time together because of classes but today Draco was holding tryouts on a Hogsmeade day to test who would be committed enough for his team. " Just not here," he added making her pull away and laugh.
   " Liv sent me an owl this morning. She has an interview at St Mungo's today... If this all works she's going to be my healer- you know when we have to go and..." Silvia let her voice trail off as Draco nodded.
   " Yes but once you are, it isn't meant to be kept a secret. We'll tell your sister and your brother, and soon after the entire school and the Ministry," he stroked the side of her cheek, not realizing the rest of the Slytherins had landed.
   " You done yet Malfoy? Your making us sick."
Silvia and Draco jumped back from each other, red in the face in embarrassment.
   " Alright. Keepers and Chasers first, just do your best and spread out," Draco told them as the two groups got back in the air. The others went and sat on the benches set up on the edges of the pitch. He tossed the Quaffle in the air and watched the Chasers dive after it.
     " Okay. Oh did you hear Mcgonagall's announcement yesterday about her Hallows Eve party she's planning for Friday night?" Silvia asked, changing the topic slightly as a Chaser scored a goal.
   " Yeah, she's said it's going to be a lot like the Yule Ball except only Hogwarts students in any year... Wait is that your fourteenth day?" Draco turned his head away from the sky toward Silvia, who bit her lip and nodded.
    " I was thinking we could say I was sick so you can sneak to the party grab some drinks and then come back to the common room," Silvia gave him a dirty look and he grinned, kissing her fully on the lips this time as his House mates yelled at them.
   " Get off the pitch!"
" You're a disgrace to our House!"
" Stone's don't deserve Malfoy's!"
" Filthy pure blood!"
After that last comment Silvia and Draco stopped, anger flooding their faces as they turned to the fifth year girl who'd said it.
   " For your information Sullivan's, pure bloods aren't anything like mudbloods!"
  Silvia pulled Draco away from the now petrified girl and met his eyes, shocked that he would say that to his own Housemate.
  " Draco what was that?" She arched her eyebrow and let a tear fall from her eyes.
   " I- Sil- I-"
" Don't do this to me. Saying that years ago was one thing but now that the w-war is over I thought you'd forget about blood status!" Silvia screamed in his face. Draco tried to touch her arm but she stepped back. " Take your bloody time with tryouts, I don't want to see you back in the common room until tomorrow morning!" She added, turning and running off the pitch, and to the changing rooms.
    Silvia ran until she got to Draco's locker. Opening it she took his sweatshirt and replaced it with her mother's amber ring. She then ran all the way back to her common room, ignoring the concerned voices calling her name.
   She jogged up the dorm stairs, stopping when she reached the middle landing. Malfoy or Potter she thought, not really knowing at this point. She decided on her and Harry's room, opening the door to the master bedroom.
    The walls were Gryffindor red and so was the bed cover. Against the opposite wall there was a white mantle and a red couch against the other next to the bathroom door. Silvia didn't care that she could see steam coming from the bottom of the bathroom door and the soft laughter of Ginny and Harry as she collapsed on the king sized bed in a fit of tears.
    " Ah! Harry!" Ginny's squeals turned surprised as they saw Silvia on the bed crying her heart out.
  " Er how long have you been there Silvia? And are tryouts over already?" Harry asked uncomfortably. Silvia picked her head out of her pillow and covered her eyes as she saw the two only in towels.
   " Not long enough for me to calm down from what Draco said to someone at the tryouts. And no their still out on the pitch," she turned completely, leaning on her elbows.
" What'd Malfoy say now?" Ginny asked as she dried herself with a wave of her wand and summoned her clothes, Harry copied.
" He called someone a-a rude term for muggle borns and said we pure bloods were still more powerful than them," Silvia explained. Harry glared out into space as he changed, his towel still wrapped around his middle.
" Well that's Malfoy for you," a now dressed Ginny Weasley sat beside her and her mouth opened a gap when she didn't see her ring.
" It's in his locker since I took his sweatshirt," she answered her unneeded question. " Anyway I should go, sorry I ruined your shower," Silvia moved her legs to the edge of the bed and stretched her back.
" Wait Silvia," Harry stooped her as she opened the door to leave, Silvia looked back. " You don't need to sleep in the common room each night. If you want we could split the bed," he said. Silvia shook her head and sighed.
" The common room is where I feel the best at the moment," she left and shut the door without another thought. Silvia knew Harry was only trying to help her but she didn't want or need help. Once she sat down on the sofa she curled her legs up and summoned her charms essay that was due Monday and worked on that to help take her mind off of things.
" Hey Sil," Draco sat down beside her half awake body several hours later.
" What do you want?" Silvia made to stand up but her body wouldn't cooperate so she stayed sitting.
" To apologize for what I said earlier..." He took her hand and slipped her ring back where it belonged.
" Draco I-I can't accept your apology. You have to learn on your own," now she stood up but Draco took her hand.
" Please Silvia, I'm sorry I- I won't say it again... Sil I love you don't do this to us. What about our plan?" He stood up and Silvia let him hold her against his chest.
" This is a warning, if that ever happens again-"
" It won't," Draco lifted her chin with his hand and kissed her passionately. Silvia smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, leaning away and nibbling his ear while he got her neck.
Eventually he carried her up to his dorm, laid her on the forest green bed and completely went at it.
They fell asleep not too late since they had gone up early but Silvia's dreams that night weren't that great.
She woke up mid scream and her body squirming in fright.
" Sil! Shh it's okay, what's wrong?" Draco sat up and collected his naked girlfriend in his arms as she cried.
" Voldemort... Bellatrix... Your father..." she muttered as she felt his arms tighten around her.
" Their gone love, we're safe.. Shh your okay, it was just a dream," he soothed her, kissing her neck.
" W-what if they weren't... What if something happened and he came back?..." Silvia covered her cough and her tears lessened. Draco only rubbed her back and combed her long hair through his hands, quieting her when she tried to speak.
That night Draco didn't get another minute of sleep, even after Silvia had fallen back asleep in his arms. He wanted to protect her, staying awake through the night for her if that's what it took for her to feel safe.
The week went smoothly from there, Silvia sleeping with Draco each night while Astoria was stuck with the couch in the common room. Soon it was Friday, by which Silvia had acted out that she was coming down with an awful illness all week. She was such a good actress that Madame Pomfrey almost had her stay in the hospital wing Wednesday night, except Draco was able to get her out of it.
" I'll be back in a few," Draco kissed Silvia before he left for the Hallows Eve party that night. Silvia grinned and nodded. As soon as he left the room Silvia jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom where she was hiding something for Draco.
   Behind the hot tub sized bath she pulled out a small white bag and opened it to see dark green lace undergarments. She threw off her clothes and changed, sitting back in the bed when she finished.
   Draco took longer than she had thought he would but soon he was back, and they were alone, with a bottle of Fire-whisky and a perfect bed.
   The two of them fell asleep at five in the morning, not worrying about time because of the weekend... Well more likely because they were too drunk to have a care in the world what time it was.
   Hallows Eve weekend passed quickly to Silvia and Draco, who barely left their bed even if the fourteenth day had ended.
    " Oh look who's finally feeling better," Molly meet her down at the great hall on Monday morning.
   " Yeah I think it was just a feverish cold so Draco was extra careful not to make it worse and to get me better for classes," Silvia replied, taking a piece of toast and a spoon of jelly to her plate.
  " Isn't Harry supposed to be helping you now though?" Justin asked as he joined in next to Molly.
  " Harry was locked in our room all of Friday so Draco had to step in and help," she half lied.
" Ooh right... Hallows Eve..." Justin leaned his head back, feeling stupid now. Molly laughed and lifted his head back to its normal place.
   " It's alright Justin, it's okay to forget about the bad things sometimes," Molly told him. Silvia smiled and nodded in agreement, eating the rest of her meal in silence. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see her brother.
Where were you Friday night? I thought you said you'd come to the party. Finley asked.
I didn't feel well enough to go, did you have a good time though? Silvia signed back, standing up since she was done eating.
Yes but when I asked Amelia Grays to dance she said no and went to dance with some other Gryffindor. He frowned as his sister hugged him.
She'll realize it soon Fin, as long as you don't give up on her. She encouraged him. He shrugged.
I doubt it. He replied, making a noise in agitation as they walked passed where his crush sat. Amelia Grays had short red hair and bangs that covered one of her eyes, very punk like, Silvia thought to herself.
" Hey Stone," she turned casually and smiled at the two siblings.
" Hello Amelia," Silvia smiled down to her hazel eyes and Finley waved awkwardly.
" I'm sorry about Friday... There's just a lot going on right now and I think it's best if I stay out of a relationship for awhile," she said while trying to sign it. Finley laughed.
Okay...Don't try to sign while talking, it's no use. And besides I'm getting better at lip reading each day. Fin smiled as she nodded understandably, walking with his sister the rest of the way to the doors.
See you around. Silvia signed a final goodbye for the day and left her brother for Mcgonagall's classroom.
So that happened lol. I didn't put as much drama as I thought I would so I'm sorry about that. The next chapter is skipping to Dec tenth, about a month and a week since Hallows Eve. Can't wait to write more, oh and today's a snow day on a Friday so I've got three whole days to write, study for a few tests, and preform in my school's musical: Shrek Jr. If you want, you can comment your favorite musical if your into them, vote, and follow!

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