Chapter tweleve

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     The following days after Cedrics death were hard for everyone. On the last day of the semester Dumbledore had gathered everyone in the great hall to explain exactly what had happened with the final task and what Silvia and Draco had done during that time. Olivia and Finley were let out of the hospital wing the day before then and mostly everyone seemed shocked and happy of their arrival, and now understood everything from Dumbledores speech.
     " Don't owl me unless I owl you first... I believe it's going to get harder for us to talk during our two months apart," Draco was saying his final goodbyes to Silvia as they stood in the entrance hall, away from all the other students whom were saying goodbye to the students of Beaxbatons and Drumstrang.
     " I know..." Silvia let a tear fall from her eyes and looked down to the ground.
   " Silvia I promise I'll be alright. And besides, at least you've got your siblings for company now, not just Fantasy and the staff," Draco lifted her chin with a few of his fingers and she smiled softly in return. He closed the gap between then and hugged her tightly, rubbing her back gently and kissing her several times on the forehead, making her laugh.
    " Malfoy! Let's go, we're going to miss the darn train!" Pansy yelled, obviously annoyed from behind them. Silvia and Draco laughed and slowly moved out of their tight embrace.
   " See you in September," Silvia smiled as she let go of his hand so he could pick up his bag and owl.
   " I can't wait," he grinned, staring into her beautiful brown eyes one last time and headed with Pansy and his Slytherin friends to Hogsmeade station.
You alright Sis? Finley signed as he walked over to her a few minutes later. Silvia smiled and nodded.
Want to go play exploding snap with Liv and I in the courtyard? She asked back, chuckling when he asked what it was. I'll teach you. Last one there is a rotten potion!
  The two raced through the empty castle walls, getting Olivia on their way, and got to the courtyard. The girls let Finley win and so when they joined him he was doing a victory dance.
      As the summer months past Silvia was happy her siblings were enjoying their makeshift home in the castle and for the first time in her life she truly enjoyed her birthday. She usually spent it in the forest with Hagrid trying to find magical creatures- yes that was fun but spending it with her siblings was way better.
But as good as the summer was for the three children inside and around the castle grounds, Silvia kept reading the Daily Prophet and the awful things Rita Skeeter and the Minister were writing. Dumbledore had told her and her siblings that the Ministry would be sending a woman named Dolores Umbridge to make sure all the correct security and educational standards were being met, the three hated that news. They knew perfectly well that the Minister didn't trust Dumbledore and Harry Potters accusations that Lord Voldemort was back so they're trying to prevent anything further from getting to the public.
One of the better events of the summer however, was that Silvia, Olivia, and Finley all met the Order of the Phenix which included serval familiar faces. Silvia recognized Professor Lupin, the Weasley parents and their oldest son Bill, Kingsley Shacklebolt- the leader and Head Auror in the Ministry, and Harry's godfather Sirius Black- who Silvia had seen countless times in the Prophet of her third year.
" So your saying that Snape is definitely on our side?" Silvia asked the large group as they sat in the great hall, her siblings still half clueless on who everyone was.
" Professor Snape, Silvia, and yes he is. He promises to be our spy on Voldemort," Lupin answered her promptly.
" I can see deep down you don't trust him Silvia but you must. Dumbledore trusts Severus and you trust Dumbledore, so therefore I see no reason on why you can't trust him too," Sirius added.
" ' No reason'? Sirius he's a death eater! He shouldn't be trusted with anything!" Silvia exclaimed.
" Silvia... There are choices in life people regret doing and things that had to be done unless they wanted to die. Professor Snape became a death eater to earn Voldemort's trust so he could spy for us, it was a risk he couldn't take back," Bill explained, staring at her dead in the eye in all seriousness. Silvia sighed and glanced at her siblings, who were translating and asking questions back and forth.
" Fine," she gave in and smiled at the adults. " But only because I want to be notified if anything happens," she finished shaking Nephadora Tonk's hand for the deal. Nephadora was the metamorphosis daughter of Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks, Draco's cousin to put it simply.
" Perfect. We better get back then, it was nice seeing you again Silvia and a honor to meet you both Olivia and Finley," Mrs Weasley stood up and everyone else followed. Silvia accepted hugs from the Weasley parents before the Order left through the floo network.
    The reminder of the summer past quickly with the arrival of Professor Umbridge, who Dumbledore said was also taking the DADA position and the girls were excited to see which House their brother would be sorted into. Along with other activities Silvia spent two hours each day teaching her siblings as much as possible about spells, charms, history, plants, and potions used within the first four years of classes.
    On the day before the students came back on the Hogwarts Express, Olivia, Silvia, and Finley were sent their supplies from Diagon Alley.
Look at this thing! Finley exclaimed as he tried to sign with his new wand in his hand. It was a dark oak, dragon scale, 10 3/4 inch wand that Silvia thought would fit her brothers growing personality quite well.
    Olivia's wand was a light maple, pegasus horn, 11 inch wand with star shaped runes on it and her reaction was just as awed as her brothers.
   Silvia laughed as she watched her sibling trying to cast spells on their lunches, which ended up badly. Three minutes into experiencing magic, Olivia and Finley had splattered pumpkin juice on their sisters face and her hair was mixed with salad greens.
    The eldest and youngest child awaited their sisters reaction but Silvia merely waved her wand, clearing her face and hair, and sprayed a bit of pumpkin juice into their shocked faces.
   After ten minutes the hall was a mess with food as the competitive siblings food fought, going so far to even moving the tables to their sides to use as shields, splattering them with food, trying to hit each other.
    " WHAT THE DEVIL DID YOU THREE GET UP TO IN HERE!" Snape's eyes swelled at the mess in the great hall, the three Stone rolling on the floor laughing their hearts out. When they heard Snape they jumped to their feet and tried to calm themselves.
   " Just having a little fun Professor, Liv and Fin got their wands and accidentally turned the great hall into a monstrosity. Since no one was around I joined in," Silvia explained, half lying.
   " You little-" Snape didn't get a chance to finish as Mcgonagall walked in and up to his side, a small grin on her face as she stared at the messy kids.
   " Severus I believe you had a meeting with Dumbledore, did you not?" She asked innocently.
  " I...I... Ugh you kids, you won't get out of this so easily next time," Snape waved a finger at them and they laughed as he walked out of the hall, his black robes trailing behind him.
   " I see you've tried out your wands, they'll get you in trouble sometimes you see, you have to be careful when and how you choose to use them," Mcgonagall scolded lightly at the two newer Stones as she fixed the great hall to its usual self with a wave of her wand.
   " Sorry I encouraged them Professor," Silvia apologized, putting her wand back in her back pocket.
   " Oh it's fine my dear..." She sighed. " I'm happy that you've been having the time of your life these past months. I've always wondered what you'd do shut up in your common room in past years," Mcgonagall smiled and brushed off Silvia's shoulders from dust and a bit of cabbage.
    " You spent your past summers in the common room?!" Olivia gasped and placed a hand over her heart.
   " There was nowhere else for me to go besides the library occasionally and rarely the black lake," Silvia said, turning back to her astonished siblings.
That must have been hard. Finley commented. Silvia shrugged and briefly smiled.
  The rest of the day past in a blink of an eye as the three Stones prepared for the arrival of the new and old students from London, making sure all their things were stashed safely in their common rooms.
   When Silvia got in her bed she found herself not being able to sleep, anxious to see her boyfriend and her friends back in the castle ready for classes again. She fell into an uneven slumber around one in the morning, trying to drift her thoughts away from Draco and biting her lip so she wouldn't cry, forcing her eyes shut once and for all.
    The morning started earlier than Silvia would've liked but she happened to be the first in the great hall, besides her Professors and headmaster Dumbledore.
   " Are you ready to see everyone again and for Finley to be sorted my dearest?" Dumbledore asked as she sat at her House table next to him. She smiled.
" Very ready Headmaster, I've been counting down the minutes," she replied drifting off into space, grinning. She heard Dumbledore chuckle and she snapped out of it. " Sorry I-I..."
" Love is a funny feeling, once it grasps ahold of someone its hard to shake off. But you can't let it blind you, it will harm your mind if it's too powerful," Dumbledore advised the young girl in front of him.
" Have you ever been in love Headmaster?" Silvia asked but clasped her hand over her mouth and widened her eyes at her rude question.
" Maybe, maybe not. There is a time and place for everything and anything in life," he answered her question anyway with his usual kindness. Silvia nodded and turned back to her half eaten plate of eggs and toast and smiling when she noticed her siblings by her sides.
" You both will be at your House tables later," Silvia told them, picking up her mug of pumpkin juice and taking a sip of the spiced drink.
" Way to sadden the mood Silvy."
" It's not sad! Why it's the beginning of the greatest years of your lives. Sure there's darkness brewing and misconceptions around every corner which leads to plenty of drama but Hogwarts is our home and no matter what we'll always be family," Silvia took her siblings hands and they shared a smile.
" Your getting more and more like Mum each day," Olivia laughed one single tear of respect fell down her face and onto the table. The three stayed like that for a little while before heading down to the black lake to kill the morning and afternoon hours.
Hey so I decided not to do too much of a time skip but I don't really have any ideas until after the battle of Hogwarts because I've already written several versions of Silvia's fifth, sixth, and seventh years and I don't feel like typing them again. So the next chapter will take place on September 1st 1998, the first school day after the defeat of Voldemort. I hope you enjoy! I can't believe I'm over 100 reads! Like, comment, vote, and follow!

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt