Visits & Awakening

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The next morning Draco and Finley- well mostly Draco, woke to the sound of the floo network in the waiting room go off.

" Morning Mr Malfoy," said the grown man of the redhead family Draco knew all too well, the Weasleys along with Potter and Granger. Ginny woke Finley and he smiled to see his friends with him.

" We have all your things, don't worry we let the kitchen elves pack them and bring them to us," Ron said as he placed his, Silvia's, and Finley's belongings on some chairs.

" So how are Silvia and the twins?" Ginny asked when he didn't give any of his usual retorts.

" All three of them are fine, I'm not allowed to be with Silvia though... Who's that?" Draco asked using his normal tone for Silvia's sake, motioning to the blue haired giggling baby boy in Harry's arms.

" What's wrong with Silvia? And this is Teddy Lupin, your nephew," Ginny replied, ignoring Draco's glare and taking the baby into her arms to give Harry a break. Draco went on to explain why he couldn't be with Silvia and told them about his twins.

" She's really tough, if anyone can handle going through that it's Silvia," Hermione commented when Draco finished.

" Why are you lot here anyway? Don't you have a graduation to get to?" Draco asked as he started to get annoyed with the company.

" Mcgonagall gave us permission to leave since she wants us to report what's going on with you and Silvia later. She promises the information won't get to the Prophet though," Harry told him this time after seeing the look on his face about being reported.

" Fine... How old is the werewolf baby?" He asked suddenly, changing the topic onto Teddy who was now sitting in Finley's arms, looking curiously at Draco.

" First off he isn't a werewolf, secondly he's a year and two months... He was born a month before the war," Hermione sat on the other side of Finley and wiped a drop of saliva off of Teddy's cheek. " Do you want to hold him? It might help you take your mind off of things," she asked kindly.

" 'Mione no!" Ron exclaimed attempting to take the baby from her arms but Ginny blocked him.

" Ronald, he's in pain, he wouldn't hurt Teddy even if he wanted to," Hermione placed Teddy in Draco's arms and he tightened his grip slightly so he wouldn't run off. Ron rolled his eyes and Draco returned it with a light glare.

At first Draco was very uncomfortable with holding the squirming Teddy in his arms but after Harry told the color changing haired baby that it was okay he calmed down and played with Draco's hands.

The conversation they had started dropped when they heard a knock on the door. " Hi everyone," Olivia walked in with a large silver tray. " I figured I should bring you something to eat before I start watching Silvia again. So far she's doing pretty well and we can estimate that she'll be stable enough for other company in about three days," Olivia informed the large group as Molly transfigured a few unused chairs into a table to set the plater on.

" Will she be awake by then too?" Draco asked, not being able to hold back the hopefulness in his voice.

" I hope, we can't really estimate that because it's her mind and body that knows when it's gotten enough sleep," she answered truthfully, revealing the warm plates of eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, hot cakes, and oatmeal. Draco nodded. " Oh, the healers and I were wondering if you and Silvia ever settled on names yet, have you?" She questioned as she summoned a cup of coffee for her and beverages for everyone else.

" No we haven't, I now wish we had though," he took a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs back to his chair.

" Silvia wouldn't want you starving to death, eat up," Molly tried to place two logs of sausage onto his plate but her waved his wand and the sausages landed back on its silver plater.

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