A Plan

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Draco's POV:
I couldn't believe what had just been said. My entire life sucked besides the parts with Silvia in it and now why does someone have to take her away from me! Sure she and Potter are friends but nothing more! Silvia and I... Lets just say we're far more than friends and we have secrets we've never told anyone, even her own siblings.
   I stood there in the great hall, angry running through my veins as if it never left from the war while trying to calm the woman I loved with simply strokes of my hand.
  " I for one agree with Malfoy and Silvia, it can't be this way," Potter spoke up stepping forward as he cradled the Weasel girl in his own arms.
  " I didn't-"
" DO NOT SAY YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE!" Silvia turned from me suddenly and shouted with Potter the same words she had once told me, except in a far kinder, more Silvia like manor. This outburst from her was a shock and I stepped up to her side and took her hand, glaring at Mcgonagall dead in the eyes.
   " This was in Ministry hands you four, I'm so very sorry," she looked away from us, trying to pretend this never happened. I had a second to speak up but Silvia looked at me and her eyes rolled back into her head.
  " Silvia!" I quickly caught her from falling and took her bridal style in my arms as she settled into her faint.
  " Mr Malfoy, Miss Greengrass, and Mr Potter, your common room is on the seventh floor at the north end of the wing, you can take her there," Mcgonagall went on to say the other common rooms but I didn't need another second in that hall. Potter, Astoria, and I speed walked all the way up to our new shared common room and I barely paid any attention to detail as I walked in, letting Potter and Astoria glance around while I settled Silvia down on a velvet green couch.
    " Sil wake up please... We're safe now.." I begged at her tear and scar stained body as I sat next to her, stroking the side of her face and holding her hand.
   " Draco she could be awake in hours, you know how she's been before," my house mate leaned over the couch and let her brown locks of hair dangle above Silvia's face.
   " I know and I'll be up waiting for her... You can leave us alone and go check out the dorm," I ordered her in a slightly rude way.
   " I'd rather not Malfoy, I think I'll just be over there  reading a book my Mum got me," Astoria walked to a red recliner, turned it green with a flick of her wand, and plopped down as she summoned her book. I sighed, not quite sure what to do.
   " If we have to deal with this we can at least try to be on better terms," Potter came back down from the marble staircase that split off to the doors of the two dorms. I glared at him and gave him a rude hand signal.
   " Your a curse to my life Scarhead, we will never be on good terms," I sneered, almost thankful Silvia was still sleeping.
  " I'm sorry about that but we both just went through the same curse. I don't want her Malfoy and it's obvious she doesn't want me. We have to figure out a way to stop this from happening," he replied. I merely shook my head.
   " Why don't you go find Weasel and Granger like you usually do?" I snickered glancing down at my interlocked hand in Silvia's.
" They have their own common room Malfoy, but I'll leave you alone. If Silvia wakes up let me know..." He turned and walked back up the stairs before I could hex him.
Silvia's POV:
I woke up in darkness, well almost since I could see Draco reading on a chair next to me.
" Hey," I said weakly to get his attention, it worked. He shot up from his chair smiling and joined me on the skinny couch.
" How're you feeling?" He asked as I traced my hand along the side of his face, trying to get his hair to stay out of his icy blue eyes.
" Sad," I answered honestly as he moved on top of me, I started grinning. " Dirty games your playing Malfoy," and with that our mouths collided, a passionate life lasting kiss forming.
" Malfoy! Stone! Wake up!" Astoria's voice filled my ear before her laughing did. I opened my eyes and realized that Draco and I had never gotten back into our main clothes as we were only in our undergarments. Draco's eyes snapped open and he grinned before yelling at Astoria for her being immature and ignorant as he got off me.
While I was laughing at the two Slytherins arguing I threw my clothes on and tossed Draco's his.
" Oh Silvia your awake," Harry came down from the dorm room and squinted his eyes as he saw Draco still not completely dressed yet. " I didn't not need to know or see that," he walked over to her, feeling awkward as the two continued to argue.
    " No you really didn't... I'm so sorry this is happening to us Harry, I never wanted to see you pulled away from Ginny again," I apologized and changed the topic.
   " I'm sorry too, just because we saved the world shouldn't mean we have to be together. That's why we have to come up with a plan to stop this," he replied. I nodded and sighed walking over and helping Draco tie his tie and taking him out of the room.
    " Where are we going?" He asked.
  " The great hall for breakfast and to get our schedules, why?" I asked back as I took his hand.
   " Oh, just wondering," he leaned down and kissed me. I spiked my eyebrow and laughed. We walked down the rest of the way and met my brother in the entry way.
I learned about the law, I'm sorry you didn't get paired with each other. Finley signed to us.
It's alright, come on if we don't eat soon we'll be late for our first classes. I signed back, placing my hand on his back as he led us into the strangely quiet hall.
   " Silvia!" Ron, Hermione, and Ginny stood up and ran over to me as Draco left for his table.
  " Morning... Did you sleep well?" I hoped for a better response but the three of them shook their heads.
   " I couldn't sleep, well none of us could. We were worried about you and mad about all the pairings... Where's Harry?" Ginny explained, looking around my shoulder to see if he was there.
    " He's on his way. Oh after classes can we meet somewhere?" I asked, knowing they'd want to start on some sort of plan.
   " The room of requirement?" Ron suggested and I widened my eyes and nodded my head.
  " Perfect, we can think of a plan then," I smiled and walked off to my house table and collected my schedule from Professor Sprout.
    " ' The Law Class'? What's that?" Molly and Justin asked as they joined my side and took their own schedules.
   " It must be about our situations," I guessed, staring down at the new class we had right after we ate. My coupled friends shrugged, agreeing with me and sitting down to eat.
  They didn't say anything else as we ate, I made another guess that they were sad for me and didn't want to make me more upset.
   When we had finished eating Draco and I walked to our new first class, which was held in Mcgonagalls room.
" What the h-..." I swore under my breath as I entered the sofa filled room, the usual desks no where to be seen.
3rd person POV ( I can't do this anymore lol):
Silvia and Draco continued to stare around the room until Mcgonagall's voice broke their shocked silence.
" You are to sit next your partner. No excuses," she said harshly, a rare tone she used on Silvia.
   " Fine." Silvia glared back and sat at the couch front and center, merely to mock her headmistress. Draco took the sofa to her left.
   They waited for a few minutes for all the other students to arrive, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all arrived together and the three gave them a sad look as Harry took his seat next to Silvia. Silvia smiled weakly and shrugged as they walked passed to pick their sofas.
   " Good morning my NEWT students. I hope after last nights news your all well rested and ready for a bright year ahead of us," Mcgonagall spoke up once the class had stopped mumbling to each other. Silvia gaped at her, she sounded just as optimistic as Umbridge. Mcgonagall's eyes darted down to her. " What was that Miss Stone?" She asked.
    Silvia stuttered on her words, realizing she had spoken aloud. " I said that you shouldn't be so optimistic. Things change every darn second, one moment something is going your way and the next thing we all know we're being attacked and murdered!" Silvia exclaimed, lying and not realizing she was standing, her hand inching toward her wand pocket.
   " Sit back down Miss Stone," Mcgonagall sighed. " Just because you saved the world does not give you authority over me. Twenty points from Hufflepuff," she gave her a look full of disappointment and jotted something down on a piece of parchment. Silvia did and Harry gave her a look, telling her not to pull another nerve during class.
   Their assignment was to hold hands with their partner and have a normal conversation with them. Silvia and Harry inched their hands together, both scared Draco would outburst, but he didn't and kept to the task. They decided to chat about their past stories, even if they both knew each other's after the years of knowing each other.
( skip to the end of classes)
After classes had ended for the day, which had gone smoother for Silvia as the day progressed, she, Astoria, and Draco rushed to meet their fellow Gryffindors at the RoR.
" So we all know why were here, this new law is unfair and not appropriate. We're here to come up with a way to stop this from separating loved ones," Silvia paced in front of everyone as they sat in comfy chairs, waving her wand and summoning a chalkboard. They smiled and nodded for her to go on. " I'd like to hear your ideas first before I tell you what I've been thinking," she turned toward her seventh years and folded her hands behind her back.
" We could start a protest like Harry did with the DA," Ginny suggested as she took her boyfriends hand and smiled.
" I think Mcgonagall would be suspecting that... We have to do something no one would think we would do," Silvia replied but still flicked her wrist and the idea appeared on the board.
" What if you and Harry faked a huge fight in front of everyone in the great hall to show that you truly don't love each other?" Hermione asked as she spun a strand of her dirty blonde hair in her hand.
" That was actually one of my ideas. Except in my thoughts I'd allow Harry to torcher me after we had dueled," Silvia answered her.
" No, no way! I'm not letting that happen to you again!" Draco stood up and put his arms under Silvia's staring into her eyes.
" Draco if you don't agree with my next idea we have no other option..." Silvia turned back and made eye contact with Harry, who nodded curtly in agreement.
" Okay then what is your other idea love?" Draco asked, thinking that anything could be better than watching her be torchered by Potter. Silvia leaned in and cupped her hands around his ears.
" Intercourse," she whispered. Draco stepped away and blushed madly.
" I- we- barely done that before," his voice broke a little as he tried to regain himself. " You think that'll make Mcgonagall and the Minister to rethink their decisions?" Draco scratched the back of his neck and avoided everyone else's eyes except Silvia's.
" It might be our only chance to break both of them. Sure my brother and sister may be angry at us but if Mcgonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt don't budge from the law and we're forced apart for good, that might be the only chance we get at that as well," Silvia explained as she turned to the confused faces and grinned.
" So what're you chatting about?" Ron picked his head out of his hands and asked the question everyone else was thinking.
" Do you just want to wait to tell them? Let them figure it out themselves?" Silvia took Draco's hand and leaned on his side casually.
" It would be amusing, yeah let's wait for them to find out," Draco told her and she laughed.
" Brilliant! Well... We have a plan and it'll hopefully take action before January," Silvia waved her wand again and the chalkboard disappeared.
" What's the plan?!" Ginny exclaimed, standing from her chair with everyone following her lead.
" You just have to wait and see," Silvia and Draco said together as they walked out of the secret room, satisfied smiles plastered on their faces.
Sooo that was a pretty plot changing chapter lol. You can probably guess what's going to happen but I'm planning on making the next chapter full with drama. Oh this is also the longest chapter yet! ( 2274 words!). Like, comment, vote, and follow. ( And also suggest to others, I honestly want more readers lol).

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن