Kidnapped From Bed

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" Ok guys enough, lights out," Silvia sat in her twins room a half hour later, Apollo and Ivy had started a pillow fight once they had finished getting ready for bed.

" But we aren't tired..." Ivy whined from her bed, picking up another pillow and catapulting it square to her brother's stomach.

" Kids listen to Mother, now," Draco walked drunk like into their room and his kids laughed. He wrapped his arms lazily around Silvia's waist and she stood up and removed his hands.

" Daddy's like a zombie!" Apollo giggled.

" Apollo enough. Settle down my loveys you've had a late night and who knows what the morning will bring," Silvia sing-songed, moving and kissing Apollo's forehead before crossing the room. She helped Ivy lay down, adjusted her pillow, and kissed her forehead.

" Love you too Mummy and Daddy," they replied in chorus to each other. She chuckled before exiting the room with her newly wed and flicking the lights off with her wand.

The moment Silvia and Draco shut the door to their master suite after putting the twins to bed they put locking and silencing charms along the door and walls, making sure no one could come in or hear them. Draco wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her deeply, Silvia replied and they began a fight for strength and dominance. He made quick work with his hands, undoing the many strings along the back of her dress and easily allowing it to fall to the floor as he moved down her neck.

Silvia moaned, undoing the tie and buttons of Draco's shirt and letting him throw it across the floor all while not leaving her chest. Silvia felt him bit her and she squealed, causing him to chuckle. Eventually after Silvia had straddled her legs around his middle Draco walked them to their bed and they collapsed onto the soft sheets and pillows.

" Mmm oh Draco," she felt his hand reach her thigh and she spread them. She felt him kissing parts of her he'd barely touched the first time, taking his time and making her moan and scream when she felt something.

" Enjoying this?" He asked, picking his head up from her upper thigh. Silvia moaned gleefully.

" Trousers off. Now," she commanded and with a snap of Draco's fingers they were on the floor with the rest of their wedding outfits. Draco slowly moved inside her and her head arched back as she moaned again.

Their legs battled each other but just like the last time they found a rhythm moments later as they started to snog again, letting their lowers body work.

" I love you Sil," he broke the kiss for a second.

" I love you more."

" I doubt that, very, very much."

" Don't... Just keep going, harder, love, please."

They ended up having love for most of the night, and ending at five in the morning so they could get some sleep.

* * *

They had only been asleep for five minutes when they heard the screams of both their twins. Silvia and Draco shot up but couldn't get much further as their door was blasted open by a cloaked figure and Silvia and Draco both went blind.

" Draco! Where's our wands?" Silvia screamed as she felt a cold hand snake around her waist and attempt to pull her from her husband.

" Silvia!" He reached for any part of her in the direction she was being pulled. Silvia struggled to get out of the cloaked person as their arms tightened around her still naked form.

" No!" She screamed long and pretty dramatically as she felt the person teleport with her, leaving her husband in an instant. Within the same instant Draco's vision came back to an empty room and a quiet mansion.

" No... No... No..." He mumbled to himself, throwing clothes on in case his kids were possibly still there. He ran across the hall with his wand in hand and slowly opened the twins door, only to be faced with an empty room, Ivy's wheelchair thrown against the dresser. He swore to himself, turning and kicking the white door way several times before breaking down and sitting on the floor and crying. He had failed his children and wife already for not being able to protect them.

" Master Draco, Mistress's Silvia and Ivy and Master Apollo are missing. Would you like me to address this to the family?" Willow appeared at his side minutes later with tears of her own in her eyes.

" Don't look at me like that, and yes. Please do, and bring the Minister and the Head of Magical Law Enforcement and their spouses along with Olivia and Finley," he ordered. She nodded and left. Draco stood from the floor and walked back into his bedroom, waving his wand at the bed so it looked clean and made. He then walked into the closet and put on a fresh suit before heading into the bathroom to fix his messy hair and wet eyes.

Finishing up he heard voices coming from the lower level and quickened his pace on the stairs, skipping every other step.

" I've summoned them Master Draco, what would you like me to do now?" Willow asked as he entered the living room to see his guests.

" Get us some tea, I think we're going to be here for awhile."

Silvia, 3rd person POV:

" My, my, my, you've grown very much my angel," the cloaked figure said as he threw Silvia's weak figure onto a bed.

Silvia knew the voice, the man had a harsh Russian accent and there had only been one person in her life to call her ' angel'.

" You..." She tried to cower against the headboard of the large bed, curling herself up, trying to hide her body from the man. " How did you get to me, why did you take me, and where the living h- are we?" Silvia asked, anger striking her voice.

" I v'an't answer those v'y angel," he uncovered his face from the hood he was wearing and stripped the rest of his clothes. Silvia turned her head so she wasn't looking at him and instead the grey brick wall. " I've been v'aiting vor this v'ay vor ten years," he touched her leg and she kicked him in the stomach. " Now, now, v'on't be mad. The Destined One v'only get's the v'est," he tried to advance on her but she kicked him harder but whimpered when he did end up strangling her legs and binding them to the end of the bed with a flick of his wand, slowly making her legs spread apart.

" No!" She screamed again as her hands were bind up to the headboard, making her completely powerless. " Draco!" She screamed helplessly, fainting when she felt her kidnapper's lips to her neck.

Silvia regained consciousness and opened her eyes to see that she was dressed in a rag and that she was in a prison cell, the only light coming from the metal bars and a small window high on the wall. She felt her arms wrapped around her children and breathed a sigh of relief.

" Ivy, Apollo, are you both alright?" She whispered stroking their backs and hair. The one to her right was first to stir, waking up hearing their mother's voice.

" We're okay Mummy, I'm scared... Where's Daddy?" Apollo answered, hugging her tighter.

" He'll be coming, don't worry my little warrior," she replied, using his private nickname. She felt Ivy sit up and adjust herself so she was now leaning on Silvia's chest.

" I wan' to go home," she said sleepily.

" I know. But look at the bright side lovey, we're here together and unhurt. And until your father figures out our location we get to spend lots of quality time together," she kissed her temple before she kissed her son's, leaning her head back and forcing back tears. She had just gotten married and had the best night of her life, this was not how she wanted to spend her honeymoon. It was the complete opposite of a honeymoon actually. She was possibly thousands of miles away from her husband, stuck with her scared five year old's, and possibly a baby on the way. Silvia knew she wouldn't know for sure until a few weeks ahead, but she was nervous at the thought that she could be. And with who's baby, she didn't know how far the man went however long ago it was and she knew Draco went plenty far to supply her with the ingredients.

She was kidnapped from her bed, and that was the only thing that was certain.


Sorry this is a shorter chapter but I just needed to wrap that up somehow lol. In the next chapter I will be switching to Draco's 3rd person again to show you how he's doing with the family. So until next time, follow, vote, and comment if your enjoying the story!

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن