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  The next few days past slowly to Silvia and Draco's eyes as they awaited anxiously for Christmas Eve to arrive, wanting to see their unborn child for the first time. But soon it arrived with a new sheet of snow with it.

" Dress nice and we can sneak to Diagon Alley for hot drinks afterward," Silvia tossed her fiancé a tie as she threw on a tight dark green long sleeve shirt and a grey cardigan and jeans. He laughed as he tied his green tie and put his black cloak on.

" Sounds great love," he kissed her sweetly and wrapped his arm around her back and rested his hand on her very small bump and getting the door for her. They walked down the steps to their common room and Silvia took the floo powder off the mantle.

" St Mungos, Maternity Ward," she spoke clearly as the flames turned emerald. Silvia stepped into the flames first, Draco followed. When Silvia's senses returned she and Draco were standing in an empty floo network hall.

" Come on," Draco smiled at her and took her hand, leading down the hall to the front desk.

" Hello, how can I help yo- oh yes Miss Stone, Mr Malfoy, right this way," the healer stood up and walked around the desk to them, leading them down the left corridor. She brought them to an empty exam room which had a bed and a chair waiting for them. " I'm Katherine Revere and I will be your healer during these next months," she held out her hand and Silvia and Draco both shook it.

  " It's nice to meet you healer Revere," Silvia said politely as she laid on the bed and Draco sat beside her.

" It's nice to meet you too Miss Stone. Now if you will just roll your shirt up for me?" Healer Revere asked as she took out her wand. Silvia did. " So about how far are you?" She asked.

  " Almost two months now," Silvia replied watching her healer quickly jot down a note on her piece of parchment.

  " Okay so we won't be able to see much but we will able to hear it's heartbeat since it's going through it's most major parts of development for the next month or so," healer Revere explained, waving her wand over Silvia's small bump. A large screen like image appeared over her stomach so everyone could see. Revere took a few seconds to let Silvia and Draco take in the live action sonogram image before telling them her observation. " So it seems like your expecting twins, and they both seem to be developing just fine," she smiled at them, pointing to the two developing embryos in the image.

  " Twins?!" Silvia and Draco exclaimed. Healer Revere laughed.

" Yes, congrats. Based on this I say you'll be due around late July and early August at the latest. It's still too early to pin point an exact date," she informed the young couple, who she could tell were still shocked but nodded in reply. " Would you like to hear their heartbeats?" Again they nodded so she waved her wand again and the soft sound of the two heartbeats filled the room. Tears formed in Silvia's eyes as she took Draco's hand, who kissed it and stroked it gently.

" This is bloody amazing," he commented in awe as he stared at his unborn children. Silvia chuckled and continued to smile, placing a hand on the side of her stomach.

  " We will see you back here next month to make sure the twins are still doing well," Revere waved her wand after a few minutes again and the image and heartbeats faded.

" Okay, thank you for helping us," Silvia rolled her shirt back down and got off the bed. Draco nodded in agreement and they left the room as their healer said her goodbyes.

  " That was crazy... Do you still want to go to Diagon Alley?" Draco asked as they got back to the floo networks.

  " Oh sure, I could use a butterbeer," she replied. He smiled and jumped in before her, Silvia followed less than a second later.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now