Chapter 3

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" Help! Someone! Anyone help! Please Silvia! You better be seeing this! Help!" A girls voice rang in a dark dungeon, Silvia somehow recognized this voice but couldn't figure out the person.
" I told you to be quiet! Stop yelling for your younger sister! You know she'll never rescue you and your weakling of a brother! Crucio!" A mans voice yelled, a guard. Screaming followed for several minutes.
" That's for waking me up in the dead of night you fool!" The man shouted again, his footsteps fading in the distance.

Silvia woke covered in sweat in the middle of the night. She screamed loudly unknowing what to do. Molly ran to her bed.
" Silvia what's wrong! You haven't screamed like that in ages!" Molly said hugging her as Silvia cried on her shoulder.
" I need to get to Dumbledore, immediately, Molly its urgent!" Silvia jumped off her bed still crying lightly.
" Silvia it was just a dream-"
" No it wasn't! It was some sort of vision, like someone contacted me through my brain and wanted me to see what was going on!" Silvia whisper shouted.
" Silvy it's probably nothing, we can wait till morning," Molly protested.
" Molly my older sister and apparently my younger brother are in danger! I just found out and I have to save them!" Silvia raised her voice running down stairs and out of the common room. Molly raced after her, shouting her name as she ran up the stairs to the main stairway.
      Silvia couldn't focus, she couldn't believe what she had just seen. Lucius Malfoy obliviated her the night her parents died... Could it be possible she forgot about two entire siblings?
" I need to speak to Headmaster Dumbledore," Silvia told Professor Mcgonagall as she reached the teachers dorms.
" Why my dear? It's the middle of the night," she asked wiping the rest of Silvia's tears away.
" I found out something that you've kept secret from me and now I have to go find them," Silvia quickly explained the rest of her dream to her as Molly appeared around the corner, as if she were spying.
" Oh my... go to his office then, I'll tell him your coming. Hello Miss Paterson," Professor Mcgonagall said to her as Molly ran off chasing Silvia up to Dumbledores office.
" Hello my dearest Silvia. Mcgonagall told me you were coming to see me about some urgent vision you had?" Dumbledore asked greeting her, helping her sit in one of the velvet chairs.
" Yes Headmaster... Why didn't you ever tell me I had two siblings? An older sister and a younger brother?" Silvia asked getting right to the point.
He moved his body uncomfortably in his chair. Dumbledore knew Silvia was a smart and determined girl but he really didn't want to tell her about this. If she wanted to go save them, it could end up going badly, especially since he had growing suspicions on someone.
" What is it Headmaster?" Silvia asked anxiously, starting to loose her patience.
" If I tell you it could put you at risk," he told her calmly. " I don't want to put you in harms way," Dumbledore added. Silvia gave him a pleading look.
" These are my siblings. Tell me please!" She begged.
Dumbledore sighed in hesitation before explaining, the entire story.
" Olivia Alexis and Finley Adams, your brother and sister are eleven and seventeen years old," Dumbledore started. Silvia's eyes widened immediately. " On the night your parents died, Olivia was in charge of getting your brother and you out of the house... When Lucius blasted your window and obliviated you there was never a chance for your sister to get to you. She got out with your brother safely but ran the other direction that you did. Now at the time, your sister was going to be starting her second year at Hogwarts and she was sorted into Ravenclaw, like two of your grandparents. I've never meet your brother in person but Emma and Charles always sent pictures of the three of you," he explained. He then went through his drawers and pulled out photographs that were connected with a paper clip.
Again, he was nervous. All this information could possibly drive his second favorite student against him, and possibly even lead her into danger.
Silvia stared at the pictures in awe. There was so many of her and her siblings having fun and enjoying each other's company. Olivia looked just like her and her mother, dark brown long hair and a perfect smile, except for her eyes. They were a light green mixed with brown, something Silvia's never seen before. Finley on the other hand, had Silvia's brown eyes and light brown hair, similar to her fathers.
" Can- can I keep these?" Silvia asked putting them back into a neat pile.
" Of course my dear," Dumbledore smiled at her, maybe thinking they'll help her instead of driving her away.
" So do you know what happened to them? Where are they? I've never seen a dungeon so dark and small, I couldn't even see my sister," Silvia explained thinking back to her dream.
Dumbledore shook his head sadly. " Before you woke up that morning Mcgonagall and a few others were having the same conversation. After they ran in the other direction we have no clues to where they went and what happened to them... I'm sorry Silvia..." He apologized still looking at the pictures.
" My sister is being tortured... And her voice, I could tell it was a bit raspy possibly from screaming so much. Dumbledore you have to help me find them before worse damage is done!" Silvia raised her voice at her Headmaster. She paled as soon as she did. " Sorry Headmaster..." Silvia apologized, spinning her mothers ring on her finger.
" It's alright dearest, why don't you sleep here for the rest of the night, I'll shoo Miss Paterson off since she's been waiting behind the door," Dumbledore said. Silvia walked over to the same small cot she laid in only four years ago and went to sleep before she even heard the door close.

Silvia woke the next morning, thanked Dumbledore, and practically ran back to her common room to get ready for her classes and breakfast.
" So Dumbledore told you he'll help out with your siblings?" Molly asked as they were talking with Fred and George on their way to breakfast, as usual the rumors spread quickly of Silvia's siblings.
" That's what he said," Silvia replied.
" I can't wait to tell mum and dad, they'll be thrilled to hear this news.. even though they're in a tricky situation," Fred said to them. As they entered the great hall students sent all sorts of looks to Silvia. Some looked concerned, others- mostly Slytherins- glared and gave her evil looks. The twins and the girls separated and headed to their tables, as soon as Silvia sat down a black owl flew in and dropped a note onto her plate.
To my Silvia,
I'm so happy I was able to reach you last night, I've been trying to do that for years. It's hard to explain everything in one small note but your brother and I really need to get out of this prison, or whatever you want to call the place you saw. We have a hint for you: cold, large, and accents. Please help us! I'll be waiting for a reply soon- someone's coming!- OAS
" It's from Olivia! She needs me to go rescue them!" Silvia whisper shouted to Molly. She turned the parchment over and summoned her quill.
To Olivia,
I have to admit that this is crazy. I was obliviated that night so this is all new to me. Anyway I'll try to help as best I can- Dumbledore says hi and wants to help too- I have an idea of where your kept, I just don't know how I'll get there with the tournament going on and stuff. The latest I'll be there is June- please stay safe and resist what ever they want even if that means more punishments- love your Hufflepuff sister, Silvia Emma Stone.
Silvia then gave the note back to the owl and nodded. It flew off and Silvia hastily eats a muffin before running off to class.

So how'd you like the big reveal and the longest chapter yet?! In the next chapter I'm going to get back to the main plot line so we don't loose track of the time that has passed so far. Hope you enjoy! Like, vote, and comment!

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