Chapter 6

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      Silvia audibly gasped as she found out the first task as she stood in the stands of the quidditch pitch. The four champions had to steal a golden egg from an angry dragon guarding it's nest. Unfortunately, Cedric was up first, Silvia didn't take her eyes off him as he decided to burn the inside of the dragons mouth with a jet stream of water, causing it to pass out after only a minute of struggling.
     Cedric ran for the egg but not before he was hit in the face with the dragons tail. Silvia was shocked that he didn't even fall, only stumbling towards the egg and grasping it on his fall down next to the nest. The crowd and Silvia erupted into cheers and applause as he stood up with the egg held above his head before being guided to the medical tent for healing.
Fleur and Viktor took less time than Silvia expected to get past their dragon but when Harry's turn arrived, she thought for sure he would end up dead right at the first blow of his dragon. He was struggling hard as he was hiding behind a large boulder, just barely missing the dragons fiery breath.
" Your wand Harry! Use your wand!" Silvia heard Hermione shout a few feet away from her. Harry glanced up at them and took out his wand, muttering something under his breath.
Nothing seemed to happen for the next minute as Silvia kept watching him run around the field, but then out of the sky came his broom.
" Of course Potter cheats and summons his broom to escape, what an idiot," Draco commented as he stood besides her.
" It's not cheating Draco, he's playing this smart. Once he gets in the air he can just grab the egg and fly away with it," Silvia answered. It seemed Harry did the opposite of what Silvia had said and chased the dragon out of the arena and out of eyesight.
" He's dead," Draco laughed, enjoying this way more than he should.
" No. He. Is. Not!" Silvia paused punching him in the shoulder after each word.
" Hey ow! Stop! I didn't mean it!" Draco rubbed his left shoulder.
" Okay then say your sorry," Silvia playfully glared at him, crossing her arms pretending to be upset.
" I'm sorry Silvia Emma Stone," he said formally, looking into her eyes for forgiveness. Silvia smiled and felt herself blush.
" I accept your apology Draco Lucius Malfoy," Silvia replied, also in a formal tone. Draco placed a hand on her wrist, keeping it there for the rest of Harry's challenge.
*thirty minutes later*
The entire Hufflepuff common room was in full celebrating mode as Silvia and the rest of her House partied since Cedric got first place in the first task. They had put up yellow and gray streamers and balloons all over the common room and had music blasting from their stereo.
" Isn't this fun!?" Molly asked over the loudness of the students and music.
" I suppose, I'm starting to feel sick and annoyed though! I should go rest in our dorm!" Silvia pulled Molly toward their stairs and quickly walked up them, Molly followed right behind her.
    " Has Olivia contacted you at all since she yelled at you?" Molly asked as Silvia laid down on her own bed.
   " No... I'm scared that I lost her trust or something. She hasn't gone two days ever without talking to me," she answered, letting her eyes close as she rested her head on her pillow.
   Molly sighed and sat on her bed just as Silvia rolled on her back.
    " Have you been thinking about a dress yet? Like colors or designs? Or maybe even a budget?" Molly asked, making small circles on her back to relax her.
     " I want a dress that Draco wouldn't think I'd wear.. Something like a plain dark green dress made of satin, knee length. If you can find a necklace to go with it too, that would be nice," Silvia told her, Molly laughed.
      " I'll see what I can do, there's an entire store in Hogsmeade filled with dresses and a entirely different store that sells jewelry... How much money are you giving me?" Molly asked, now it was Silvia who was laughing.
     " Probably fifty Knots, that should do it, right?" Silvia turned back to face her, her eyes glowing with happiness.
     " That should be more than enough," Molly watched as her best friend got out of bed to dig through her purse.
       " Here and what ever you don't spend you can keep," Silvia let the coins drop into her hand. Molly looked like a kid in a candy store as she admired the money in her hands.
      " Thank you Silvy!"
     " I hope tomorrow you use that money well," Silvia started combing her hair as Molly placed the money in her own purse.
      " Do you want me to leave so you can nap? I can tell everyone you have a headache?" Molly asked as she quickly braided Silvia's hair.
       " Yes that would be nice Molly, oh and if you can open the window too-" Silvia didn't need to finish as Molly nodded and did what she said.
     The mid November breeze filled the dorm as Silvia shut her eyes and let her body doze off into a peaceful nap- until she felt Fantasy on top of her with a note in her talons.
       " Really? I've been asleep for not even an hour and you have a note for me?" Silvia asked her owl as she opened her eyes. She took the note anyway and opened it.
Today at the task, we were so close and I know we were both thinking the same thing... At the Yule Ball it will be obvious to the school and even your siblings might find out- depending on what Karagoff does. If my parents find out about this they'd kill me on the spot, well my Father anyway and we'd be forced apart. I don't want that to happen and I want to protect you for as long as possible... I found out a huge secret today and I'll tell you at the ball in a few weeks. But before then is the second task though so I'll see you then and in class- DM
    " Geez Draco... I agree with you..." Silvia smiled down at the love letter and the heart he had drawn for her.  She then wrote him a reply on the back.
I agree with you and I'm sorry your parents are just that evil. I don't know what to do about Olivia and Finley since they already know and won't contact me again... I'm scared I lost them Draco- if it wasn't for me falling for you this never would have happened and I can't do anything to help them. I want you to keep me a secret from as many people as possible.. I trust you with my life and I agree with you- SS
    " Bring this to him," Silvia ordered Fantasy as she gave the note back. She left after Silvia gave her a treat.
    " Back to peace and-"
   " Silvia time to get ready for dinner!" Molly's voice rang into her ear.
    She groaned but followed Molly back down to the common room to see that the party had subsided for the better.
      " Hi Harry, good job on the task today!" Silvia said as she passed him, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny sitting at their table.
     " Thanks," he replied simply as she walked away with Molly.
      " Oh Silvia there you are, I've been wanting to talk to you about your grades dearest," Professor Sprout had a smile on her face as she walked up to her.
    " Oh what about them Professor? I have straight ' A's' in all my classes- including dark arts somehow," Silvia sat at the end of their House table with her.
     " Why that's just it! We've never had a student ace four years of classes in a row and you haven't even taken OWL's yet. Not even Miss Granger who's second to you and Mr Malfoy who is third to you have aced everything!" She exclaimed.
     " What is your point Professor?" Silvia asked taking a bite of her salad.
      " Well... It's just unique that's all. Your one of the brightest students in this age Silvia and everyone knows about it! When the representatives from the Ministry came weeks ago now they wanted to interview you since it would be the first insight of your story but Dumbledore told Bagman to focus on the tournament instead! It's crazy how famous you are and you don't realize it!" Her Professor gave her a huge smile.
      " Fame isn't everything- it's nothing to me actually. Just like how money doesn't buy happiness- fame to me is nothing. I don't care how bad Harry and I have to live in such unique circumstances and I don't want you to even mention my siblings!" Silvia shot up from the table and walked out of the great hall, Sprout to shocked to follow.
     She decided to summon her coat and take a walk outside to get a break from everything. She walked down to the Black Lake and started to practice spells and curses.
    " Stone."
Sorry about the wait for this update, I honestly thought I was just going to give up but I have a few ideas now! Anyway, who's the mysterious person who called her name? Find out in the next chapter! Like comment and follow!

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