To Rescue the Malfoy's

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Ministry of Magic:

" I've got it!" Hermione burst into her husband and Harry's office, throwing the map and notes she been taking for the last two weeks onto their desk.

" Got what 'Mione?" Ron asked her in an agitated tone, briefly glancing down to the neatly marked up map. His wife gave him a glare.

" The Malfoy's actual location," she stated plainly as Harry looked over her work with great interest. He glanced back down at the map and shot an eyebrow up in amusement.

" Are you sure? Last week you said the same thing and we ended up in a crowded marketplace, not a manor," he asked, staring at the pictures and rereading her confusing notes.

" I'm sure Ronald. Lucius said it was on the west side of the Mongolia- Russia boarder and these are the only coordinates we haven't sent Aurors to search," she said. " Oh the twins are going to be so happy, Harry why don't you call Ginny to tell them?" She added, glancing up at her brother in law, who nodded and took out his phone. His eyes widened.

" What mate?" Ron gave him a nervous look.

" Three miss calls from her," Harry shot up from the desk and walked out the office door, already summoning his briefcase as he placed his phone by his ear. Hermione and Ron ran out, concerned looks plastered on their faces.

" Hey Harry, everything alright?" Ginny answered calmly.

" Yeah, are you? Why do I have three miss calls from you? Is the baby alright?" He asked quickly, all in one breath. He heard her laughing.

" I'm fine Harry, honestly we still have two months. I was only wondering if you meant to forget a file Apollo found in the office. So why else are you calling and what made you look at your phone at work?" She questioned him.

" 'Mione found the location of Silvia and Draco, she's sure. Tell the twins that we're going to rescue their mum and dad... And no I left it there because I thought I wouldn't need it," he told her.

" Oh wow Harry that's wonderful, I will... Be safe and good luck alright?" She asked.

" Of course Gin, love you."

" Love you too," she replied before hanging up with a smile on her face.

" So?" Ron asked, pulling Harry out of his thoughts as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

" Ginny's fine, I forgot a file at the Malfoy's and says good luck to us," he told them simply. They both breathed a breath of relief, remembering how awful it was for Silvia to have her twins early and thankful that Ginny was fine.

" Well lets gather a few more Aurors and get on our way. Is there anyway to contact Lucius?" Hermione led them down to her office and summoned her map that she forgot.

" No, he'll know when we show up," Ron answered. Hermione shrugged, agreeing with his response.

" So since your the Aurors, what's our plan of attack? Do you have any pictures of the manor itself?" The Minister asked, looking at her Head Auror and her Head of Magical Law Enforcement.

" Uhh no, not yet at least," her husband stated. Hermione sighed.

" Take the coordinates to the computer and see what comes up, come back with pictures and at least ten Aurors," she ordered. They nodded and rushed out of the office. " You forgot the coordinates!" She called, handing the piece of parchment to Harry, who'd run back to get them.

" Thanks."

" Just hurry up, I'd like to have them back by sunset."

" Yes Minister Hermione."

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