Confronting the Headmaster

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    " Wh-" Mcgonagall tried to speak as the her two students and the minister himself came from the floo network.

  " Sorry about this Headmaster but the school, well specifically us NEWT students could be in danger,"  Silvia cut her off as she took a seat in one of the big velvet chairs beside her desk.

  " What in the world are you talking about? Silvia I can assure you that-"

" I'm afraid Miss Stone is correct Minerva..." Kingsley went on to explain his view of what had happened in the graveyard.

  " But the letter you sent me! Containing the Marriage Law and everything... Fake?" Mcgonagall asked, unable to believe what had been said.

  " Yes. Now where's the darn letter, please tell me you kept it?" Silvia asked back, stroking her stomach  with her left hand that was stuck to stay in her pocket. Mcgonagall nodded and summoned the pieces of parchment onto the desk. Draco took out his wand after they had read the convincing looking papers.

  " Specialis Revealio," he flicked his wand. The papers lifted into the air and burnt into nothingness. " Well, whoever sent these are good at predicting charms. They would know we would do this eventually," Draco added sitting back in his chair in defeat.

  " Does this give us any leads what so ever though Draco? No, it doesn't. We just destroyed the only evidence we have. Now Kingsley won't have anything to present to the Ministry tomorrow morning after he finishes your fathers trail," Silvia glared at him lightly and Draco gave her a look.

   " Miss Stone it's alright. I will conduct background checks tomorrow and check the security branches of the Ministry to see if they have anything useful. For now since it's late I suggest you remove these foul rules from this castle and let the students be with whoever they please," Kingsley turned to Mcgonagall, who nodded in agreement. " Okay then, thank you for telling me this. I will let all of you know if we find anything but for now I will be on my way," he bowed at Silvia, who smiled, before he jumped back through the emerald floo network.

  " I want you both back in my office first thing tomorrow morning, I'm only letting you go because it's late and you need your sleep," Mcgonagall stood up, cuing Draco and Silvia to follow.

  " Thank you for your time Headmistress," Silvia turned back to her before following Draco out the door. The two walked in silence back to their common room, hand in hand and ignoring Peeves to the greatest extent possible. 

   When they arrived back in the common room Astoria was passed out on the sofa, a book covering her face and Harry was leaning over a piece of parchment until he saw Draco and Silvia.

  " What the h- happened? I thought you'd be back ages ago," he asked standing from his chair and rushing over to them.

  " Long story, I'll send you an owl over break explaining everything if you don't see it in the Prophet," Silvia answered, gently pushing Draco toward the marble stairs. " Night Harry, have fun at the Burrow," she added once she got to the larger middle step where they spilt to the two rooms. He nodded and watched them the rest of the way.

" You can get in bed, I'm not sleeping tonight," Draco spoke quietly once Silvia had come from the bathroom after she had changed and gotten ready for bed. Silvia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around the back of his shoulders and rested them on his chest.

  " I'm so sorry... Your mother was one of the bravest people I'll ever know," she whispered into his ear. " But she wouldn't want you losing sleep over her," she added, slowly turning to his front when she felt a tear splash her wrist. She smiled sadly and helped him sit on the couch, where he cried into her neck.

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