Chapter 5

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In the morning Cedric had left the common room a few minutes before Silvia did so she could wait for Molly. But shockingly it seemed that Molly had already left the common room without telling Silvia.
     So Silvia walked down to the great hall curiously wondering why Molly left without her. When she got their everyone, including the professors, were staring at her in shock. When Silvia was handed the Daily Prophet from a Ravenclaw student her eyes went wide and her face red with anger. On the cover it stated, " Childhood Love Of Mr. Cedric Diggory and Miss. Silvia Stone." Along with a long article and the picture of them kissing.
     Silvia couldn't control herself, no one has ever made such a fake article in such short time about her. She stood up on the end of the Hufflepuff table and started talking.
      " To all of Hogwarts and our visiting friends I would like to tell you that this very piece of parchment is one hundred percent fake!" She shouted angrily. " This little thing was written by none other than Rita Skeeter herself who we all know creates rubbish articles for the Ministry of Magic to create drama and rumors such as this. Well I'm here to tell you that Cedric and I are only friends and nothing more and to show you that..." She stoped and tore the Prophet down the middle breaking apart her and Cedric. Then taring it up into a million different pieces. " That I don't care about anything Rita Skeeter writes ever again!" Silvia took out her wand and levitated the pieces. " Incendio!" She shouted and burnt the pieces until there was nothing left.
      " Yea Silvia you little rebel!" The Weasley twins shouted from their seats at the Gryffindor table.
        " Silvia you didn't have to go do all that you know," Cedric said standing up on the table with her.
         " Oh really? Were you going to do for me?" Silvia asked twirling her wand in her hand.
         " No of course not! I've already told our house not to trust her anymore than we have to, and they believe that I'm still deeply in love with Cho," he explained to her, still shouting.
        " Oh... Well because I know I broke at least five school rules I'm just going to you know- go get some fresh trustworthy air and no one will follow me unless I can trust them. And Ced don't even try!" Silvia jumped off the table and started to run but Cedric stopped her. She raised her eyebrows. " Flipendo!" He was flipped backwards and landed in a pile of food. Silvia took this distraction and ran all the way to the astronomy tower, the farthest thing away from the hall.
       " You really have spent too much time with me," a familiar voice said behind her.
       " Draco what do you think your doing here? I'm not in the mood to talk," Silvia told him as she leaned over the balcony viewing the black lake.
        " You gave a hint that you wanted to talk to me and that you still like me," Draco said leaning next to her.
       " I didn't want to make you mad because of all we've talked about together... The escape plan I mean," Silvia put her head in her hands rubbing her temples.
       " Of course I'm not mad at you Silvia, I could tell in your eyes while you were yelling at Skeeter that the article was fake even though she caught you both kissing... If it's anyone I'm mad at it's Diggory, forcing you into that. I know that you've told me that you don't want to get into things right away and I agree with you all the way," he put a hand on her arm to show support.
     " Thank you... You should probably leave, the professors are probably going to expel me and have Karagoff send me to my siblings," Silvia was now close to crying. " Draco I've failed them, when they see me kidnapped they won't even want me in their cell," Silvia let her tears fall. She noticed Draco wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder.
      " I will never let you fail, I'll go explain to the Headmaster what your going through so you won't have to be punished," Draco whispered in her ear.
        " Draco you don't-"
     " I want you to be my date to the Yule Ball, I'm not letting anything get in the way of my life decisions," Draco told her looking into her eyes. Silvia finally agreed and nodded as they made their way to the Headmasters office.
      Draco told Silvia to wait outside as he talked with Dumbledore and the other professors. After a good thirty minutes, both Dumbledore and Draco came back out.
       " You are free to go my dearest, thanks to Mr. Malfoy, he has made us understand what your going through even though we already knew," Dumbledore said to her calmly.
      " Thank you Headmaster," Silvia told him smiling before walking to her class.
       During Herbology that day Professor Sprout lead them to the entrance hall. She told the boys to sit on one row of benches and the girls on the other. She then explained that the Yule Ball was a formal dance and that they are expected to indeed, dance formally.
     " I taught Miss Stone the form and a simple dance over the summer, so Silvia will you please help me demonstrate?" Sprout asked. Silvia smiled and stood up. " I'll lead alright sweetheart?" She asked. Silvia nodded and got into position, when the music started playing they box stepped and twirled across the room so everyone could see.
      Once Mr. Flich cut the music the students clapped and got into partners of their own. Silvia was put with Justin Finch- Fletchy and that time she lead him. He wasn't half bad, only stepping on Silvia's toes a few times before getting the rhythm. They danced and eventually Justin took lead, making Silvia stumble slightly before catching on to the new unique version Justin had thought up.  Silvia and the rest of the students danced until the class ended and they had to go.
       " I didn't know you could dance that well! You were amazing!" Molly said as they walked out to the corridor.
       " Yea I know, thanks!" Silvia laughed, Molly of course joined.
         " Hey there's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend, did you want me to look for a dress for you since... You can't?" Molly asked hesitantly.
         " Oh ah I don't know since I won't be there to try some on or see them," Silvia told her. " Maybe I can ask Mcgonagall if I could finally go, I know the twins always get me things but I've always wanted to go there in person..." Silvia smiled and gazed off into the distance.
       " Okay! I'll come with you!" Molly said as they ran to her office before their class started.
       " Your here early my dears, what can I do for you?" Professor Mcgonagall asked as they got to her classroom and office.
       " Professor, I need a dress for the Yule Ball. I was wondering if you'll let me go with Molly to Hogsmeade this weekend so I can get one!" Silvia said smiling at her while giving her puppy eyes.
        " You know the rules Silvia, you aren't allowed to leave unless you have guardians permission," she said to the girls.
          " But you are my guardian Professor! You and Dumbledore and the rest of the staff are my only guardians!" Silvia raised her voice. Mcgongall stared at her considering her options.
       " We never went to the Ministry to make it legal Silvia so in that case I am very sorry to tell you that you can't go to Hogsmeade, Miss Paterson will have to get a dress for you, that is final."
       Silvia gave her a depressed look before taking her seat and opened her Transfiguration book to the chapter they were on.
      After Transfiguration Silvia and Molly split, Silvia for DADA and Molly for potions.
        " Today we are going to do something Dumbledore wants you to learn, not to mention the Ministry too. Now can anyone tell me what the three Unforgivable curses are and why they are Unforgivable?" Professor Moody asked after he did attendance. Silvia and Hermione's hands shot in the air. Silvia was called on.
      " Theirs Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kadvra, sir. There unforgivable because once you cast a curse you can't take back the damage that has been done to the person being hurt..." Silvia answered fully.
       " Very good Miss Stone, twenty points. Now can anyone tell me what each curse does?" Professor Moody asked, again Silvia and Hermione's hands shot up. Moody nailed Silvia agin.
       " Crucio is the torture curse that can turn people into madness and death. Imperio can control a persons body without them knowing, which again could end up badly. And- and Avada Kadvra immediately kills someone once it hits you, I know for a fact that the curse is green and was used on both me and Harry's parents," Silvia said to the class making eye contact with Harry for a second.
     " Good girl! Someone actually does her homework!" Moody exclaimed, adding more points for Hufflepuff. He then demonstrated the curses on a spider which made most of the students shutter, especially when Neville was asked to come up close and watch the spider scream loudly.
      " Professor can't you see your hurting him!" Hermione shouted over the squealing. He stopped at her comment.
      " Why I'm sorry Neville, you can all leave now, go get some rest. The first task was moved to tomorrow by the way, something about the behavior of the challenge getting worse," Professor Moody said to them. Silvia wanted to talk to Neville but he was already with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

So I decided that Silvia and Draco didn't fight so sorry about that. I know I'm changing the story line a bit and I hope that's ok, I just really want to get to the Yule Ball and the second half of the year soo badly! This is my longest chapter so far! ( your welcome!) like, comment, vote, and follow! ( 1700 words!)

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