"Oh yeah" she replies with the same energy, "Cole would love that"

"Ew, no thanks. Where's that shirt that you wanted me to wear?" I question.

"Oh yeah" she says like she completely forgot. She walks to her dresser and looks around for like a couple seconds before pulling out to small pieces of fabric. "I have two so that we can match" she hands one to me.

I hold it up, taking a good look at it. "Where's the rest of it? My bra covers more than this."

"Please. I might only get one party with you." She pleas sounding desperate.

"Fine" I pull the tiny black tank to over my head. I look in the mirror at myself. The bottom of the "shirt" stops just above my belly button. The neckline cuts down showing off some serious cleavage. Not gonna lie, I actually kinda like it. But at the same time I kinda feel naked.

"Damn bitch, you look gorgeous" Cara says to me.

"Thank you" I respond, smiling a little wider.


As Cara and I approach the bar we can hear the loud music.

I always assumed that there would be a bouncer waiting at the door, but for some reason we walked in freely. Maybe that's only a thing they have in movies.

It'd honestly make me feel more boujee if there was one.

The smell of sweat and alcohol instantly hits my nose as we enter, this is definitely not my cup of tea. Or is it cup of alcohol because we're in a bar?

I grab onto the nook of Cara's arm, making sure I don't get lost. Especially because I get lost easily.

She leads me through the crowd causing my body to be pushed up against other people's sweaty bodies. By the time we got through the majority of the people I couldn't tell if the sweat on me was mine or not. Again, not my cup of alcohol.

We approach a group of people talking in drinking. I only recognize Cole and Adam among the faces. I let go of Cara's arm, knowing that she more than likely isn't going anywhere.

"Hey" she says, walking up to Adam and giving him a hug. She then moves on and gives Cole a hug.


"I see you got Maddie to come with" Cole smirks and checks me out.

"Yeah. Somehow I did" Cara replies.

Cara and Adam almost immediately get consumed in their own conversation. So I'm forced to talk to Cole, whatever girl is hanging onto him, and some random guys hanging around with Cole.

The girl lets go of Cole's arm and stumbles off for a second.

"Not a fan of parties" Cole assumes.

"You'd be correct" I respond.

"Here" the girl says as she stumbles towards me holding a drink in a red solo cup.

"No thanks" I respond, holding up my hand.

"C'mon it's just vodka, you'll be fine" she continues.

"No really I'm good" I retort.

"Just take the god damn drink. Don't be disrespectful" she pushes.

Before I can respond Cole jumps in, "I'll take that Emily, thanks for the drink".

He scoops it out of her hands. She goes to protest but looks like she lost her train of thought.


It's been a couple hours. Cara and Adam are still having their own conversation away from the rest of the people in the small group.

I'm pretty sure they keep getting further and further away from us. It's probably the stench of this Emily girl that's driving them away. It smells like she dumped a whole bottle of perfume on herself. It's burning my nose hairs. I guess that's one way to get rid of them.

Emily stumbles away again and comes back literally seconds later with more drinks. She walks towards me again but this time dumps the drink on me.

"Oops" she says, obvious that she doesn't care.

I gasp and look down at my clothes covered in vodka.

Great. I already wasn't having a good time, it didn't help that Emily was feeling Cole up the entire time. It made me uncomfy.

"I think I'm just going to leave" I tell Cole, "let Cara know"

"Wait" Cole says, but before I can hear the rest of what he has to say, I turn on my heel and make the trudge back through the sea of people.

If only I was like Moses and I could part the sea. But this wouldn't be the Red Sea, it's more like the Dead Sea. Because if these people keep drinking like this, they'll be dead soon.

As soon as I feel the crisp air on my skin it finally feels like I can breathe again.

I turn towards the way that we came from and start to walk. I'm insanely bad with directions, but the walk back is really easy.

After a couple minutes of walking I start to notice the sound of footsteps behind me, but I ignore them and just start to walk faster.

I notice the footsteps start to move faster too.


I tightened my fingers around my phone in fear.

When the footsteps are nearly right behind me I turn my head to look, but before I can see anything I'm pushed down a small alley in between some buildings.

I fall hard on my hands and knees, causing me to drop my phone. The screen instantly shatters, throwing glass onto the ground in front of me.

I reach for my phone so that I can call the police. But before I can grab it, someone picks me up from behind and throws me against one of the buildings. They hold my back tight against the brick, not allowing me to move at all.

"Hey baby" a low voice whispers so close to my ear they're nearly touching it.

They hold their face in front of mine. He has short blonde hair and glasses that look similar to mine.

"You won't need these" he says pulling my glasses off of my face and throwing them somewhere in the distance.

I'm too paralyzed by fear to say anything.

He starts to move his face closer to mine, I try to move away but he's holding me so tightly.

He forces his lips on mine, putting his tongue in my mouth. He pulls back for a second, looking slightly angry.

"Kiss me back" he demands as one of his hands starts to grope my body.

Parts that I've never allowed anyone to touch before.

I spit in his face, "go to hell".

I takes his hand that he was using to touch me off my body. I thought I had actually done something to help myself until he brings that up to my face and punches me against the side of my cheek.

He then punches me again

And again

And again

And again, until I can feel the blood start to run down my cheek.

Tears start to pool in my eyes. He then uses the same hand to punch me in the stomach twice. Making it extremely difficult to breathe. I let out a groan and grab for my stomach.

This is it I guess. He's going to rape me in this alley, and there's nothing I can do about it.

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