#42- The End

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Madelyn's POV

I sit in the NICU with Cole, my hand in the hole on the side of the thing holding the baby. I hold the baby's hand in mine, stroking the back of his hand with my thumb.

"He's so cute" Cole tells me.

"He really is" I agree, "you can go be with your sister"

"Last I checked she was in physical therapy"

Someone cuts in, "whenever you guys are ready, the birth certificate is ready to be signed"

I look up to Cole. "Do you want to sign it with me?"

"I'd love to"

I release the baby's hand and go to sign the birth certificate.

I sign my spot and hand the pen to Cole.

"Do you guys have a name yet?" The nurse asks.

I shake my head.

"How do you feel about Adler?" I ask Cole, "it was the name of Jordan's grandpa"

"I actually really like that"

"What about James for a middle name? After our baby and your dad"

"Adler James Hart?" Cole asks me.

"I love it"

Cole writes it on the certificate.

"Congrats mom and dad" the nurse tells us.

"Thank you" I respond.


I sit on Cole's kitchen island while he scoops us ice cream.

Our baby still has about a week left in the NICU and we've been staying at Cole's every night.

Cole's sister is doing better, but still isn't good enough to leave the hospital.

"I swear that when you went to the bathroom today, he smiled" Cole tells me.

"It was probably gas" I smile at him, loving the way he talks about our baby.

"Probably, but he still smiled" he hands me a bowl.


"I love our little family" Cole tells me, standing in front of me, eating his ice cream.

"Me too" I respond.

"Thank you" Cole tells me, looking directly at me.

"For what?" I ask.

"Just, everything. Thank you for coming into my life and still being in it even after everything I've done."

I set my bowl down next to me, "I love you".

Cole's face is covered in shock, he sets his bowl down as well, "what?".

"I love you" I tell him again, "I'm in love with you. And I have been for as long as I can remember. I was just scared, but everything is scary. It doesn't get much scarier than raising a kid. I'm glad I get to do it with you because I love you"

Cole crashes his lips onto mine, bringing his hands to the sides of my face.

He pulls away just slightly, "say it again"

"I love you" my lips brush lightly against his.

"I love you too" he responds.

He puts his lips on mine again and my hands go to his waistband. I place my fingers just inside the waistband of his underwear and tug him closer.

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