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"Crystal, Good evening-this is Alix" he gestures my way but notices that I'm tapping my thumb on the table. Great she whipped my smile, instantaneously!

He glances at my thumb, tapping and looks back at me. Finally, an introduction has been made. I literally applaud in my head, sarcastically. We didn't have the pleasure of the presentation back in Belize or at his house. I left before he even had a chance.

I can feel Joe feeling awkward, just standing here, with his X-girlfriend on one side and his new cougar lover on the other. And there she goes, finally giving me eye contact. Wait, did she call him Joesph? YUP!

"Yes...We met at your house, Good Evening, Alix," she says with a fake smile, not even extending her hand out for me to shake. Instantly I felt a knot in my stomach.

I give a half-grin. The famous Joe grin, when there's a man next to me, too close to me to be exact, Joe will make it known how he's not to keen of his surroundings.

I look away and sigh; I have to learn to be in control. I've never cared what Michael did, even when he had his hands on every secretary in his office. But he's not Micahel.

He sits back down, adjusting his seat in more. I see his jaw clenching, feeling more of the awkwardness and looks bothered by her presence.

"What brings you here tonight?" she asks, glowing as he's trying so hard not to pay any mind to her by glancing through the menu on the table and puts his hand on mine.

"I'm here having dinner with Alix," he replies and looks up her way. Crystal gives him a big grin. Oh wow, it hits me, I can see she still in love with him. My stomach is in knots. Why am I here? I slide my hand away from under his. He gives me a blank stare.

He sighs, "Is there something you need, Crystal?" he knows the shit is going to hit the fan and wants her to go on with her business.

"No, I saw you were here and wanted to stop by and say hi since you missed the meeting." she finishes with a concerned look. 

And sure enough, I receive a text message signal. Shit! I grab it and quickly see Brian's name on the screen. I place it back on the table before turning it over. Just what I needed, can the night get any better than this? NOPE!

He notices, but I clear my throat, "I'm sorry, excuse me, I need to step away for a moment," I said before he questions me but gives me the 'he knows it's not Lyla' look texting at this time. But I mask with a smile like I'm supposed to do, right? Why do I have to question myself?

Needless to say, she couldn't wait to see me leave, "Nice to see you again, Alix," she says before she lays her fucking hand on his shoulders. His body automatically tenses. That's it, If I have to keep seeing this and listen to her speak once more, I'll self-combust.

I know she's enjoying seeing him this. Please, Lord, give me the strength to fight back the urge to glare at her making a total fool of myself staking what's mine. Alix breathe, jealousy is an ugly trait, I keep coaching myself in my head.

I put my palms on the table, he grabs the top of my hand, signaling me to stay but I brush it off before taking my phone and making my way around them both and headed towards the bathroom. I honestly don't want to be the third wheel or wait for them to embrace their goodbys-I've scene enough.

No less than one minute, I'm in the ladies room reading the texts;

Brian: Just finished some more reports, saw the light on, but the door was locked.

Brian: Let me know if you want to get something to eat.

What is this all about, why would he ask to go to dinner again and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, a strong knock-knocks on the door and it scares the shit out of me. I know it's Joe, I'm getting accustomed to his lovely knocks. Thank god, it's not Crystal, what would I possibly say to her, "sorry, I didn't want to see your pathetic face."

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now