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Alix-she's my sister, my best friend, who I confide in. She knows my fears and has seen what I've endured with my father my whole life. I...I was going nuts fighting myself to be completely honest with you. It's not that life is not that simple. I had to talk to Krista. I can only imagine how your feeling, having to hear it in a rage of jealousy. Let alone, having to stoop low to Anthony and Brains level," He openly spoke, looking straight into my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I mention to her about the woman that has got my heart, and can tear it up once she finds out I've been lying to her this whole time," He said as he glances down and gently squeezes my hand, admiring how he holds my hands on my lap.

"So you're telling me, she's always known? Even when I went to see them in London?" I speak up, confused. So she's known all along. Huh.

"Alix, she knew the first day I saw you at the coffee shop. I couldn't believe you were there in front of me...The energy that sparked, I knew I couldn't give up on how cute you looked, acting all nervous around me." He beamed and went on.

"It was me, Alix-that asked Krista to accompany her to Lylas graduation party... I've seen pictures of you that Krista had on her desk in school. And for some reason, I knew I had to meet you" He went on, and I sat there not knowing how to react at how he's opening up to me. "So when I saw you at the coffee shop, I told her that I had seen you, so she said if that's who I needed to meet, she'll approve and not get in the way, so I accompanied her," he sincerely says as I'm still in disbelief that Krista has known from the very first day I made a total fool of myself, checking him out all nervous and shit back at the coffee shop.

I sit quietly, numb and still have nothing to say. I turn and glance out the window trying to take in all he's confessed. He knew from a picture that I was the one he wanted. What were the odds of finding someone you wanted from an image on a random day?

If my X-husband admitted his true feelings within the 20 years I was married to him that Joe has done within two months, I probably would've stayed and fought hard for my marriage to have worked. But, truth be told, I didn't want it to work, I wasn't in love!

I notice we missed the exit off the highway to my house "Joe we missed the exit to my house, wh-"

He quickly cuts me off.

"I thought maybe we could go to mine...Do you mind if we do?" he said in a low tone as he shrugged his shoulder, waiting for approval from me. But turned my face back to look out the window, kept my eye's watching the city streets that eventually turn into winding forest roads.

I guess now I should take advantage of seeing how Joe lives. Finally. I've wondered why he'd only want to stay over mine, and here it is. He didn't know how to tell me, he's fucking rich and here I thought he had a roommate.

Well, thank god he's doesn't rob banks when he bought me those luxurious gifts. The thought of Joe going out and buying me gifts, has me wondering if he did the same for Crystal? UGH

I can only imagine what a Billionaire home looks like, Is it like the magazines? Is his, pictured in the Forbes most luxurious home magazine? This is what we woman or men think about, stupid shit like this, I mean, he's a Billionaire, and I've never known one before. Geez, Alix, what have you gotten yourself into?

The ride to Joe's home is more extended than anticipated and now notice the car turning into a straight dark narrow path with trees that look like large shrubs running along with each side. I feel the car slowing down. It seems like we can't go any further. We come to a full stop in front of a gate that has more large shrubs covering it all. Where the hell are we? Wow, talk about being in a secluded place. I thought to myself as I look out the window.

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