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I quickly answered, "Sweetheart, how's it going?" I said. My voice excited to know she's called.

"Oh mom, I think I want to move here and study for my Master's," she blurted out without hesitation, and I stayed silent.

But then I went along, "Lyla is that something you want to do?" My voice not wanting to sound too concerned. I closed my eyes, waiting for her answer, gripping tight on my pen. As much as I loved that she took this opportunity to venture, I didn't expect this. 

I don't need her father to blame me for her wanting to stay if she does. This won't be a good conversation with Michael; that's for sure, and let's not forget my mother, who never agreed with my decision to have let her go in the first place. SHIT!

"Mom, I really don't know, it's a different world out here." she sounds convincing. But why the sudden change?

"But it's just a thought, Mom, don't worry," she sighs. My heart still in my throat.

"Lyla, I want the best for you-you know that?

"Yes, Mommy," she says in a soft voice. But I can still hear something else in her tone. What, I don't know. But my heart drops how she still calls me mommy, even at 22.

"So how about you, Mom...How's work going-Wait how was the cocktail reception you worked so hard to put together" Shit, any other question but this one? I see myself tapping the pen fast on my desk. Great!

"It went well," I totally lied. I had to, I can't just tell Lyla over the phone. I mean, It did go well until Joe decided to let us know what his real name is. I shake the thought.

"Ok, Mom, I will give you a call in a couple of days." I can hear traces of her smiles in her voice. I feel a lot better.

"Yes, and take in all the great memories you and Krista are making...Love you," I said, fighting back the tears. "Thank you, Mom, bye," a warmth erupts my chest. 

I stayed with the phone in my hand as I heard her hang up. I miss her so much. I hang up, staring at it for a slight moment, and hear my cell phone buzzing off. Shit, it's the hour that everyone decides to call, and it's only Monday. I lgrab it an look at the screen. Ah, it's Linda texting me.

Linda: Biatch, your playing house for sure missy LMAO

Me: Ha ha ha ha

Me: Come by Saturday-drinks by the pool! XO

Linda: You got it, I want the 411 about the cocktail party I didn't go to for some reason! I'll let that pass. LOL

Me: I don't know what you're talking about? LOL

So much to fill her in with, last time we spoke was when Joe left for two weeks, there's so much I left out, plus now, I'm going to have to tell her my man is a Billionaire, which of course, I just found this out myself.

Knowing Linda, she won't believe it and say, "ok, Alix- he drives a Prius". I've missed my Saturday nights with my girlfriends. I have been playing way to much house with Joe, and I am getting used to it.

Speaking of the devil, he's finally texted me back, and from his regular cell number, what's he up to now?

Joe: What time will you be done?

Me: Don't know yet

Joe: I'll pick you up at 5:00 pm

Me: I need to catch up on what I've missed

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