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As we walked in, Joe had already made reservations, figures, the hostess sat us against the corner wall and not in the middle of the room filled with strangers; I wanted a little privacy. I've been mentally drained. Lyla will be coming home soon. And I need to finally come clean and be honest with her and of course to myself. 

I can't keep Joe hiding for long. The poor guy has been patient nevertheless expresses,  if I've spoken to my mother or Micheal about us, yet? I can't keep stressing about all this, it kills me to know if he wonders if I ever will. He's right though, I am stressed on what their opinion will be, me dating a younger man. I can hear my mother already, 'Alix have you hit a mid-life crisis.'

I've asked him plenty of times why me and why was he so interested in an older woman, like myself? And surprised me by saying, he doesn't see me as someone who's 42. Robert did mention back when I first took a step into Joe's home, that it's not what he saw. 

He's seen me as the woman he saw in a picture and needed to meet and kiss. AW! Can you believe that all he wanted was to kiss me by only seeing me in a picture? I still feel as he's jerking my chain with that story. But, the way he kisses me after he reminds me of the first time he laid eyes on me, I needed to start believing it and in him. 

I don't know what it is that's making it so hard. Eventually, I'll have to meet his mother and family one day or another, which also adds to my drama and has my mind bonkers. What will they think of me? I can care less about his dad, but what will his Mom think? 

Are his mother and I the same age? Will she accept me? This is exactly what has me up some nights, watching him sleep peacefully thinking. On occasions, I'd watched him have some strange nightmares. 

Which in fact, I've tried to ask him, and again, he avoids the question, by giving me kisses all through my body making me totally forget what I asked. He's a persuader, wait, Is that even a word? I shake my head to myself, It all has to work out. I know I keep telling myself, but it does. It has too.

Feeling comfortable, "Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Taylor, would you like to start with some drinks...the usual perhaps?" the tall waiter asks in his native accent. He's really pleasant, smart, very well-spoken. He at times aware of what Joe prefers but doesn't hesitate to ask otherwise. He's been our waiter a couple of times at another Restaurant, so basically he knows us. 

Joe even got him the head waiter position here, spoke very highly about him, so they hired him on the spot. Spanish descent, a little masculine, good looking I might say. Plus, I have this feeling Joe might've said something to him when he got comfortable enough to be...I guess frank, cause it appears on some occasions, he doesn't tend to keep his eyes directed towards me longer than a second. 

Even when there are plenty of times when we happen to get a young waitress who simply drools over Joe, can you blame them, but he pretends to ignore as if they're not even there. I smile at how I find it absolutely adorable, the way he shows his affection that I'm the only one for him. I'm not used to this. I'm not. I love him. But there's still that ten percent I'm frightened he'll wake up one day and leave me for a younger woman or just leave.

"The usual, John," He says watching me for approval. I nod and accept as we sat relaxed in our chairs. And John walks away.

As I looked once more at our surroundings, he begins, "How was your day?" he asks vaguely looking into the menu. And here we go, I knew he couldn't hold his frustration with me staying late with Brian and having to work closely together.

"It was fine, nothing different" I didn't lie, but the way he acted telling me the time he'll pick me up was a bit dramatic. He glances over at me placing the menu back on the table.

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