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The day has arrived, it's date night, and I'm ecstatic that I'm going to see Joe, finally after almost two weeks. He was going for a week or so, but it ended to be a bit longer. I'm curious to know what Consultant Company Joe works for, which has him go away for long periods at a time. I visualize his face since he's been gone for a while but only saw it on facetime. I blush at the thought of how we saw each other on Facetime.  

I barely slept a wink, tossing and turning, wondering what will I wear. I feel like a little girl all over again. I've called in sick at work. In all reality, I don't feel guilty by any means for taking off. Lyla has been training me to try and take a selfish day off. I think I should more often. We should start calling it, from here on, the selfish day off.

The day is going fast. I've showered and waxed, and all the above and I'm a nervous wreck. It's my actual first date with Joe. You can say we've done things a bit backward. Sorry, I couldn't help it. I tried my best to resist him, and as you can see, I failed at it. I brush my teeth and rinse. I check my teeth in the mirror. Perfect. Wow, I'm checking myself here.  

I've had jitters all morning and afternoon and a smile from ear to ear. Lyly even noticed something in my voice. 

I walk to the closet, I pause and browse, trying to find, in this godforsaken closet, an outfit to wear. What should I wear for him? That's all I thought about last night as I was tossing and turning. 

I can't believe he's finally coming home and the anticipation, whether he would call or text. But he did promise he would and kept it. We needed this time apart. I need to touch and feel him. Linda did give me some pointers on what to wear. Thank God for her. She's been perfect at not asking too many questions. She knows her boundaries. I haven't admitted to anything. I just want to see first where all this will go and how far. I'm surprised Brian or Anthony haven't bothered me. After the meeting last week, Anthony was a total mess.

But trying to find something suitable for a date with Joe in this closet is not exciting. I shake my head and pout. What I should do, is precisely what Linda said to do, which is to either burn some of them or give it to Good-Will. She did say; it's a tax write off. Noway, how horrible offering clothes just for a tax write off or even burning them. Linda!!

I spot a black dress. This will do and take it off the hanger. I lean it against my body. I can't remember the last time I wore this dress. I definitely need a shopping spree. Joe brings out the best feeling of confidence in me lately. We are probably going to a small restaurant. But, wait, he didn't even say what we were doing or if we were going out to a restaurant. 

Like I said before, we missed the first date regulations. I've been with Michael for almost 20 years, and after that, I've been on two dates, so this is all new to know what to expect. He is a consultant, so maybe he's embarrassed that he can't afford to take me on a date to my standards. That he didn't say where we were going. I hope he doesn't think he has to wine and dine me.

Michael wasn't the romantic type, so basically, I'm not used to the expensive lifestyle, as Linda and Lexi were accustomed to. As long as I'm with him, I'm happy go lucky.

I haven't had McDonald's in a while. Would he feel insulted if he asks me what I want to eat, and I say McDonald's, I don't want him to think, I'm a greedy bitch? 

As I blow dry my hair, I think I heard my doorbell? I shut it off for a second and hear the doorbell ring...what time is it? Goosh. He can't be here already. I run out of the bathroom.

Alexa, what time is it? "It's Three-thirty pm" Thank you, Alexa! "Your very welcomed," she announces.

I wonder why they program Alexa to be so polite. It can be annoying. I have my moments with Alexa. What is she so happy about, I'd like to know?

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