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"Robert, dinner was delicious...I would love for us to share some recipes," I gladly said as he approved with a vast smug on his face. I turn to Joe, who's sitting across the dinner table, beaming at me, then turns his eyes to Robert as he's taking a sip of his scotch. I watch and observe Joe, smitten over Robert. 

Noticeably enough to say, he cares deeply about him. I think Robert is an emotional substitute father figure to Joe. The way they spoke about how Joe's father was a monster, Robert had to have stepped in and taken over, in a fatherly way. Robert chose to stay with Joe and Krista through it all. It's just odd how he's more of a servant? It warms my heart to know; he also has a piece of mine.

"Mrs. Alix, would you like some more wine?" He asks, holding up the bottle of my favorite Chardonnay. But of course!

"Sure," as I look over to Joe for approval. HelloI'm the adult here? He acts like he's my daddy. I slightly blush at the last time I said daddy to him, he's such a horny thing. He narrows his eyes at me as I stick out my tongue at him. He shakes his head slowly and chuckles as if I'm in big trouble. Mhm there's daddy alright!  Robert turns and walks over.

"Robert, tell me, what was Joe like as a kid, was he a good child?" I dare to ask watching him come closer, then pours my wine. I want to know how Joe was as a child. Surprisingly, Joe doesn't seem to mind as he rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his scotch.

He turns to Joe as he gives him the, 'it's ok due tell' look.

"Oh, well, let's see, there are so many stories," He says  "I wouldn't know where to start," He thinks back, as he puts the bottle of Chardonnay in front of me and starts to walk back to the end of the table.

"No, Robert, please sit here," I said, pointing to the seat to my left. I turned to Joe, "I bet you were a bad kid," I amused in a cocky way. Joe's sitting there, shaking his head, regretting it. Oh, this is going to be fun. It was a perfect moment and took advantage of the opportunity to see what Joe was like as a kid. There's got to be funny moments he's had or got a scar to prove from something he wasn't supposed to be doing. It couldn't have been, all so bad, or was it?

"Maybe," He says, smirking as Robert comes and sits next to me. This feels great. I'm so excited to hear what he has to say about my baby. I put my elbows on the table and put my hands under my chin.

"Well, there's one memory," He recalls raising his one finger. "In a precise moment, I can be doing something random, and it pops up, and I do have to laugh," he says, remembering a particular story, letting out a small giggle.

"He must've been around four years old," he glances up, closing his eyes, picturing the vivid memory. "He'd hide by the corner of the hall right next to where my room was, mostly when he would know when I'd have to go grocery shopping" he looks over to Joe, which looks a bit surprised by which story he chose. 

Aww, he looks so cute watching Robert reminisce, as he's going on telling it. He takes another sip of his scotch, placing it back on the table, then swirling his finger on the rim with a beautiful smile, watching what's he's doing, taking a trip down memory lane as Robert continues.

"He loved to accompany me to do the grocery shopping," He says as he slaps his hands together, all excited. How funny to cute for words. "So we're there, I have him in the cart. Nothing different than any other time I would take him" he shifts in his seat, all excited to continue. "He was a big hit with the ladies; I might say," he added, grinning toward Joe, who's now blushing. Oh, someone is embarrassed, I see. Love it!

"I bet," I said as I arched an eyebrow at Joe, which he winks at me full of himself. I knew it casanova! I said to myself, grinning at him.

"Go on," I said. The anticipation is killing me; I have a smile plastered on my face.

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now