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We manage to dry up, it's awkward. Actually, this whole week has been awkward. What are the odds of Joe and I meeting like this again? I mean, I stripped him naked in my thoughts before he literally stripped down to his trousers tonight. Right here in front of me.

His cell phone buzzes off. I turn to the table where he left it.  Who's calling him at 1 am in the morning? Will he pick it up? Shit, it has to be the next booty call for sure. How stupid did I feel? Typical.

He walks to the side of the table, grabs the cell phone. "Thomas?" he answers. He pauses. Why did he pick up? Seriously. Now?

"Five minutes" He says. So he's letting her or whoever is on the other end know, at 1 am in the morning that he'll be there in 5 minutes. Really?? Red Flag. I'm so stupid. I look at the bottle of chardonnay. Should I?

"Thank you again for the swim...I did feel exactly how I thought it would" he compliments like nothing toweling himself dry. Inappropriate to say the least. What an asshole. I know I told him to leave but, to shove in my face that he's on his way to a booty call. I'm...I'm.

I nod and gather my belongings. It's not like I'm interested. But why is it that I feel a bit of jealousy coming on. Is this how it feels? I'm not used to this one-night stands what's so Ever. 

Was this a one night stand? I've been married half my life and this is the first time I've felt something arise that maybe that call he received made me react to what my stomach is feeling.

"So, I guess you have 5 minutes to leave" I react. grabbing the bottle of Chardonnay and pour it into my glass of wine and gulp down, what's left looking at him. "Alix, Jealousy doesn't suit you, plus, I wasn't the one telling you to stop and go, was I?" he reacts to my comment, putting his shirt on. I laugh in my head, at his accusation. I'm not jealous in the slightest bit. 

"Jealous? What do I have to be jealous of, Joseph...It was only a kiss, everyone kisses? I snap. His demeanor changed. He flares his nose at me. Why do I feel bad at the way I snapped. Jesus, he's bringing something out in me, that I have no control of. He doesn't say anything, his eyes narrowed just standing there looking at me.

"Anyway, your right...have a great night, don't stay up too late," I say. Annoyed as he lays the towel on the patio table. He moves to walk but turns around. My heart is pounding. Part of me wants him to stay but I can't. What would happen if someone comes down or looks out the window? This is so hard. My heart in my throat.

"I had a nice time, Alix, thank you" he softly whispers. I can't read his expression. then turns back and walks past me and leaves.

What have I done? Why did I let myself get so consumed by him? I had no strength enough for me to keep my hands away from him. What came over me? How am I going to see or react around when Lyla and Krista come by. Will he come with them and be a third wheel? That would be so suspicious. My god, I can't get my head to stop thinking.

I look over to the bottle of Chardonnay. I think it's best I don't pour another glass. Well, maybe just one more. I take the bottle, pour and take another gulp. This is becoming rather often, these gulps. I look up at the house. Nothing, still no one has bothered to look out the window and see Joseph and me. 

Yup, I need a cold shower, fast, asap. But first, I need another sip. Shit

I walk into the kitchen quietly. I can't bare to bring myself to see Lyla or Krista if she's still here since he did leave. I'm too ashamed, at what I did, kissing Joe, letting him touch my body the way he was. Would they notice, how would I act in front of them? I put my iPhone on the kitchen counter along with the half-empty bottle of Chardonnay. Great, this is what I've become today.

"Mom, how was your swim" I hear Lyla's voice come through from behind. My heart skipped.

"Hi, baby girl, it was great" I reply looking over my shoulders, pouring down another glass. Want not, waste not. Or waist wants not? I can't fucking think straight.

"Wow, mom, you are really enjoying your Chardonnay tonight," she says as she chuckles. Did she see us? I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Omg, no. please, how am I going to explain, that sometimes your hormones act up in situations you can't control? 

That's not going to work, my daughter is 22 years old. I think she's aware of how hormones act up. I shake my head with the thought. I can do this. I open my eyes and turn smiling, as of nothing.

"Mom, I know your upset and sad that I'm leaving. Thank you so much for today, there's no one like you" she expresses. And I lose myself. The words she spoke, broke me. I pull her into my arms.

"Oh, Lyla...." I burst out into tears holding her tight in my arms. So many emotions flying all over the place for one day. I had to let go and cry.

"Mom, it's going to be ok....I'll be back before you know it," she says comforting me, passing her hands on the back of my shoulder. I know she's leaving for three months or so to go abroad and she'll be just fine but as a mother, my emotions are all over the place. She just got back home from being away for four years at college and now she's going away again. Too much for me to deal with at the moment.

"Yes, Lyla your right" wiping my tears away looking at her. "I know, it's just, I'm going to miss you all over again,"  I say as I can feel, as if, I can't look at her straight in the face. I can't tell her I just kissed her best friend's brother, in the pool. I'm such a horrible mother. I really don't need Krista to come and make me feel like shit ass well. I wouldn't know what to say.

I need to go up and take a cold shower and go to sleep, while it's still safe around here without Joe, sneaking up behind me. I won't be able to contain my feelings, especially how sad I'm feeling, as Lyla leaves tomorrow.

Great, that's right, Michael is coming with me to drop off Lyla at the airport. Why must he come and be a third wheel? God, he's such a head killer. I turn to pour me another glass of wine. I pick up the bottle. It feels too light. I hold it up against the light, looking into the glass and sure enough, it's fucking empty. Shit.

I've finally have taken a cold shower. I think I needed that this evening for sure. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Lyla is leaving and I want to be refreshed. I need to make sure she has everything she needs. I wonder if she noticed, though? I have never kissed anyone the way I kissed Joe. What I felt, wasn't my norm. How can a 25-year-old man, make me feel the way he did. Why the hell can't I keep his face out of my mind. Trust me, I don't need anyone to find out about what happened. I have to keep reminding myself, it was only a kiss, not a hot one at that. I LIED

 But, I felt his hardon against my body. 

 Jesus...really. He has the softest lips though. He knows how to use them. The way he held me, gripping his fingers in my waist.

Would he date an older woman like me? I can't believe he asked about my age. There is no way he knew my exact age. I'm smiling from ear to ear wondering if he did ask about me. But to who? 

OMG, NO. Did he ask Krista? My head is pounding. I can't even lie in bed without thinking about this drama. I feel like a teenager again. This feels different. I want to see him again. How would I though? Lyla is leaving for 3 months with Krista. So...forget it. There is my sign. This will definitely not be something I will have to explain to Lyla or anyone on When it happened? 

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now