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I've checked into the hotel, and went straight to my room, put my things down on the bed. But first things first, always check the liquor cabinet and gaze at it and think about how they will rip me off at checkout. I'll choose the regular, Chardonnay.

Half-hour has passed, I've hung up the one outfit, put my make-up bag and curling iron in the bathroom, washed up, sent emails back and forth to Brian, Anna, and Anthony. Even though Lyla told me not to bring work with me, I wanted to go over some important emails. I'm still upset with Anthony, bringing in Brain to help with the Cocktail Reception next month. I don't need someone else's opinion. I can handle it fine by myself.

"Mom" Lyla's voice carry from the other side of the hotel room door. Can I relax for a moment? I did come to be with her. Let me not ruin her happiness since I'm feeling shitty. I stroll to the door and open it.

"Yes, yes, I'm ready" I sigh holding the door open and close it behind me.

"Krista is meeting us downstairs by the lobby" she replies walking towards the elevator as I follow. The thought of Krista even being here, has made matters worse. And yet still no call, text or messages from Joe. I've checked a hundred times. Is this how it is, when you have feelings for someone, you can't control and things don't end up ok, as you hoped it would've? This has to be the most unforgettable situation I've been in, and that's, to say the least.

Life needs to come with a book of directions, as in "What to expect when you're expecting!" well, we need "What the fuck are we getting ourselves into" book, for the woman or man going through some situations they can't control. I truly believe it'll be a hit. I'll be the first to purchase books one, two, three, four or five.

As we reach the lobby, I see Krista, my heart is beating faster as I see her scrolling through her phone. She gazes up at me. How am I going to play this off? This is so wrong.

"Hello, Mrs. Taylor. So happy you came. you look great" she says eyeing me up and down. And gives me a tight hug.

"Oh, it's nothing just something I pulled out of the closet" I lie, I bought this on the way home from work yesterday.

"Call me Alix, you're practically family" did I just say that? but in reality, she's known us since lyla and Krista met freshman year at college.

We arrive at this Italian eatery. It's quaint, with some seating areas outside as well. Romantic I might add. We order our drinks and some appetizers.

"So how's it going girls? I ask as I put my elbows on the table, holding my chin up with both my hands.

"It's beautiful" They answer in sync.

"but I can't wait to travel to Italy on Thursday," Lyla says looking for Krista's approval.

"That's great to be young again and travel the world," I express, looking up at the sky, taking in a breath. Admiring the London air.

"Mom you are still young and could travel the world, you just need to slow down at work and plan ahead"

"I know but I need to make sure you're taken care of...What am I talking about" I put my hands up. "Enough about me and my boring life, what are our plans for tonight?" I ask trying to change the subject. Lyla and Krista look at each other, then back at me. 

"Well, mom we had already made plans to go to a club with these two guys we meet that are from our area back at home...and want you to come," she asks and does look like she wants me to go. Wow, a club?

"Sure why not, you only live once and make a fool out of yourself after, right."

We all laugh. Our drinks arrive, we all take our glasses, cheer and sip

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