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We walk into the reception hall. I feel all eyes on us. My heart starts to pump faster. I spot Anthony right away, talking to some clients. Thank god. I would rather have a drink first to ease the pressure. He means well, but I don't need him to say, ask, or judge Joe at this very moment. I know he'll ask me about Joe's age is? Or if he's borrowed from Linda's boy toys list. Shake my head with those thoughts. It's not that he looks like a boy, Not what's so ever, but he's not your typical age as in the group of my peers.

"This way, I see a bar," Joe says as we step more into the banquet. As he still possessing me with his hand down my lower back. I think it's getting a bit annoying, though. I do need a little space to breathe. This is all new for me too. But, I do have to admit, it feels good to be wanted, the way he holds on to his prize.

Wow, I really did a fantastic job. I have to say. With all that's going on, I manage to pull this off, putting it all together in two months. Crazy. Now, if I can only pull off tonight, not having Anthony or anyone asks too many questions about him, It'll end perfectly. 

I want to be the one to explain my personal life. Not be put in the spot on what he does for a living or how old he really is. I think I'm more nervous about what people think about me. I feel confused. He's Lyla's friend, young and has a past; he can't shake off.

I see waiters dressed in black with white gloves serving the appetizers I had explicitly chosen for tonight. The chandeliers make the ambiance, dimmed with pink fluorescent lighting, that's the simple reason why I decided to have it here. It's a breathtaking king's room. We had our New Years Party, where Anthony hosted it last year. If he would even remember, it was definitely a night his poor wife won't forget.

We arrive at the bar area. Yes. Just what the doctor ordered. I look over and see Brian and Anna talking to one another. That's odd, they've never seemed to get along. He said she's nosy. Maybe they can hang around each other all night so that Brian can stay away from Joe. I'd hate to see a boxing match. Joe gave him the look of death when he was complimenting me. Poor Brian. Joe might be young, but he's got the height and these fucking amazing muscles. Calm down, Alix. 

I turn to Joe and quickly glance at his arms; even in the suit, his physique looks impressive. Shit, what am I doing, drooling over him in front of my colleagues and respectful new clients? I shake my head.

"You ok-Alix?" Joe asks, tilting his head.

"Yes, of course, I got off track there for a moment" I put my hands on the bar. Get a grip, Alix.

"What can I get you both?" A young blonde bartender asks. What is it with Blonds now. Great. I roll my eyes.

"Chardonnay or? He asks, politely at me seeing if I'll go with something other than my usual.

"Why, Joe, how fast you know me so well," I flirtatiously say and wink. "Yes, please, I'll have the usual," I murmur.

"As you wish," he replies and turns his head and faces the blonde.

"What Chardonnay would you recommend?" he asks as if there's much to choose from. Really. Does she look like she knows what to recommend? She walks over to the selections they have. She picks up a bottle.

"We have," she begins as she looks at the bottle, trying to find the name, "A Domaine Serene Evenstad Reserve Chardonnay" She's seriously reading it from the bottle.

"Would you happen to have, Lincourt Santa Rita? He adds. My baby knows his shit, lady. A smile comes out of my face — giddy.

"No, I'm sorry," she apologizes but gives him a huge smile. I can't do this. I feel my jealousy radar moving in fast.

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now