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A week has come and gone. I've cried so much; I can't lie. I thought we had a connection. The way he walked out broke my heart. I had to gradually build my character back up and realize, this was not going to work. As the days went by, I wondered if I will ever meet someone that gave me the spark, the moment he's touched me. Give me that beautiful smile he did or when he said my name. I don't think I can.  

I do have to admit to myself that I was too worried about who would have found out. Was it Joe's age? Was it the cougar thing? I drove myself insane with it. I had to remind myself of how this would affect Lyla and his sister. Would they have accepted it? Goosh, why has it been so hard. I cared about him. I know he did or does, who knows. All I know is that he walked out on me again.

I've been trying to avoid Linda as much as I can. I feel so bad, but Lexi made a perfect point, to wait before I tell her, it's over between Joe and I. Lexi is the one friend that would never judge or see it any other way, but now I will have it. She's supportive, and I trust her judgments. I did have faith; when she said, everything will work out and find its course one way or another.

Thank god, I threw myself into work planning our annual company Cocktail Reception. Brian and I have actually been working together on this, keeping my mind at ease, helping me through it. He's not that bad or annoying, after all. I guess you need to trust your instincts and decide what is right, wrong, or just not good for you. I've wasted too much time with thoughts of the inevitable.

I hear a knock on my office door. "Hi, are you busy?" Brian asks, peeking in his head.

"No," I lie.

"Do you want to get some dinner since it's 7:00 o'clock and you're still here? I thought maybe you could use some food. We can go down the street; you've been kicking your ass on this Cocktail Reception." He offers.

"Sure, why not," I accept. I do need something to eat and can use a drink since I haven't had in one in three days," I laugh. Why do I sound like I have a drinking problem?

We walk to the restaurant down the street. Brian stops right in front of Jacks, The restaurant, Joe saw me with Linda, Fricka, and Frack and who has his so-called meetings, with Crystal and let's not forget the porn scene in the bathroom. I blush.

"Brian, is this where you want to eat?" I manage to ask, pointing at. What are the odds of running into Joe here tonight? What am I doing? I look like a fool. It's only dinner. I'm not going to ruin this night over someone who walked out on me.

"Yes, do you want to walk to another one" He offers as he looks into the restaurant.

"No, it's fine, I'm starving and do need a drink ASAP," I answer and walk right in. They sit us right away, and the first thing I do is look over at the table where he sat with those two older men and Her. My stomach felt a sharp cramp every time I think about them both working together. Did he love her? Is that why he keeps her working close to him? Where's the fucking waitress. I haven't had a drink in days, I know that didn't sound good, but now sitting here remembering, I need a stiff one. I think walking in here, wasn't a good idea after all.

"Alix-" I look up at Brian. "Where did you go?"

"I'm so- 

"Hello, can I start you with some drinks" the waiter cuts me off. Oh great. Shit. Um. Now I don't know what I want. Why did I say yes to dinner, and with Brian?

"Yes, I'm sorry," I reply and ask for a Chardonnay, and she then turns to Brian.

"I'll have the same," Brian replies. It's awkward for a moment or two. I'm not feeling it. I glance around the room. I know it's innocent, but coming out to have dinner and sitting here with Brian, I feel as if I'm doing something behind Joe's back. The last time he saw me stand by another man, he freaked. Shit, I can't stop thinking about him.

When it Happened  *(Completed) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now