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I didn't appreciate the way he decided to let me know he has a so-called business meeting in Belize. I guess by throwing my little tantrum and Joe throwing me on the bed and taking full advantage of my SO CALLED WEAKNESS, that I'd be ok with it. Who travels to an island for a meeting. He still hadn't answered me as he walked into the bathroom, but minutes later reappeared. 

"Joe... I've been asking you, how will I get home, I need to get dressed, so will Robert be taking me?" I questioned again trying to keep a calm manner yet still bothered by the fact, by how will I understand the importance of Joe running his business and that Crystal will probably be attending this meeting in Belize. Will I be able to? Is my jealousy coming out of hiding again? SHIT SHIT SHIT

"Alix, I tried to explain, but you threw your tantrum, so I had to make you stop somehow," He says proudly.

"Ok fine, I threw a tantrum."

"Well, actually Alix, I think you're probably going to throw another one, which, I can't wait to see how the outcome ends," he says and winks at me, sending butterflies down my stomach by the way he said that. What is he up to now? Can I really handle another punishment, though the last one was AMAZING!

"Well...?" I trail off, tapping my foot. 

"Alix-" he warns.

"Ok, I'm sorry," I lied and rolled my eyes. He tends to leave so much shit out, it's frustrating.

"Apology accepted,' he said, smiling. Smartass.

"I kindly emailed Anthony that you're going on a business-related trip with my company. Maybe, propose a merger of some kind with one of the companies I own."

My eyes widened as I realized what he said...Wait, did I hear him correctly, he emailed my boss? I busted out in a loud laugh. Joe doesn't look thrilled about the way I'm laughing at him.

"Joe, I think this has to be the funniest thing you've said in the last two months," I said, chuckling at him, waiting for him to tell me he was joking about emailing Anthony. Especially after last night's events.

"And here I thought you were going to throw another tantrum...shit...I was hopeful. A man can only dream," He says, pouting his mouth. MMMM He's standing there, gazing at me. Why do I feel as if he's not joking?

"Wait...What did you tell him, Joe?" I asked in shock. The joke is over, I see.

"Nothing, except that you're accompanying me on a business trip that will be work-related and can, maybe be of any good for your company," he casually says as if this is going to be a business deal I'm trying to win, of some sort. Is he kidding me? Oh, I need to sit down. 

"Joe, so you're telling me you went and emailed my boss, Anthony," I emphasized clearly. "That I'll be on a work-related business trip to Belize with you? I asked as I raised a perfect eyebrow and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, what's wrong with that? I'm not lying about where you will be, Alix. Don't you think that was professional enough?" He replies with his palms up by his thighs like he's done nothing wrong. 

" can't just do that, I mean, Joe...I can't just take off of work in a drop of a hat?" I hissed and stood up on my feet. "Plus, you can't change your meetings or email my boss to let him know I'm joining you in this so-called business proposition," I explained and crossed my hands on my chest, not knowing how I feel about this. 

"Yes I can, I'm the boss, Alix, I can do anything I want," he said flat out. God, he's impossible but a damn fucking hot one. 

"Did you speak with me first about this?" I began. "let me see, did you let me know when you were putting ice all over my body, throwing me on the know," I said in a husky voice trying to get his full attention shrugging my shoulders.

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